
Dreams have a meaning: why they look like what you do during the day

Dreams have a meaning: why they look like what you do during the day

Dientes que se caen, zapatos y ropa que desaparecen, lugares a los que intentamos llegar pero por unas causas u otras no logramos avanzar. Todas las culturas del mundo tienen una serie de sueños y pesadillas que se repiten, lo que incrementa aún más lo mágico y maravilloso que es el mundo onírico, ese lugar bello, misterioso, disparatado a veces y terrorífico en otras, al que todos podemos acudir independientemente de nuestra clase social cuando cerramos los ojos y dormimos. Los sueños tienen un sentido: por qué se parecen a lo que haces durante el día Los sueños tienen un sentido: por qué se parecen a lo que haces durante el día

Dreams have caught the attention of the whole world since time immemorial and there are many who have tried to unravel their messages with more or less luck.Surrealists such as Dalí, Magritte or Chirico, for example, reflected in paintings full of sexual references, apples and mannequins abandoned in large esplanadas.You, for your part, worry when you have relationships with your boss, who you really hate.Can dreams really reveal our deepest secrets?

Oritic worlds

If you use the 'Interpretation of dreams', by Sigmund Freud, you will probably try to understand that strange dream that made you wake up suddenly, with your heart throbbing very quickly: did it mean that you have repressed your sexual instincts or thatAre you stressed at work?The truth is that dreams can provide useful information about our lives, but despite what Hollywood has tried to make us believe, there are no studies that show that they can expose our internal functioning.

The ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians saw them as messages from the gods.The Greeks and Romans used them to predict the future

Los sueños tienen un sentido: por qué se parecen a lo que haces durante el día

"There are really no investigations that support that point of view," explains the psychologist and dream researcher at Harvard's Faculty, Deirdre Barrett in 'Live Science'."No dictionary or dream interpreter can tell you what it really means," he explains.And we are not the first to want to know why we dream that we flew, in reality humans have always sought meaning in that period that pass sleeping.The ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians saw them as messages from the gods.The Greeks and the Romans used them to predict the future.The belief that they house truths saved inside us that we do not really know date Freud at the end of the 19th and early twentieth century.He proposed that dreams functioned as a kind of fulfillment of hidden desires, thus revealing our most repressed desires.

Los sueños sexuales más comunes y lo que significan en realidad
Ada Nuño

"In the pages that follow, I will demonstrate that there is a psychological technique that allows to interpret dreams, and that, if this procedure is applied, every dream appears as a psychic product provided with meaning to which it canVigil ", the essay begins.Since then, science has advanced a lot and suggests that things are a bit simpler or more mundane than what Freud proposed."Dreams do not hide encrypted or fantastic messages.In fact, they usually look more like what you think or do during the day of what you imagined, "explains the psychologist.

During dreams, the 'cocktail' of chemicals in our brain changes

However, that does not mean that dreams do not make sense.The latest investigations suggest that, while we dream, we are actually just processing the same interests, memories and concerns that would normally take us the day."We are having illusory fantasies, thinking of threats and fears, also in our loved ones," explains Barrett.

Therefore, dreams have a psychological meaning with extensions of our thoughts and concerns in the state of vigil, they are frequent narratives of our daily lives (although strange facts happen, as your mother becomes a giant bird).That is because our brain works very differently when we are asleep. During dreams, the 'cocktail' of chemicals in our brain changes.Some portions of our brain become much less active;others, more, such as the secondary visual cortex, in charge of forming images, which is the one that makes our fantasies so lucid.

Some psychologists see this as a valuable tool.While the psychologist and psychoanalyst Karl Stukenberg of the Xavier University in Cincinnati is skeptical that dreams contain intrinsically significant symbols or channel repressed desires, use 'the interpretation of dreams' both with their students and their patients."A dialogue between the parts of the mind arises that work in a more symbolic sense and those that do it logically," he explains.

Either because you have ever had a premonitory or lucid dream or because, you simply believe that the time you dreamed that you would win the lottery meant something in relation to your finances, the truth is that the dream world still needs a lot of research so thatWe really come to understand the magnitude of the same.And it is not a trivial matter, taking into account that we spend at least one third of our life in Morpheus's arms.

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