
The Galician Automobilism Federation cancels prizes in which the winners gave sports underwear

The Galician Automobilism Federation cancels prizes in which the winners gave sports underwear

Santiago de Compostela, Dec 14.(Press Europa) -

The Galician automobilism federation has decided.

Thus, through its profile of the social network 'Facebook', the Melmac Rally Factory team labeled these "lack of respect for women" awards in this sport.

In addition, the Renovafga working group publicly demanded the president of the Galician Automobilism Federation (FGA), Iván Corral, the "immediate withdrawal" of these awards and the "relevant apologies" by a "macho and anachronistic" promotion that consists of deliveringto the participants in the "OPEN ORIGINAL SINCATED DON CO GALICIA MOTOR 2022" SITES OF INTERNAL.

La Federación Galega de Automobilismo cancela unos premios en los que daba ropa interior deportiva a las ganadoras

The Galician Automobilism Federation has sent a statement in which it reports the cancellation of the competition "before the controversy" and argues that "one of the sponsors of the Cup" was the "Galic manufacturer of women's women's clothing original original sin", "Quality and Igepifugal Garments suitable for the practice of sports motor racing".

In addition, after the Federation promoted the competition with its name, Gadis has been "totally" from the organization of this test.

Specifically, he pointed out that he has "a timely collaboration" with the Galician automobilism federation within its RSC program, as with other sports support initiatives.However, it has made it clear that it has nothing to do with the organization of this test or with the gifts of the same."We feel a great repulsion of the attack against the dignity of women," he says.

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