
Super mustache: the unusual cartoon that makes the dictator Nicolás Maduro "superhero"

Super mustache: the unusual cartoon that makes the dictator Nicolás Maduro "superhero"

Una insólita caricatura venezolana trascendió las fronteras de aquel país. Se trata de “Súper Bigote”, el dibujo animado de un superhéroe con la cara del dictador Nicolás Maduro que “combate el imperialismo norteamericano” vestido como Superman.Súper Bigote: la insólita caricatura que convierte en “superhéroe” al dictador Nicolás Maduro Súper Bigote: la insólita caricatura que convierte en “superhéroe” al dictador Nicolás Maduro

The character is part of a short film that transmitted the Venezuelan state channel (VTV) and caused outrage by social networks due to the level of displayed indoctrination.

The cartoon is protagonist of a Nicolás Maduro Slebelto in red suit and blue lay.His slogan is "with his iron hand", a phrase that Maduro repeated when he assumed power in 2013.

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Super Bigote, the hero of Venezuela

The "superhero" appears to "save the day" when a drone causes a blackout of Venezuela, wreaking havoc.Cut and scene, an operating room where an operation is interrupted.

Súper Bigote: la insólita caricatura que convierte en “superhéroe” al dictador Nicolás Maduro

The sabotage in the drawing had been organized by two characters representing opposition leaders: Julio Borges, of the First Justice Party (PJ) and Henry Ramos Allup of Democratic Action (AD);To those who imitate the voice and in tone of Villa say "now we are going to knock him down".

The cartoon wants to understand that the electrical crisis that plagues Venezuela since time of Hugo Chávez was machined by the opposition.More specifically, the blackout that lived in the country in 2019 due to the lack of maintenance in electricity generating plants.

But super mustache, with his red cap/helmet with lenses and with the help of his "team", he manages to tear down the drone, and the light returns.

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The final scene of the short film closes with the evil of this story, the "master mind": nothing more and nothing less than the former president of the United States, Donald Trump.With its characteristic blond hair, sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, the "villain" wears a blue suit with a triangle with one eye in the middle, like the one that can be seen the dollar ticket."I hate you super mustache," says the character after being "defeated".

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