
Sex, everything you want to ask and don't dare | mothers today

 Sex, everything you want to ask and don't dare |  mothers today

Sex is a fun, healthy, emotional, and very intimate way of bringing two or more people together. When they begin to have sexual relations, it is common for many doubts to arise, especially for women due to the fear of becoming pregnant due to having performed a bad sexual practice or having had sexual relations without any type of protection.

The first thing you have to be clear about is that if you want to have sexual relations and avoid pregnancy, you will have to use contraceptive methods. Today, in today's article I want to answer some of the most frequent doubts that you may face regarding sexual relations. If at the end of reading this article you have more doubts, do not worry and leave your comment with your questions.


Is it possible to get pregnant having sex without a condom but ejaculating outside the vagina?

The risks of getting pregnant with the well-known "reverse gear" or producing ejaculation outside the vagina are low, but because of the pre-seminal fluid a pregnancy can perfectly occur, since this fluid also contains sperm. If there has been penetration into the vagina but the ejaculation has been outside of it, there may be a risk of pregnancy.

Also, keep in mind that practicing unprotected sex can cause you to catch an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) so it is better to use a barrier method of contraception in case the person you are having sex with is not your partner. .

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Can I get pregnant with precum?

Is it a good idea to use two condoms at the same time to avoid pregnancy?

Absolutely. Using two condoms at the same time you will not be more sure of avoiding pregnancy because when one condom rubs against another there is more likely to be a risk of breaking, so using two at the same time is a waste of money and can also be a very bad idea. It is much safer to use one quality condom than two at the same time.

Does anything happen if you use an expired condom?

If you use an expired condom and it has not broken, its effectiveness is the same as one that does not break normal without expiration. But using an expired condom means you're putting yourself at risk because it's more likely to break during sex.

If you open the expired condom and it is not broken and does not have any type of defect, nor is it too dry, there should be no problem, but I advise you to use good quality condoms so as not to get any unwanted surprises.

Can you get pregnant if you rub against your partner with your underwear on?

Relaciones sexuales, todo lo que quieres preguntar y no te atreves | Madres Hoy

There is no chance that you can get pregnant if there has been friction but you were both with your clothes on. Even if your partner has ejaculated outside your vagina after rubbing against you but you haven't removed your underwear or entered your vagina, then there is no risk of pregnancy.

Is masturbating a lot bad?

As long as masturbation doesn't comprise your whole sexual life there is no problem for you to masturbate as it is not something that is bad at all. You will have to take into account what your activities are when you masturbate: Is it a fantasy in your mind? Do you prefer to use pornography to masturbate instead of having sex with your partner? How much time do you spend per day masturbating? Does masturbation influence your relationship? If you answer your answers inappropriately, you will begin to realize that then yes, you may have a problem with masturbation.

Can I get pregnant with precum?

Yes, you can get pregnant with precum. Before the man ejaculates he can ejaculate a clear liquid; precum, which is the lubricating fluid that leaks from the penis before and during sexual intercourse). This liquid contains sperm so you could get pregnant perfectly.

If your partner penetrates you without a condom, even if he doesn't ejaculate inside the vagina and ejaculate outside (reverse) or puts on the condom "when he doesn't have much left", you can get pregnant with the precum. The best option is to put the condom on before penetration.

Can I get pregnant with "reverse gear"?

The well-known “reverse gear” or “coitus interruptus” (interrupted intercourse) is when the man withdraws his penis before ejaculating inside the vagina but he does not have a condom on and the woman does not take any type of oral contraceptive or of any kind.

But as I have commented in the previous question, a woman can get pregnant with the pre-cum where the sperm are present. Just a small amount in the vagina is enough for a woman to get pregnant.

Couple relationships

Can I get pregnant a week before my period?

There are women who think that the closer the time for the period to come down, the less chance there is of a woman becoming pregnant. This happens because many people think that a woman with her period cannot get pregnant, but this is not true.

A woman's ovulation can vary from month to month, even in women who tend to have a more regular period. At the time a woman has her period, the ovary releases the egg that begins its journey through the fallopian tubes and normally between day 14 and 21 of the cycle, the woman is fertile, but if it is delayed, she can enter the last week. before the period comes down and to be able to be fertilized. So in this case, yes you could get pregnant.

The best thing you can do is have sex with protection or a condom if you don't want to get pregnant. In the event that you do want, you can calculate your ovulation cycle to be able to know which days of the month you are most fertile.

Can I get pregnant if my boyfriend ejaculates inside me during my period?

Almost as in the previous point, there are people who think that if a woman has her period she cannot get pregnant and this is not the case. The ovum that is being released through the vagina in the form of a period was not fertilized, but there is another ovum inside the woman that has begun the path to settle in the uterus.

In the event that there is sexual intercourse and the egg is where it should be (in the uterus), it can be fertilized and therefore there can be a pregnancy. Sperm can live between 3 and 5 days inside the woman's body, and if within this period the egg is ready to be fertilized, pregnancy will occur.

Should I use birth control to avoid pregnancy?

Yes! The answer is clear, either you take precautions with contraceptive methods in your sexual relationships or if you don't want to get pregnant... just don't have sex. But what is the best birth control method for you? You should find the method that makes you feel comfortable.

Some women opt for birth control pills, others prefer condoms, others condoms with spermicides to be safer... But the ideal is that you go to your gynecologist and you can assess your lifestyle, your needs and what exactly you want. Thus, after studying your particular case, your doctor will be able to tell you which contraceptive method is best for you, such as patches, the ring, the pill, or if it is better for you to continue with condoms.

Remember that if you decide to take oral or hormonal contraceptives, you will have to use a condom at first until your body gets used to the hormones and it is really an effective method.

Can I take the morning after pill whenever I want?

You can take the morning after pill if you've ever had a scare, but don't get used to doing it, because in addition to being irresponsible on your part and that of your partner, the more morning after pills you take, less effect it will have on your body.

Related article:
How to get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?

If I wash my vagina right after having sex, can I prevent pregnancy even if I have ejaculated inside the vagina?

No no and no! This is a myth and even if you wash your vagina after having sex, you can still get pregnant. No matter how many times you wash, sperm are good swimmers that have one goal to accomplish: reach the cervix and travel to the inside of the uterus to fertilize the egg. If you practice sexual intercourse without any contraceptive method, in addition to being exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases, you can get pregnant and wash yourself... it is definitely not a contraceptive method.

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If you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, it is best that you do not practice penetration without protection to avoid unpleasantness.

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