
Bubbling, the porn for Mormons

Bubbling, the porn for Mormons


If you are a Mormon and you are strictly prohibited from consuming pornography, because according to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), "pornography is the very devil." This is how emphatically the Mormon creed says regarding the demonic contemplation and enjoyment of pornography. Among the commandments of the Mormon Church we find, in my opinion, nonsense such as sex phobia, its functional confinement to an exclusively procreative and reproductive purpose that thousands of acolytes from all over the world embrace. A rigid lifestyle, without plots for hedonism, excesses or the enjoyment of earthly pleasures; there is only room for a life of exclusive dedication to evangelizing and satisfying God's desires.

Honoring that hackneyed, but no less true saying of Made the law, made the trap, some Mormons with lustful thinking and transgressive intentions face divine providence armed with an innovative technique with which to undress any semi-dressed woman, or half-naked, depending on the eyes that look at her. This porn for Mormons is already popularly known as bubbling (bubbling, in Spanish), and it consists of a photographic retouching technique that one of them has thought of to perceive nudity where there is none with the help of images censored by false bubbles .

How to make Mormon prone?

Bubbling, el porno para mormones

Simple. If we dive through the word wide web we can find this blog of curiosities, in which an expert, what would we call it, bubbler? explains step by step, yes, in the language of Shakespeare- the simple technique of bubbling to indoctrinate Mormons of all ages and conditions, in search of sexual stimulation, without sinning. Yes, all for men.

Step 1: Find a picture of a sexy girl. The ideal photo would be one in which the girl appears with little clothing, the less the better. It is not worth that the girl is naked, apparently that offends Jesús quite a lot, but that she shows a lot of cleavage and legs.

Step 2: Go into Photoshop and choose the circular shaped brush. Create a new layer on the photograph and mark with those circular points all the epidermis that you can. Use dots of all sizes, small and large, and avoid overlapping each other.

Step 3: Select the transparency on the circular dots layer. This can be done either by CTRL-clicking on the layer or by right-clicking on the layer and choosing 'Select Pixels'. Once you have it, you just have to invert the selection with CTRL (cmd) + Shift + 'i' or select the 'Inverse' option.

Step 4: Now it's time to create a new layer and fill your selection. Delete the previous layer of points.

And abracadabra goat's foot, there goes the nude with which to motivate yourself forever and ever. And all this, I insist, without sinning or disrespecting Jesus. The truth is that these Mormons manage well. Because I'm not even a follower of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and because this doesn't bother me, but you can't deny that the result is very successful.

I can already imagine Mormons from half the world letting off steam with little bubbles everywhere. But this porn, a bit light for my sexual perversions, is nothing more than a new example that no matter how hard all the religions in the world insist on banning something just because and period ball, there is nothing more exciting than the forbidden. What saint, if not, was Eva going to eat – that one who was not the first woman in history; The happy primeval location is held, unknown to many, by the indomitable Lilith, – with so much spirit the apple of discord and screwing up the lives of all humans. Because of her we have to earn the beans and we cannot walk through the eternal Garden of Eden as God brought us into the world.

With or without bubbles.

To fuck to fuck that the world is going to end.

Tags: eve and adam, fuck, make-love, mormon church, the apple, mormons, porn, pornography, intercourse, sex, sexuality | Stored in: Uncategorized

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