
This is the reason why your black chones shed

This is the reason why your black chones shed

Imagine that you wake up one day very well and feel like wearing that black underwear that you love so much, but when you put it on you realize that the area that covers the vagina now has a stain, as if a little Chlorine would have fallen on him. Sounds like a familiar story to you?

It is common and totally normal for underwear to discolor on the “bridge”, that is, on the fabric that joins the front and back of the panties. This discoloration is much more noticeable in dark underwear and can be annoying for those women who prefer black panties.


This is why your black chones fade

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It's because of your vagina!

The cause of discoloration in underwear is the vagina, it is something completely normal due to the vaginal pH, that is, the level of acidity in your vaginal discharge.

The pH is the scale used to measure the level of acidity or alkalinity of a substance and its numerical values ​​go from 0 to 14. Those substances that are in position 7 are considered neutral, such as blood and pure water .


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The vagina has a pH between 3.8 and 4.5, which makes it slightly acidic. This vaginal acidity has the objective of generating a protective barrier to avoid infections, so in reality, it is something positive. However, vaginal discharge can have a discoloring effect on underwear, which is why your black panties fade.

Stop prejudice!

The patriarchal system has made us believe that female sexuality and the intimate area is "dirty", thanks to that belief, marketing manages to sell many personal hygiene products, such as the famous intimate soaps. Fortunately, more and more female voices are raising their voices against the prejudices of the female body and pointing out that the vagina is not dirty.


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So don't feel bad if your vagina stains your black panties, it's normal, continue to wear your black underwear and enjoy the knowledge and functionality of your body.

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