
Three very normal reasons why you can bleed after having sex

Three very normal reasons why you can bleed after having sex

You know you've had a great fuck when, the next day, you wake up feeling like you've been run over by a Renfe train. You have a hard time even sitting down to pee, the very moment you pull down your panties and discover that there is surprise in the fabric.

You do your calculations and no, it is impossible that it is the rule. The safest thing is that you find yourself before a rest of the previous night.

But is it normal for this to happen?


We can bleed for different reasons. The first and most typical is because, for whatever reason, you receive an unsuspecting scratch somewhere and, as the area is so sensitive, it immediately becomes injured. Luckily, these types of injuries are fixed in just a few minutes.

Somewhat more scandalous are the wounds around the vulva, specifically at the opening of the vagina when, due to penetration of any kind, a mini tear is produced.

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You will recognize these wounds because the blood is very red and it stings the area as soon as you pee (you can probably see it firsthand if you put on a mirror and open your legs).

Although they also tend to heal on their own, it is possible that, if you continue having sex, it will never finish closing, so you should give yourself a break (and say that you do not have the chichi for lanterns).

If for whatever reason the open wound continues, you can always go to get some healing cream prescribed, which works wonders.

And another of the most common reasons why we can find blood -either after a while or the next day-, is due to the impacts received by the vagina.

I already told you that, when we get our period, we don't start expelling new blood. Part of what we see on the first day – that dark brown to burgundy color – is a remnant of last month's menstruation.

At the moment that it starts to turn red, we would be seeing the current rule.

That blood that does not come out until, again, the contractions of the uterus encourage it to descend, is what we can find in the underwear after having sex.

After all, the impacts that occur also help mobilize these fluids and make them go down the cervix (hence they are also dark).

In any case, if for whatever reason you have another type of bleeding or you see that no matter how many days go by, the losses do not decrease, do not hesitate and ask for a medical appointment, it may be a more serious problem.

Duchess Twolips.

(You can now follow me on Twitter and Facebook).

Tags: SEXUAL HEALTH, bleeding, bleeding after sex, blood after sex, safe sex, sexuality | Filed under: SEXUAL HEALTH, sex, sexuality

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