
Is it good or bad to shave the intimate area?- El Heraldo Diario

Is it good or bad to shave the intimate area?- El Heraldo Diario

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- With a lot of hair, little or nothing?It all depends on the taste of each person.In recent decades it is normal for women.In that sense, cosmetologist Martha Lamot.

See here: woman, her intimate hygiene is prioritylamota points out that people living in warm climates, such as those on the coast, should do it to avoid the sensation of heat, but warns that the success of this process will depend on the method used to "remove""The hairs.It does not recommend using razor because it causes greater irritation since the hair is not cut with the root and grows thicker.Nor do they recommend using creams because they have the same effect.The expert ensures that the best option is wax because hair is extracted from the root and when growing it does so smoother.Another recommendations for those who decide to remove all hair is to have the protected intimate area, wear cotton underwear and use creams that protect irritation.

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Damage when you shave

Doctors say that this practice should not be done since pubic hair inflames and irritates the hair follicles.It can also cause skin problems such as psoriasis or eccems (dermatitis).If you use a razor to remove the hairs it is common to make small wounds or cause embodied hairs.In the case of depilatory creams they can even cause skin burns by chemicals.You have to pay close attention to the redness and weakening of the pores.If this is combined with high temperatures and humidity, it will become a cultivation broth for bacteria.

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