
10 powdered sports supplements to make shakes

10 powdered sports supplements to make shakes

Protein shakes are, without a doubt, one of the most popular dietary supplements of the moment. In fact, the protein shake is a staple option in the diet of many people, not just athletes and bodybuilders.

Many people use them as a supplement to their diet, mainly for the purpose of building muscle, losing weight, or simply improving general health.

Although conceived for consumption after sports practice, there are also options that are prepared for breakfast, enriched with protein powders, such as protein porridge or protein pancakes.

But, after training, the drink of choice for many athletes and bodybuilders are protein shakes, which consist of a food supplement, usually in powder form, which stands out for its high protein content and low fat levels.

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Every time we do physical exercise, the muscle suffers a series of tears, so it needs to regenerate. And this is achieved through proteins. In fact, all athletes need a certain amount of good quality protein.

They not only help build lean muscle mass and reduce body fat while maintaining muscle tissue. They also allow to optimize the levels of anabolic hormones and increase the metabolism of other nutrients. In addition to improving our cardiovascular risk profile.

Generally, there are different types of protein powders. And the best known are whey, soy and casein proteins. Whey, for example, is one of the most widely used varieties because it consists of a water-soluble milk protein that stands out as a rich source of protein with little fat. In addition, it is a very complete protein, which means that it contains all nine amino acids necessary to cover our nutritional needs.

However, for those who follow a vegan lifestyle, or a vegetarian diet, they can continue to enjoy their powdered sports supplements through soy proteins, or directly by choosing preparations with plant-based proteins.

If you are looking for powdered sports supplements with which to make your protein shakes, do not miss the following options that we discover below.

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