
History in documentaries: an essential chapter of the 2

History in documentaries: an essential chapter of the 2

Islam arises in the seventh century,

After Judaism Christianity.

It is the last to be born the three monotheistic religions.

From the Arabian Peninsula, the prophet Muhammad and his disciples

They will conquer an immense territory.

The diffusion of Islam is quick and deep roots.

The conquests of this new religion

They are accompanied by the construction of new places of worship:

The mosques.

Sacred monuments.

Witnesses of men's faith

and symbol of the power of the great Muslim sovereign,

The mosques tell us through their diversity

The whole story of Islam.

A history marked by conflicts

Among the successors of the prophet, leaders of powerful dynasties.

Each of these dynasties, with their cultural roots,

His identity, his architectural genius,

Leave a monumental imprint in the history of sacred architecture.

From the Middle East to the confines of Asia,

From Andalusia to the banks of the Bosphorus,

In the cities of Ispahano el Cairo,

The most beautiful jewels of Islamic art reflect this competition,

but also the incredible fusion of cultures and influences.

"Mosques, art and space".

After the death of the prophet Muhammad, in 632,

His followers lead dazzling military conquests.

In order to establish its legitimacy,

The objective is clear: take Jerusalem,

and impose itself at any cost in Santa de Jews and Christians.

A man leaves his mark in the city:

The Caliph ABD al-Malik, of the Umayyas dynasty.

Great strategist, at the end of the seventh century

decides to erect a huge, dazzling monument,

disconcerting and capable of generating a visual shock:

The rock dome.

One of the functions of this building

It is being seen from distance, being a focal point.

It was the tallest building in the holy city;

And then, obviously, I had that gold coating,

that made it shine.

Since the end of the seventh century,

Testimonies are innumerable

that speak of the magnificentnce of this building.

In Jerusalem, Islam is a new religion.

The abd al-Malik calipa ordered

The construction of the rock dome

In a specific site,

rising over the two sacred monuments of Christians and Jews:

The Holy Sepulcher, the tomb of Jesus,

and the wax wall, the most sacred place of Judaism.

Obviously, it is a city that had its history,

before the arrival of Islam,

And Islam was aware of it.

But from the point of view of Islam,

And I also believe that from the point of view of the caliph,

This space is built a message for Muslims,

but also for other religions.

Here, men and women mix,

contravening the rule observed in all mosques;

Because, surprisingly,

This essential monument in the history of Islam

It is not a mosque,

It is a powerful proselytizing tool

To achieve recognition of the new religion and its prophet,


In the inner walls they incorporate mosaics

With discrete inscriptions,

Insert the decorative elements.

A text written in complicated calligraphy,

one of the oldest Arab writing forms,

It occupies 240 meters, surrounding the entire construction.

The message Reblael's sense of the monument;

And he addresses directly to Jews and Christians,

known here as "book people".

Man voice.

Book people, do not exaggerate your religion,

Do not say about God except the truth,

that the Messiah Jesus is just the son of Mary,

And simply a messenger of God.

These inscriptions are fascinating,

because it is a text that strictly addresses Jews and Christians;

First, invoking the figure of Jesus, son of Mary,

to insist on your professional paper.

Jesus is a prophet,

One of the most important prophets in the prophets chain,

and one of the great prophets of Islam;

And at the same time Jesus is nothing more than a prophet.

Jesus is not the Son of God.

This message presents the third monotheism to Islamcomo.

The monument is built around a rock

extremely symbolic.

According to tradition, about this rock

Abraham set out to sacrifice his son Isaac.

It is a naked rock.

It is what is called a mother rock;

So it is not soil or land; it is a mother rock.

And like all rock formations that emerge in Jerusalem,

He witnesses the origins of an original story.

In a cave located under the rock, the faithful come to pray,

and direct their prayers to Abraham.

The rock symbolizes an original narrative

that Jews and Christians and had in common,

and that the new religion is incorporated naturally.

The founding base of the monotheisms,

The founding act of the three monoteoisms,

the founding act of the alliance between the divine and human beings,

Through Abraham, God's friend,

It is the request of his son's sacrifice,

and is represented in this rock.

So that the entire building

It is like a manto contains a pearl.

The dome is a box, a case for that pearl,

With the rock in the center.

And a pillar of Islam, prayer.

It is practiced five times a day in the direction of Mecca.

Inside the dome, women submerge their right hand

In an aromatic cavity,

whose perfume, with which the face is impregnated,

It is supposedly that of the prophet.

Another ritual is to contemplate later

The surface of the rock in search of a footprint, however invisible.

According to tradition, this Huella left the prophet

at the time he ascended to heaven.

Islam is not unarellation of incarnations,

And therefore it does not exist ...

The cult of relics of any kind.

But at the same time, the faithful need signs.

Therefore, if there is no cult of relics,

But nevertheless signs are needed,

What left the footprints of the footsteps?

They are the traces of the past,

of the prophet's transit on the earth.

The affirmation of these religious identity,

in continuity and confrontation with the other religions,

Architecture will also be reflected.

Islam seeks to attract new believers;

I need an architectural proposal

at the height of its ambitions.

Plans, structure ...

Muslim builders

They are inspired by the monuments already present,

and at the same time they mean their own codes.

We have an octagon before us.

It is the perfect transition between the square and the round, the circle;

And as we know very well, in the Islamic tradition,

In religious anthropology in general,

The circle is the divine and the square is the earth.

The dome of the Rocaes a direct contact point

between the divine and earthly world.

For this first monument of Islamconquistador

They are reused in great technical measurements

and the materials used by Christians.

Supported on a circular arch of 12 columns and 4 pillars,

With a diameter that rondal them 20 meters,

The dome is as sumptuous in its interior as outside.

And it is about 30 meters high.

Its structure is covered by sculpted copper leaves,

enhanced with Yesoy engraved with Quran verses.

On the sides, the windows reflect the light,

And the mosaics are omnipresent.

The dome of the Rocaes an excellent example

What am I going to use to underline

The link between the countertops and civilizations.

Islamic art during the periodomeya was linked to religion;

But it was the artists were crowded and adorned the churches

who became the new religion

y decoraronThe rock dome.

The art of mosaics, inherited from the Byzantine period,

It is perpetuated in one of the last ones that remain in Palestine.

With the same movements, the same skill to carve the tiles,

These fragments of glass of glass,

Artisans reproduce the most beautiful reasons

of the dome of the rock

to take very necessary restorations to Cabolas.

These mosaics have become the identity seal

of the Omayya architecture.

The use of glass was related to light,

with the lighting of the sacred place.

Not just to illuminate us,

but also to create an adequate atmosphere.

The lighting that we find in the dome of the rock

It was designed with the purpose of creating an environment for cult.

For a square of ten by ten centimeters

We need at least mosaics;

So for a square meter we need ten thousand.

So for this incredible construction

How many people are missing to cut the tiles

and create the mosaic?

What they did is extraordinary.

After the construction of the cupulade the rock in Jerusalem,

The conquests of the Umayya dynasty

continue a brilliant speed.

From the East nearby to the Atlantic coast.

But in 750, power changes hands.

Umayassa leaders are decimated by other Muslims,

His enemies, the abasi.

A territory escapes its control, the Iberian Peninsula.

The last survivor of the Umayyas takes refuge there:

La Historia en los documentales: un capítulo imprescindible de La 2

The young Prince Abderraman first.

Abderramán founded his new state in Córdoba,

On the banks of the Guadalquivir River.

Right -handed and charismatic diplomat, Abderramán I

Search at all costs to relive the influence of the Umayyas,

Despite the annihilation of sudinasty by the abasi.

And for this you need to build the great mosque,

inspired by buildings built by their ancestors,

as the dome of the rock, of Jerusalem.

Córdoba will soon become the artistic and cultural center

Of all the Muslim Andalusia, called by then Al-Andalus.

Abderramán I is a omeya

who has escaped a bit of this end of the dynasty in Damascus,

He has gone through North Africa, has gone through the Strait

And here he gets good,

that the Muslim governors the peninsula

of al-Andalus because they choose emir

and Abderramán and builds here that great mosque.

Abderramán I when he builds this mosque

You will use a whole series of materials

that has at your disposal throughout Córdoba,

There were many Roman buildings on foot,

Apart from all Visigothic churches.

This mosque, this building orders to build Abderramán I

In 785.

In 786, Abderramán I dies

And the building is practically finished,

that is, it is an extremely fast construction

and according to that speed in execution

We can house some hypothesesque giving body

To this constructive system.

If we build an arcosolly with two stone candles,

The two candles have to be perfectly carved

so that the arc enters load.

However, we alternate stone candles

and two brick candles allows a very accelerated construction

of two stone candles that with the brick board

That little geometric rigor of the two candles is absorbed, right?

Rethinking is a fundamental issue.

After the construction of the Abderramán I Mosque, in 786,

several expansion phases allows to accommodate

to the growing number of faithful.

The gigantic works of expansion

The Mosquitain the second largest in the world convert

After mecca,

with an area of more than 23,000 square meters.

Among these extensions, one is extraordinary.

The one that begins the Caliph Alhakén II,

where we find a sumptuous Mihrab decorated with gold.

Mihrab is an essential architectural piece,

presenteen casi todas The mosques.

Indicates the direction of Mecca,

the orientation that the faithful must adopt to pray.

This mihrab is very large,

When we enter a huge space,

With which it gives us a sensation effectively,

Give a door sensation ...

Door to the other side, right?

towards light and paradise.

So yes, there is a special expectation in this part,

The architects have measured very well to make a space

That leads us to that point.

So that for example this central nave that we have here

Visualize very well, that path to the straight path,

That idea of bringing them to the Mihrab

which is like a kind of light door,

so that the Muslims when they approached that place

They saw that kind of light that will lead to paradise,

that will lead them on the right path to a true Islam.

Having Iberian Peninsula dominate

For more than five centuries, Muslim power is threatened.

Christians begin fighting to expel Muslims.

Is the reconquest,

The new conquest of Muslim territories.

Fernando III recovers Córdobaen 1236.

It is the end of Muslim cult in the mosque.

But the Catholic king will make the surprising decision

of not destroying the building.

Constructive characteristics and that great sumptuousness,

that splendor of the decoration we see

They made anyone conscious

that he was in front of an authentic architectural jewel

And that was evidently an attractive building

And that could continue to work to pray to God in this case

and that his demolition was crazy.

It is still a sacred place,

A place that was previously used to pray to Allah

and is used at that time to pray to God.

But in 1523, a radical decision is made:

The destruction of the monument center

To build a new cathedral, embedded in the middle of the mosque.

Three titanic works will be necessary

to complete its construction for the glory of Christianity.

Modeling monument for a great story,

transformed and redesigned,

The Mosque-Catedral of Córdoba made different civilizations.

Each era has left its mark on the stone,

and the sacred thread of construction crossed the centuries.

The reconquest led by the Catholic Monarchs

He pushed Muslims into exile in North Africa.

It was the final end to the last Umayyas.

In the ninth century, while the abasi caliphate controls the Muslim world,

Ibn Tulun, a young and ambitious governor,

It is sent by Califaa the city of Cairo.

There he will build anxtraordinary monument.

The mosque is considered a jewel of abasi architecture.

Of all the mosques of Cairo, it is the oldest.

It is the affirmation of a sober, simple,

On the contrary to the omeya ostentation.

With its huge square patio,

It is also the largest mosque in Egypt.

The most important of this mosques the simplicity of its architecture.

An architecture that is not ostentatious, which is not striking.

It is an architecture that has no color in its decoration,

Neither tiles, nor paintings.

Everything is pure.

And it was built with very simple materials,

with refractory brick coated with stucco;and that's it.

Ibn tulun, sponsor of the construction of this mosque,

He is the son of a slave to Samarra, Iraq.

When he arrives at Cairo, one of suspice visionary decisions

It is creating a new city center, it will be a mosque.

Its architects demands a new style,

But he wants to contain an element

Reminding the mosque of his hometown, Samarra,

With its unique mine, spirally.

Ibn Tulun orders a copy and joining her to her mosque,

as a mark of the presence of Egypt.

Start projects that announce a huge advance

In Muslim architecture.

When he wanted to build his mosque, he told the architects:

"In my mosquean columns must be used."

And the architects asked him: "Why complicated so much?

Too easy:

We go to any monumentantiguo,

to one of the churches or synagogues that are in ruins,

We recover the columns and we build. "

This was how preceding mosques had been built.

And he replied: "No, no, no, I don't want any of that,

I do not want you to destroy monuments antiques, churches or synagogues.

What I want is to build the type of pillar that I want. "

In his desire to distinguish his predecessors,

Ibn Tulun imposes a new consciousness of Islamic art.

Inspired by the Iraqi deserts in which his childhood passed,

wants to value this inheritance,

favoring the sobriety of decoration.

This means a total breakdout of the art umayya,

which is based on the elaborate Byzantine style mosaics.

The abasses arrived, and erased every Byzantine style.

And to print a new personality to Islamic art

They went to abstraction.

The 128 windows of the mosque, perforated on the thick walls,

They are all different.

It is a job of incredible delicacy,

that alternates sculpted geometric shapes in the stucco,

a variety of plasters,

and raw material of the entire mosque lining.

Mixture of plaster, tail, powdered marble, lime off,

Chalk and pigments, all linked with water,

The stucco allows the preparation of dense coatings

with the appearance and hardness of the stone,

But leaving artisans

The freedom of real creations.

Inherited from Greeks and Romans,

The stucco is today a artistic element

characteristic of abasi art.

We see that the windows never stirred in relation to the arches,

although we want to focus them unconsciously;

And once we have centered a window,

We see a second,

so that we move inside the building

Until we focus it, without realizing it.

And once the second is centered, we focus the third,

then the fourth, and the progression continues,

We are moving inside the building.

And at the time we are inside

In constant movement,

It is when we perceive the maximum degree of architecture;

Because architecture is meaning, it is the art of movement;

It is not the art of static structures,

Because they are living inside.

During the five daily prayers,

The mosque leaves its silence for a moment.

The faithful, men of the neighborhood,

They come to prostrate themselves in front of the Mihrabque points to Mecca,

The direction of prayer.

In the times of Ibn Tulun, we imagine it here,

in front of this mihrab, with a great crowd behind him,

in the heyday of greatness that returned to Egypt,

During his term as governor.

But after progressive weakening,

The abasi dynasty is extinguished.

From the thirteenth century, theotomans dominate the Muslim world.

Constantinople, today known as Istanbul,

It becomes the epicenter of power.

In the 16th century, the Ottoman dynasty reaches its peak

Under the reign of an extraordinary sultan,

Solimán the Magnificent.

At the time, it was the most populous city in the world,

a crossroads between the East and West.

Like all powerful sovereign, orders construction

of a monumental mosque in his honor:

The Solimán Mosque.

Ottoman Golden Age Symbol

And reminder of his most illustrious Sultan,

It is today one of the most representative monuments

of the history of Muslim sacred architecture.

Like every Friday, the mosque attracts a multitude of faithful

To the great prayer.

La oración es el único ritual que secelebra en todas The mosques.

No other ceremony, neither marriages nor burials,

It has a place in the temple.

To build your mosque,

Solimán The magnificent chooses a strategic location:

The top of a hill, overlooking the city and the bosphorus,

with the banks of Europe and Asia both sides.

A symbol for which I would be nicknamed

"The Sultan of the two lands and the two seas."

Solimán the magnificent is 50 years old

When he decides to build the mosque and its complex.

Until that age has spent most of his life on horseback,

conquering a vast empire that extends from the Balkans

to central Europe and Hungary,

reaching the doors of Vienna.

Then, to leave a strike only from his empire,

but also of the glory of Islam, decides to build this mosque.

The construction of the Mezquitase also explains

for a practical need.

Constantinople, increasingly populated,

He desperately needs places of worship

where to welcome the faithful.

Mimar Sinan, the architect of the sovereign,

will be in charge of addressing the task of creating a building

that eclipsed to the Basilica of Santa Sofía.

Assuming him as a personal challenge, he will conclude his work brilliantly,

and will be remembered for her

as the master of Ottoman Islamic architecture.

In order to satisfy Sultan impatience

for having a mosque as large and sumptuous as possible,

Do not hesitate to bring exceptional materials

From the four confines of the empire,

or to dismantle older sacred monuments.

The great innova architect

adapting its architecture to the needs of the Muslim cult,

which requires large open spaces for prayer.

Its objective is to dispose of the minimum possible columns,

to transmit the sensation of a wide and clear space.

More than a hundred windows

They project natural light inside the mosque.

The stained glass windows, made with Venetian crystal,

They are often of a bright blue or red color,

which accentuates the target of the stone.

Since the representations of human beings,

And even animals, are prohibited in Islam,

la caligrafía ocupa un lugar centralen la decoración de The mosques.

The Ottomans become consummated teachers of this art.

It was an era that the printing press did not exist.

The population did not have a Koran reproduction.

The presence of verses

and important comments in mosques filled this void

and allowed the faithful to sacred texts.

Both inside as outside,

calligraphy reproduce the main verses of the Quran

and the main rules of the practice of Muslim faith.

Mimar Sinan achieves the feat

of building a building of such magnitude in just 7 years.

Solimán's pressure was so intense,

that the architect had no choice.

The Sultan wanted to see his mosqueterminated before he died,

And above all, he didn't want to be overcome by the SAH,

His great Persian enemy.

It is a story that illustrates secular rivalry that exists

Among the Ottoman Empire the Persian Empire.

This confrontation culminates under the great Persian dynasty

of the safavidas.

At the beginning of the 17th century,

The greatest of the safavid sovereign,

I long to convert the capital, Isfahán,

In the epicenter of Chiism.

Chiismo and Sunism are two different branches of Islam.

This division goes back to the death of the prophet.

Face the followers of the descendants

From the family of the prophet, the Shiite minority,

And those who profess the prophet's colleagues loyalty,

The Sunni majority.

The Ottomans are Sunnas, while the Persians are Shiite.

This religious peculiarity

Architecture will also be expressed.

At that time, there were intense competition in Isfahána

between the city of Isfahan and the Ottoman Empire,

whose capitalist the city of Istanbul.

The Safar Sovereign

He wants to build a major and majestic square

whose fame will extend and become better known

than the city of Istanbul and its monuments.

The jewel of this square the SAH mosque,

built at the beginning of the 17th century.

It is the centerpiece of the vastoproject of the Sah Abbas

to transform the city of Isfahán into the capital of Persia.

The effect produced by the patio, a huge open -pit space,

is awesome.

Four gigantic porches of Persian tradition,

They are distributed in a perfect game of symmetry.

The Persian style, inspired by Shiite thought,

Create areas at a human scale.

The colors occupy a preponderant place,

And in particular the blue, the symbol of heaven,

Very present in Persian mosques.

It is evident that in this new architectural and urban vision

that arises under the government of the safavidas,

The goal is not simply to build.

In the center is the human element.

The human being becomes the reason for being,

on the main axis of the design of a building.

The principles of fluidity and transparency begin to follow.

This results in lighter, and brighter buildings.

From its construction, almost four centuries ago,

The Shah Abbas mosque has suffered the ravages of time.

Extreme temperatures,

The intensity of the light and the inclement weather

They have degraded the famous ceramics

that confers the monument of its beauty.

In 2013, only a restoration project was launched

Under the Auspices of UNESCO.

After the last evening prayer,

When the mosque door closes,

The restorers return to their workshop,

installed in the recruit of the building.

In the stillness of the night,

They draw the cutting plans of ceramic tiles

They will use for the restoration of the dome.

What we see here is a plane of a part of the dome.

My family is dedicated to this teacher for generations,

And it is a trade that I must preserve.

It is an art that comes from the safávida era.

Each section consists of about 25,000 ceramic fragments

of different shapes and sizes.

In the dome as a whole, about 500,000 fragments

covering its entire surface.

My maternal grandfather also dedicated himself to this trade.

He was Master Hossein Kashitarash, tile cutter.

In the Civil Registry of the epoch, he added to the name

the corresponding family name of the family.

That is why the name was Hosseiny his last name Kashitarash,

which means tile cutter.

The SAH Mosque falls on the night.

Once cut,

The pieces are assembled following lanumeration, as puzzle.

In the dome there are about 500,000 ceramicfragments like these.

And that adds a huge weight.

In fact, we have almost a thousand tons of overweight in the dome,

Only in decoration.

At that time, our ancestors, our ancestors,

They designed this dome by using very precise calculations

so that it could endure this enormous weight.

The particularity of this huge dome

It is a double helmet system,

A technique that revolutionary sacred architecture

because it allows the construction of even larger domes.

It consists of the construction of two overlapping domes.

The exterior is based on the smallest inside.

This design allows you to distribute the weight

at the same time that the elements of the structure masca.

Another ingenious detail of the dome the acoustics.

In theory, the faithful distributed by the entire mosque

They should not be able to hear the prayers from the room.

But at a central point of the ground, in the exact center of the dome,

The slightest sound spread throughout the mosque space

creating an echo.

The vaults horared in the walls and in the dome

They act as a resonance box.

The great dream of Sah Abbas, with his visionary idea,

is to achieve a modernity

in which man and nature face them,

They are intimately related.

For him, architecture must reflect the image of the world.

Between the visible and the invisible,

between nature and architecture,

The safavidas achieved a synthesisisperfecta

that has endured to this day in Isfahán.

After the death of the Sah Abbas, Safario elimperio enters decline.

But culture perspectives flourishing in India,

where Muslims live from the first conquests of Islam.

In the seventeenth century, India is governed

by a great Muslim emperor of the Mogol dynasty.

The Mogoles, native to Central Asia,

The arts are largely inspired by

and safavid architecture.

The monuments built under their reign

They mark the peak of Muslim expansion in India.

One of the symbols of this Mogol dynasty is the Jama Masjid,

Delhi's great mosque.

It is an open mosque.

The covered space minimizes,

While the patio of oraciones immense.

This mosque is integrated

in the heart of the bustling old town of the city.

The three large doors to the bazaar that surrounds the building.

As soon as the threshold is crossing, purity rules are applied:

It is mandatory barefoot and is not allowed to eat.

But the patio is still a vibrant place,

that receives a constant flood of faithful.

It is undoubtedly a living monument.

That is why this mosque

It is not only different from other places of worship,

but also to the rest of historical monuments.

When one visits other places or sacred monuments,

There are not so much influx of people.

And that is the reason that this mosque is so beautiful.

People travel all corners of the country

To see the mosque.

And among them, there are people of all religions.

There are Hindus, Christians ...

This mosque, so important for Delhi's Muslims,

He was born by the will of Emperorsah Jahan.

His name means "king of the world",

And it was one of the most important Mogoles emperors.

Shah Jahan, the sovereign builder,

would go to the historiade world architecture

After erecting the famous Taj Mahal,

A huge mausoleum dedicated to his beloved wife.

Shortly after, Shah Jahan

He embarks on a new architectural challenge:

The construction of the Jama Masjid Mosque, opened in 1656.

The construction of this temple unifested the will of the sovereign

to make Delhien a true imperial capital.

The emperor mogolten an ambitious vision,

and wanted to capture it in the monuments.

Competed with other sovereigns, such as the Ottoman Emperor

or the safávida king of Iran.

Therefore, one of the most prominent aspects of the Jama Masjid Mosque

It is his grandeur.

You can host 25,000 people.

The emperor makes the mosque in a hill.

His desire that dominates the entire city,

even above your own palace.

The mosque remembers a fortress,

A feature that shares with others in the region.

In case of conflict, especially with other religions,

They offered the possibility of becoming a refuge

For Muslims.

It is mainly built with red sandstone,

The imperial color.

This unique color offers the possibility

of a contrast -based decoration:

Red is combined with white or black marble

to create patterns inspired by Persian ceramics.

The Mogoles come from an Áreade Central Asia

where finely elaborate mosaics and tiles are used.

So it was a technical known in India,

So they had no alternative than using colored stones

that are in abundance throughout India.

And Shah Jahan used them perfectly.

It was an idea that came from Persia, but the artisans were Indians.

So many of the elements that we can still contemplate today,

They are neither purely Persian, nor purely Indians.

A mixture of both.

In spite of everything, King Mogolbograd develops his own style:

They arcose a particular pattern,

in the form of a toothpay.

They are found throughout the mosque.

This is one of the originalities

of the architecture of Shah Jahan,

based on the repetition of characteristic elements.

Inside, there is prayer carpet built in stone,

With marble and black stone.

The registration behind me, which is a long inscription,

It has a beautiful calligraphy.

And it is made to use any other material.

It's just stone.

These calligraphic inscriptions tell the history of the monument.

They tell us, for example,

that the mosque cost a million rupees,

A considerable sum for the time.

And that many semi -precious stones, today missing,

They then adorned the walls.

But this pearl of architecturamogol is threatened today.

It has been deteriorating due to the monzones,

Heat and pollution.

A dozen years ago, he underwent important reforms.

In particular, you had to rebuild the facades in stucco.

At the time of Shah Jahan, the stucco was not used to decorate,

but to replace marble.

The emperor felt fascination by this noble stone,

But due to its shortage, marble was extremely expensive.

They could not afford to put this side of the facade.

So, so that the strong result, so that it seems marble,

They used white stucco.

The difference is distinguished.

This is the marble facade,

while in this part, from here to the other extreme,

Stuk was used with calpo to give the appearance of marble.

To prepare and apply the stucose follows the traditional method.

The composition of this products has preserved.

It is practically equal to that they were during the Mogol period.

We use previously sprayed bricks with other elements,

For example, we use fruits that have adhesive qualities,

And we mix them.

And in some places, we also use legumes.

There is one called Urad Dal, which are black lentils.

It is edible in India, but here they soak them water,

They crush them and then mix them.

To the recipe is also added fossiliferous, egg white,

cream and tobacco juice.

Surprising materials, but at first glance,

The illusion is perfect.

On Friday, the day of great Muslims,

Mosque employees candy from very early.

Place prayer carpets for the faithful throughout the esplanade.

Shortly after lunchtime,

Prayer begins.

On two pedestals, men reproduce the gestures of the magnet,

which allows the large multitude of believers to follow the rhythm.

The magnet directs the prayer,

and also plays the role of spiritual guidance.

During the great sermon of Friday addressed to the faithful,

raises theological issues,

But also laddes advice on everyday life, family,

or on current issues.

All his words inspire the Quran

and in the words of the prophet.

The responsibility of the magnet

is to transmit a message of humanity,

and prevent people from doing evil.

The magnet has many responsibilities.

Throughout the world there are wars,

And our obligation is to try to stop them.

At the dawn of Islam,

The prophet Muhammad received his teammates at his own home

To pray all together.

But to grow in number, and impose itself to other religions,

It was necessary to build monuments.

Where Islam was established, mosques were built.

Desde The construction of the rock dome,

a finales del siglo VII,Muslim builders

They have rivaled with architectural challenges, technical feats

and artistic creations in name of their dynasties

and of his powerful sovereign.

But the mosque, which were the times and territories,

has remained the temple

in which a synonymutable ritual is practiced

and of immense simplicity: prayer.

These mosques are a testimony

of the thirst for spirituality of men

and of the universal need of the human being to connect with the divine.

Subtitulation made by: Ana M Gil Fdez-Marcote.

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