
Blood when the nose sounds: causes, treatment and prevention

Blood when the nose sounds: causes, treatment and prevention

The nose has many blood vessels that can be damaged for various reasons.Once the blood vessel is damaged, it is possible that you experience bleeding more frequent.This is because the scab that covers the broken blood vessel during the healing process can be detached.

However, the most common reasons why you can experience bleeding when sounding are the ones that we expose below.

Nasal congestion or respiratory infections

You can experience bleeding when your nose sounds due to nasal congestion or respiratory infection.Sounding moccos can often cause the breakage of blood vessels.This can also happen if you sneeze or cough too much in a short time, such as when you have a respiratory condition.

You can experience nasal congestion or respiratory infections because of a common cold, allergies, sinusitis or other health condition.That is why it is common in times of springs, for allergy, and winter, for colds.

Cold and dry weather

You may experience bleeding when you sound more frequently in the months of autumn and winter.It is the time when cold and dry air can damage the blood vessels of the nose because there is not enough moisture inside.It can become even more dry and irritated in the winter because you spend time in interior environments with heating that lack moisture.

Sangre al sonar la nariz: causas, tratamiento y prevención

Drying in the nose can also delay the healing of broken blood vessels and cause infections in this area.In addition, this can lead to more frequent experiences of blood in the nose.

Hour your nose and put strange objects

Putting your finger in your nose can damage blood vessels.This is something that usually happens in children, and can lead to a nasal hemorrhage.

You can also experience damage to the blood vessels of the nose if a strange object enters into.Again, young children have the need to explore and try to put things inside the holes of their nose.Even in adults, the introduction of nasal aerosol could get stuck in a person's nose.

Abnormality of the nose

Although we all have a nose, not all are the same.Some forms can cause bleeding when you sound like brat.A diverted partition, holes in the partition, bone spur or nose fractures could be the cause.

It is possible that the nose is not receiving enough moisture if you have one of these conditions, and this can cause blood to appear when sounding.

Treatments to reduce blood in the nose

This condition can be treated at home if you suspect that the cause is not serious.The blood that sprouts or leaves your nose after sounding should be treated by doing the following until the nose stops bleeding: sit down, relax, lean your head forward, tighten your nose to close it and breathe through your mouth.Approximately 90 percent of nasal hemorrhages occur in the lower front of the septum, the fleshy wall that divides the nostrils.

Once the bleeding is under control, keep your head above the heart for several hours and avoid contact with the nose.When the abundant nasal hemorrhage is controlled or if you are trying to stop a mild nasal hemorrhage, you should think about using a saline spray to add moisture to your nose, avoid stealing your nose or sounds like the snacks, apply vaseline inside your nose witha baston and add moisture to the air with a humidifier during the cold and dry months.

Other medical treatment options could be:

Can blood be prevented when the nose sounds?

In many cases, there is no specific way to avoid nasal hemorrhages, but there are some tips that can help prevent them or reduce the risk of these.Usually, playing the nose again and not pinching the skin can prevent minor bleeding.

Other tips to prevent the appearance of blood when sounding are:

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