
Hemorrhoids: What are, causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemorrhoids: What are, causes, symptoms and treatment

Sitting, going to the bathroom, not being able to wear more tight clothes ... are some of the limitations that live in their daily lives who suffer from hemorrhoids.Also popularly known as Almoranas, they are very annoying inflammations that are located and developed in the anal area.It is a much more frequent problem than people recognize and think.Half of the population would have suffered or is in treatment for them.In many cases, surgery requires the only way of solution.But what are almoranas?What causes the appearance of hemorrhoids?

The diversity of typology, evidence and consequences have made them one of the black “beasts” of the population: they may appear visible (at the outer edge of the anus), or be inside the anus (they appear between 2 and 4 cm aboveof the opening of the anus).Its diagnosis, in most cases, only requires an auscultation.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids or almorranas are veins of the anal channel that become inflamed and dilated.In this process, they form a kind of valves in the area of anal sphincters that remain closed at specific moments in which the area suffers a great pressure.They contain both blood vessels and tissues and fibers.

When the blood of these glasses coagulates, acquires its bluish appearance and swells, causing pain to any friction.Almoranas only bleed at the moment when this nodule of blood vessels and fibers break.

Its size and location can vary from one person to another, and are classified into types according to the development stage in which it is:

• Degree one implies that hemorrhoids do not stand out

Hemorroides: qué son, causas, síntomas y tratamiento

• Grade two, that the almorranas disappear them alone

• Grade three, by which hemorrhoids are manually reintroduced

• Grade four, which are permanent.

In general terms, since each case should.


Why do hemorrhoids appear?What makes a person suffer from Almoranas?The causes of this annoying and painful pathology are multiple.It has come to relate to heart insufficiencies, with constipation problems, and quite the opposite, with chronic diarrhea and even genetic elements.

Until now, it is known that certain efforts involving the intestinal zone have a direct cause-effect relationship.For example, take a lot of weight or childbirth, in the case of women.The type of diet that is available also directly influences (spices such as paprika or spicy, exacerbate it), or lead a very sedentary life.

Hemorrhoid symptoms

The symptomatology of hemorrhoids is not serious but it is upset.The person suffering from Almoranas, is very likely to feel the presence of a hard and painful lump in the anal area, which will be visible or not depending on whether it is internal or external.When defecating, it is perceived as if the intestine really was not prepared, and then signs of blood may appear in the stool and the anus, being able to become painful.

Another symptoms that are associated with hemorrhoids is itching.In most cases, coagulated blood does not form infection, but the organism's reaction causes inflammation in the area and therefore, a certain itching.

However, although it is a minor pathology, in some cases it can become a serious problem when intense anal bleeding is produced, the natural action of sphincters is infected or neutralized and symptoms of fecal incontinence appear.In the most serious cases they can lead to the appearance of anal fistulas that open a new focus of infection for the sensitive area of the anus.

Hemorrhoid phases

Hemorrhoids can be developed in four phases, which correspond to the four degrees that we have seen before.

In phase I there is mild inflammation of the anus wall, whether internal or external.In the next phase, lunch has grown inside the anus.They can be expelled when defecating, but they reappear.In phase III of its development, we find prolapsed hemorrhoids, that is, outside the anus, and the person has the feeling that there is something "hanging" from the anus.When they reach the level or phase IV they have a large size and cannot be voluntarily expelled, but require a treatment.


Is it possible to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids?Yes, even when genetics influences, certain patterns in lifestyle help delay their appearance and are milder.One of the first measures you can adopt has to do with the diet: prioritizes fluid intake and a more balanced diet, in addition to performing recurrent moderate exercise.

Treatment for hemorrhoids

In most cases, hemorrhoids disappear by themselves, without the need for specific treatment.Now, when symptoms such as itching or recurring stingy appear there are a series of guidelines that help significantly reduce the discomfort generated by Almoranas.

In milder cases, with a slight change of lifestyle, increasing fiber consumption, and topical treatments combined with hot baths, keeping the area clean, you will notice an instant relief.When they appear in the form of a clot, it can be extracted, always by the optional, through an incision that helps to drain it and relieve that pressure.

In these phases and degrees of hemorrhoids, the doctor can even assess that the patient takes a medication as analgesics.In no case is it a method to cure but to relieve symptoms.Now, they should never be used for more than 7 consecutive days, and, of course, they should not be combined with other treatments for hemorrhoids.

In the case of bleeding almorranas, this flow can be cut by applying an elastic band that cuts irrigation and makes it dry, and thus facilitates less painful extraction.Surgery is only recommended when the rest of the treatments is not effective or are not recommended for the person.

Esta información no sustituye en ningún caso al diagnóstico o prescripción por parte de un médico. Es importante acudir a un especialista cuando se presenten síntomas en caso de enfermedad y nunca automedicarse.

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