
5 changes in the penis that are not normal

5 changes in the penis that are not normal

Penis problems can be a sign of a non -diagnosed disease

SUSANA CARRASCO | May 17, 2019
Tiempo de lectura: 5 mins.
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Penis health is an important part of the general health of man and goes beyond having or not the ability to achieve and maintain an erection or ejacular.Here are the 5 changes in the penis that are not normal.

Penis problems can be a sign of a non -diagnosed disease, así que presta mucha atención.

Cambios en el pene

Various factors alter penis health, such as unprotected sex, heart disease, diabetes, some medications, smoking and having psychological problems.

Therefore, it is very important that you stay aware of the channels it presents, since they could warn something else:

5 cambios en el pene que no son normales

If you notice the following changes, I immediately go to Alberticus:

1. Salpullido

According to the clinical sexologist, Alexandra Galleti, the salptulide in the penis can be caused by having excess hair, sweat or wearing very tight underwear.

The rash usually causes excessive itching, as well as irritation throughout the area of the pelvis and the English.

Although it looks like an unimportant symptom, the reality is that you can not attend it, it can bring complications, infections and unblocking.

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4. Prepucio contracted

If the foreskin contracts and does not return to its usual position, pay close attention, especially if it begins to cause pain.

This is one of the changes in the penis that could indicate a problem called paraphymosis, which is the strangulation of the glans for the foreskin.

Early medical intervention is necessary so that it does not have damage to the genitals or sexual performance.

5. Warts

Warts in the penis are never normal, they can be generic or a symptoms of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Generally HPV warts appear as small bousts or lump groups in the genital area, around the penis.They can serpequeñas or large, bulky or flat.In some cases they have decoliflor form.

They may disappear, stay the same or increase their size and quantity over time.

Review and verify that you have no new warts or packages in the penis, scrotum, anus, mouth and throat.

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