
How to lower fever at home

How to lower fever at home
Valoración: 5 (1 voto)1 comentario
Por Mariola Báez. 28 octubre 2021

Fever is not a disease, but a response from the organism that defends itself in an infectious process caused by viruses or bacteria.Fever in children is a frequent symptom, which shows the reaction of its immune system to the different pathogens.It should not always be an alarm signal, although, of course, due attention must be paid especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, neck stiffness...or if it is very high and is presented suddenly.Also adult fever is something relatively normal, which can arise as a consequence of ailments that in principle do not have gravity, such as a cold or a slight throat infection.In this case, although without alarmism, it is important to monitor how fever evolves by going to the doctor in case you persist and that remedies to lower it do not work.In this article, we clarify from how much a fever is and we give you some basic tips on how to lower fever at home without putting your health or yours at risk.

También te puede interesar: Cómo bajar la fiebre sin medicamentos
  1. From how much is a fever?
  2. Antithérmics
  3. Use cloths with fresh water
  4. Báñate with warm water
  5. Wear light and ventilate clothes
  6. Eat less
  7. Be sure to have good hydration
  8. Try to sleep more
  9. Use medicinal plants to lower fever
  10. Check with your doctor
  11. What should not be done to lower fever

From how much is a fever?

Before taking any measure or resorting to some medication, it is important to know what the normal temperature of the body is.Determining it exactly is not simple, because each organism is different and also the sensations of each one, when that temperature varies a few tenths or degrees, it is very diverse.With 37 ºC in the thermometer, a person can feel frankly badly and, instead, another does not notice symptoms of fever. Para aclarar este tema, médicos de la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria[1] explican que, como norma general, se puede considerar febrícula una temperatura corporal de más de 37,5 ºC y que a partir de 38 ºC tenemos fiebre (independientemente de nuestra temperatura basal).Here we indicate the temperature range:

Here you can learn more about when fever is considered.


Cómo bajar la fiebre en casa

Know how to lower the fast fever will depend largely on knowing the suitable drugs that can help us achieve it.If there is no medical contraindication, antitermal or antipyretics, such as paracetamol, are appropriate medications to lower adult fever and also reduce other minor symptoms, such as headache and general discomfort.

Remember that you never have to self -medicate.Especially in the case of children and in that of infants, prior consultation with the pediatrician, before giving them any medicine, it is essential.

Use cloths with fresh water

When the fever occurs and it is necessary to reduce body temperature without exceed.Also, put it in the neck area and on the inner face of the dolls and knees can help reduce the temperature.

Báñate with warm water

As in the previous case, immerse yourself in the bathtub and take a bath in warm water will make the thermal contrast between the water (cooler) and the body, make part of that heat that causes the fever pass to the water and thusYou get the temperature.We must insist that the bathrooms should be with warm water, never cold, because the abrupt contrast could be more harmful than beneficial.

To learn more details, you can read our article about, is it good to bathe if you have a fever?

Wear light and ventilate clothes

Instinctively, we tend to war.When we cover ourselves, we make, unintentionally, our temperature increases.The advisable to lower fever is to cover with light clothes, or with a sheet if we are in bed and not with blankets.

Similarly, allow fresh air to enter the room, ventilating the stay a few minutes, it will also favor a drop in the ambient temperature helping us to fight fever.

Eat less

Another thing you should do if you have a fever is not to eat too much, think that heavy or difficult digestions will cause the body to have more problems to fight, since it will have to focus on solving digestive discomfort.In addition, when we get packed, the temperature rises, so it will be worse for us if we already have tenths or fever.

Therefore, the best thing is that you eat something light like broths, purés, a little boiled rice or some fruit.The important thing is to facilitate digestion while we benefit from vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for our body to improve.

We advise you to take a look at this other article on food to lower fever.

Be sure to have good hydration

If you wonder what to take for fever, the answer is simple: you must ingest abundant liquids, especially water at room or natural temperature, because you will help to refresh the interior of the organism and you will also avoid dehydration.Especially children and older people need to maintain a good level of hydration as a natural method to control fever.

Apart from water at room temperature, you will also hydrate with broths and infusions, but remember not to take them very hot.

Try to sleep more

Undoubtedly, the best for fever in adults and children is rest and sleep as much time as possible, especially if it's just tenth.In fact, the ideal is to sleep and rest as much as our body asks us and, in this way, we will surely help it fight the problem and reduce the temperature more effectively.

Use medicinal plants to lower fever

There are also some natural remedies to lower temperature such as the use of medicinal plants, a very common and effective practice especially when it comes to fever.Some of the medicinal herbs that will help you in this case are:

These plants can be taken in infusion or can be added in infusion to the water of the bathroom or to the wet cloths.

Check with your doctor

As we have said, fever is not a disease but a symptom that something is not right in our body.Given its presence, and especially if the body temperature is altered without apparent cause, it is very high or does not finish lowering, it is important to know what causes it.

Therefore, the medical consultation is always advisable, whether it is made telephone, online or face -to -face, although the face -to -face to facilitate the doctor the exploration of symptoms and the performance of tests and the performance of tests is always preferable.

What should not be done to lower fever

Before an episode of mild fever that, in principle, is not alarming, you can put into practice the advice that we have indicated but, in addition, you must try not to make some frequent mistakes.Take note of what you should not do:

This article is merely informative, in Uncomo we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or perform any type of diagnosis.We invite you to go to a doctor in case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to how to lower fever at home, we recommend that you enter our family health category.

  1. Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria. Pacientes Semergen. Disponible en: https://www.pacientessemergen.es/index.php?seccion=enfFrecuentes&subSeccion=enfFrecuentes&idTipo=a9frooOCvtnVfu61q7UQ5AsUwa_UuNO01Zm6WPnImX0

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