
Now 12: What can be purchased with the 12, 18 and 30 installments program without interest

Now 12: What can be purchased with the 12, 18 and 30 installments program without interest

The Ministry of Internal Commerce extended the program now 12 until January 31, 2022 to pay purchases financed by credit card, every day of the week, without amount of amount.

In addition, he added the possibility of doing so in 24 and 30 monthly fixed installments, which are added to the existing modalities of 3, 6, 12 or 18 payments.

He did it through Resolution 753/2021 published in the Official Gazette, which specified that white line appliances can be paid by up to 30 installments.

Meanwhile, there will be up to 24 fees for white line, materials and tools for construction, furniture, bicycles, mattresses, tires, conversion kit for GNC gas vehicles and spare parts for motor vehicles and motorcycles, computers, notebooks and tablets, televisions and small home appliances.

The resolution also increased to $ 15,000 the maximum price of prescription glasses and contact lenses, acquired in optics, which can be financed with the program, and included monitors among financing products.

Rubers: one by one

The plan now 12 and now 30 contemplates all national production products and services.The proposals are the following:

The plan now 12 and now 30 also includes vehicle -related items, such as motorcycles (12 and 18 installments), with products whose final price does not exceed $ 250,000; tires, accessories and spare parts (12, 18 and 24 installments);For automotive and accessory motorcycles, conversion kit for GNC gas vehicles and spare parts for automotive and motorcycles.It also contemplates lighting artifacts (3 and 6 installments).

Now 12: Tourism

In the plan now 12 and now 30 intervene in long -distance bus, aerial tickets, hotels and other tourist accommodations enabled by the competent provincial body, tour packages acquired through enabled travel agencies, rental cars, and excursions and activities and activitiesrecreational, all services to be provided entirely within the national territory.

El plan Ahora 12 incluye el turismo.

Other items of now 12 and now 30

How are interest and collection deadlines

The now 12 allows to acquire products from different items, which were expanded in the last launch.

White line appears in the same;dress;shoes and leather goods;construction materials and tools;furniture;bikes;mattresses;books;library items;glasses and contact lenses;Toys and board games;Tires, accessories and conversion kit of GNC gas vehicles and spare parts.

Las bicicletas se incluyen en el Plan Ahora 12.

Also musical instruments;computers, notebooks and tablets;Illumination artifacts;televisions;perfumery;small appliances;Sports preparation services;medical equipment;machines and tools.

Ahora 12: qué se puede comprar con el programa de 12, 18 y 30 cuotas sin interés

The resolution established that suppliers and shops in the operations carried out through credit cards will charge within 10 business days, for sales made with the modalities of 3 and 6 installments, with the application of maximum discount rates of 3, 10% and 6.01%, respectively.

Likewise, suppliers and businesses in operations carried out through credit cards may choose to collect within 60 calendar days with a maximum discount rate of 8.80% direct or within a period of up to 10 business days with a rateDiscount maximum of 11.48% direct, for sales made with the now 12 installments modality.

In the case of 18 installments, the maximum discount rates will be 13.95% if they charge at 60 days and 16.52% if they do at ten;for 24 installments, 20.60% and 23.27% respectively;and for 30 installments, 26.08% and 28.67%.

What is this program about?

The plan now 12 and now 30 allows financing so that different products can be purchased in 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 installments with the credit card without any amount limit.

All the products and services of the plan now 12 and now 30 must be of national production.

The establishment can charge a maximum stop for each financing plan of now 12 and now 30. The maximum total that can be charged about the cash price is:

Where can you buy?

All products and services can be acquired via online purchase and in the premises attached throughout the country, identified by the program poster in its stained glass windows, 7 days a week, with all the credit cards with which you are attached trade.

The program is in force until January 31, 2022.

El Plan Ahora 12 debe ser publicitado por medio de carteles.

Commercial premises and virtual stores must exhibit the logo of the consumers' knowledge program:

I am a merchant ... How do I adhere to the program?

Shops that want to adhere to the program now 12 and now 30 must enter the site of the Credit and Purchase Card Chamber (ATACYC) or communicate with the credit cards attached.

The program discharge must be done with each of the cards you work with.Credit cards will enable a special identification code for sales carried out within the framework of the program and must send an instructive to compliance with the conditions.

Companies must issue a separate invoice that discriminates the commercial operations carried out within the framework of the program.

You can only sell products included in the list of items of now 12 and now 30. It is the responsibility of the trade complying with this rule.


The Secretary of Internal Commerce, Paula Español, said that "the consumption, production and employment" are the variables that "turn the wheel of the economy" and stressed that the program now 12 "is an important tool" to boost them.

In this context, he stressed that "the decision to expand the financing of now 12 to fixed installments for footwear and clothing" was taken "thinking about the benefit of consumers."

In this context, he added: "From the Government we bet to implement the reactivation of the industry and the national economy through the promotion of consumption and the recovery of the purchasing power of wages."

Paula Español, de Comercio Interior, promociona el Programa Ahora 12.

The official said that "now 12 is an important tool to boost the purchases of products and services produced by Argentines and Argentines," and stressed that "it was a fundamental program to sustain consumption during this year and a half of pandemic."

In that sense, he said that "between January 2020 and June 2021, 86.8 million operations were carried out through now 12", and stressed that "the item of higher sales was that of appliances and white line."

That is why it was extended to 30, so that Argentines have greater options to acquire the goods and services they need, and also that they can plan their purchases knowing that the value of the quota will not be modified.

"In the renewal of the program we not only gave the possibility of financing with now 24 or now 30 fixed installments the white line products that are the ones that most bought consumers, but also expanded to 24 fixed installments the purchases of televisions andsmall appliances; computers, notebooks and tablets; mattresses; furniture; materials and construction tools; bicycles, and tires, accessories and spare parts, "said the official.


For his part, the Minister of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, stressed that the expansion of the now 12 program is virtuous because it is linked "exclusively to goods that are manufactured in the country", which "generates a circuit where producers sell more,Consumers have a tool that allows them to finance up to 30 installments ", and helps" to recover production and consumption. "

He also explained that the program now 12 generated operations for more than $ 300,000 million, last year supported sales around 60%, and "so far from 2021 already accumulates a turnover of $ 400,000 million, which we believe we are goingto expand with this possibility of more quotas. "

On the different number of quotas of now 12 and now 30 according to items, Kulfas commented that "it has to do with the cost: there are products that need longer financing."

He stressed on the other hand the case of new refrigerators, who demand lower energy consumption, "which is a positive impact because it can be saved on the light invoice."

"We are in a stage of industry recovery, it is a sector that is producing more, not for 2020, obviously, but produces well above 2019, showing a change of model, which means that we prioritize productive activity inThe country, employment creation, "he added.

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