
Use or not underwear: the pros and cons of the trend |GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Largechevron

Use or not underwear: the pros and cons of the trend |GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Largechevron

¿De qué va esta tendencia del No Underwear (no usar ropa interior)?Usar o no ropa interior: los pros y contras de la tendencia | GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest LargeChevron Usar o no ropa interior: los pros y contras de la tendencia | GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest LargeChevron

“Comando en marcha” o bien, Going Commando es un término que se popularizó alrededor de los 90’s gracias Joey en la mejor serie de la historia según The Hollywood Reporter: <> ¿La recuerdas?

However, the history of the current Slang dates back to the 70s, when it was used on American Collegiate Campus and simultaneously the Vietnam War was happening.Currently, the expression among elite soldiers is used as a "you will go into combat at any time, so be ready!"

Reasons?The soldiers who were fighting in the mangroves of that place passed prolonged periods in hot and humid climates of the jungle, with which this triggered the appearance of conditions such as fungi (in fact it was common that is known as inguinal or crural dye)and infections in the skin of the genital area, therefore they had to detach themselves from their underwear and walk there fighting without underpants to prevent and counteract such a situation.Luckily they now use lycra shorts with antimicrobial agents to avoid all this, right?

Although also the CSGT Lee West commented for the Forces site.Net that this expression was also used between the troops when they won the assault equipment and the soldiers left their dirty pants in those sites as humiliation before their enemies as I wanted to say -“Not only did we lower your pants, in fact we had time of time oftake away ours and leave them as a gift ”--.

Burly, liqueras, boxers or nothing ... What is better?

Usar o no ropa interior: los pros y contras de la tendencia | GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest LargeChevron

Anatomically your testicles are out (and not your clothes. Obviously!) Because they require for optimal operation a temperature 4 to 6º C less than that of the rest of your body.So, it is true that the more just your trusas or whatever you use, there will be less ventilation, greater humidity and both your scrotum and the stomach will be displaced upwards, so that it could increase its temperature.

To answer your previous question, there is no other than resorting to what science says.

A study published by the Department of Environmental Health of Harvard University in 2018 and by Mínguez-Alarcón y Cols.For the Human Reproduction magazine in 656 men and with 1186 samples of semen collected, he showed that they wore boxes in boxers type boxers had significantly greater concentration of sperm, greater total count of them and lower levels of stimulating follicle hormone (yes, the one that stimulates productionof the previous ones) compared to those who wore tight underpants or trusas.

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