2022 is just around the corner and with its arrival the traditions or rituals that follow the people or families seek to attract health, abundance, prosperity and more for the new year also come. Una de las más conocidas es la de comer 12 uvas apenas el reloj anuncia la medianoche.
Despite how common this ritual has become, few people know their origin or why they do it.The most popular belief of this tradition is that when eating them, desires are requested and they will bring good luck to the next year, however, this is not all.If you want to know the origin of this popular New Year's ritual and its meaning, continue reading the following note.
Origin of the ritual of the 12 grapes
Actually, there are several theories that are used to explain the origin of this ritual, but the most used back to 1909.It happens that this year there was an overproduction of white grapes in Spain, so mercantiles needed to speed up their sale and began to use deceptive advertising so that people buy them.They began to say that eating 12 grapes on New Year's.
On the other hand, according to an investigation in Spain, this tradition was adopted by the Spanish bourgeois society to imitate the French and Germans who had the habit of the date eating grapes with white wine.However, in Spain they changed the white wine for sparkling wine and decided to accompany the moment with the church bells.
Meaning of the ritual
The meaning of the ritual has been maintained since it began to be done and it is to eat the 12 grapes during the first minute of the year will bring luck all year in love, health, money, etc..
Each grape is supposed to represent a desire or a purpose for the following year and you should think about this while you eat it.It is also believed that each grape symbolizes one month of the year, so the desire of the first would be for January, the second for February and so on, however this belief varies according to the family or country.
While it is difficult to eat 12 grapes in a minute, it is worth trying if it is believed to bring good omens for the following year, especially in the complicated context in which the world is.
As we approach the last days of the year, the products that are traditional to acquire at this time go up their prices.This is the case of grapes, flowers, underwear, menestras such as lentils and candles.
These days the kilo of grapes varies between 3.50 to 7 soles.On the flower side, sunflowers are selling between 15 and 20 soles, while gladioli are between 10 and 20 soles.The lentil kilo is being sold between 3.50 to 5.50 and the price of candles ranges from 1.50 to 3.50 depending on the size you want.In the case of underwear it depends on the model, but a base price is the 12 soles and the one that leaves the most is the yellow.