
How to prevent chest cancer and other benign pathologies

How to prevent chest cancer and other benign pathologies

The main function of breasts is to produce breastfeeding milk.However, throughout history, the part of the body that has identified the woman has been considered: symbol of maternity and protection, inspiring works by great artists, erotic fantasies and, above all, in a society in theThat the aesthetics prevail, an element that marks the beauty of the female silhouette.

Thus, it is justified that every woman feels proud of her breasts, apart from her size.But, beyond these criteria, what is important is her health.

In the mind of a woman he sometimes plans the fear of breast cancer but we must bear in mind that today, thanks to the early diagnosis and increasingly individualized treatments and with less side effects, it can be cured.

It is possible to have suffered breast cancer without having suffered a mastectomy or, in the case of having suffered it, undergoing immediate or deferred breast reconstruction (after months or even years) that return their figure to the woman.

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The breast is one of the most delicate areas of the body and that demands the most care.It is composed of three types of tissues: the adipose (or fat), the connective-fibrous and the glandular.

Within the breasts are structures called lobulillos, responsible for producing milk.Of them are born 15 or 20 breast ducts, called galacóforos, whose function is to drive the milk to the nipple.

Lobulillos and breast ducts are found in a tissue called stroma.In it cohabit the blood vessels and lymphatics.

The latter drain the axillary lymph nodes, determining in the dissemination of cancer because through them cancer cells extend to other areas of the organism.Therefore, the lymphatic ganglion that is closest to the tumor, called the sentinel ganglion, is important to know the cancer prognosis.

Are benign alterations in the chest frequent?

About 60% of women experience some pain in the breasts throughout their lives, without that meaning that they suffer from a serious pathology.In fact, most of these ailments are related to the menstrual cycle and the action of hormones (estrogens and progesterone).

Most breast packages that require biopsy, for example, turn out to be benign.They are called "Benign Breast Disorders" but although specialists are usually harmless to go to the gynecologist in any of these cases:

Normally breast pains are usually treated with contraceptives (if there are hormonal imbalances) and with adequate hygienic-dietary measures, but you can resort to homeopathy, phytotherapy and other natural treatments, such as Primula and Onagra oil, which canRelieve mild discomfort.

The most frequent Benign Brewer disorders are the following:

1. Mastalgia

Breast pain may or may not be associated with the menstrual cycle.Normally it appears during ovulation and disappears with the period.It can be barely noticeable or so severe that the woman cannot wear tight clothes or even tolerate contact.

Although it is an uncomfortable discomfort, it is usually harmless and is rarely due to a tumor condition.In fact, if so, it would be benign and cystic type.

If you are not related to the menstrual cycle, it is usual to have its origin in some trauma or blow to the breast.It may also be due to arthritic pain in the chest and neck cavity that radiates to the lower area of the breasts.

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2. Benign nodules

It is one of the most common conditions among young women, whose breasts are usually more fibrous.When palpating them, they can present small nodular areas (or packages) that increase their size with the rule and disappear after menstruation.

The two most frequent types of knots are cysts and fibroadenomas:

3. Fibrochistic mastopathy

Cómo prevenir el cáncer de pecho y otras patologías benignas

It is usually closely linked to the menstrual cycle and almost all women can suffer from 30 years.There are women with very fibrous breasts who present this desire at earlier ages, like at age 20.

There are several types, complex or adenostic fibrochistic mastopathy, for example, presents more problems to the specialist since it corresponds to very dense, woody breasts, causes more pain in women and is accompanied by the frequent appearance of cysts.

4. Mastitis

It refers to an infection in the bosom, although it can also correspond to an inflammation.The breasts get hard, reddened, heat and hurt.

Breastfeeding mastitis is the most common.During this stage, the woman's nipples cracks and facilitate the entry of a bacterium present in the baby's mouth, which through the ducts are quickly multiplied in milk.It can also occur by an obstruction of the milk duct.

The treatment must be determined by a doctor.You can prescribe warm compresses and massages to try to eliminate obstruction and antibiotics and anti -inflammatories to combat infection, lower inflammation and treat pain.

What if it is breast cancer?

The ailments treated here are not a danger to the health of women.The one that entails the most risks is undoubtedly breast cancer.

The relative medium survival of breast cancer after five years is 89.2% globally, according to SEOM.The advance has been due to the most effective diagnosis and more effective medical treatments.

The causes of breast cancer are unknown.Even so, some factors may increase the risk of suffering from it.The most common is age: at an older age, greater risk.However, in recent years the incidence in young women has increased significantly.Therefore, preventive and early detection programs have been reduced at age 40.

"It is thought that breast cancer increasingNatural substances, inappropriate medications and possibly delays in the first pregnancy, "explains Dr. Armando Tejerina, president of the Mama Pathology Center (Tejerina Foundation).

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Long exposure to hormones due to early menstruation or late menopause, oral contraceptives, alcohol or obesity are also risk factors.As well as having a family history of breast cancer.However, having one of them or everyone does not mean that the disease is going to suffer.

On the other hand, it has been said that oral substitute hormonal therapy (THS) and in high doses, to treat some of the symptoms associated with menopause, can increase the incidence of breast cancer.That is why it is important that women who undergo this therapy do not neglect their breast reviews.

How to face diagnosis?

Although most of the breast nodules are benign, before a diagnosis of cancer the patient is dragged to a kind of roller coaster in which the feelings of fear, frustration and confusion are the protagonists.

However, it is important to remember that trying to have a positive attitude is vital.To overcome, it is useful:

On the other hand, not all breast cancers are the same.Therapeutic options vary considerably according to the size of the tumor, the number of affected nodes and if metastasis has occurred or not.Also, every woman has the right to request a second opinion and all the necessary information from her doctor.

It is important to know, for example, that the physical ravages of chemotherapy can be alleviated, such as hair loss (both head and eyebrows), dry skin, nail erosion ... nail erosion ...Feeling that it has not lost attractive or even that it has earned authenticity is a very valuable weapon to face the disease.

Likewise, the AECC makes free psychological support and workshops or adequate physical activities available to patients and family members, such as relaxation techniques.

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Undoubtedly, if something has contributed to changing the way to face the disease has been breast reconstruction and, above all, the immediate, because the loss of the breast can cause serious disorders in the mood and even trigger a depression.

In our country, a large part of the interventions in advanced centers opt for breast conservative surgery (it is not fully removed).Even so, around 8,000 women lose a breast every year and would be possible candidates for reconstruction.Many of them do not want to hear from re -entered an operating room and resign themselves to live with an amputated breast.

"I am sure that many of them would have agreed to be rebuilt at the same time that their chest was removed if that possibility had been offered," says Dr. Jorge Fernández Delgado, coordinator of the Functional Unit of Immediate Mammary Reconstruction UnitIn La Paz hospital.

There are several methods used for breast reconstruction: with its own tissues or with implants similar to those used in breast increase surgery.Own tissues offer less risk of rejection and are more natural but the operation is more complex.

Preventing is cure

In any case, the important thing is to prevent.And this begins by carrying a healthy diet, in which fruits and vegetables abound, and comprehensive cereals and legumes are included.

Studies seem to confirm that variations in the global distribution of breast cancer are closely linked to differences in the way of life, which includes the type of food.The magnitude of the differences is sometimes surprising;For example, in countries like China and Japan the incidence of breast cancer is almost ten times less than in the United States.

Regular sojase intake relates to a lower risk of suffering some types of cancer dependent on hormones, such as breast.Soja contains isoflavones, which are plant estrogen, with a nucleus very similar to human estrogens, female hormone par excellence.

During the fertile period of women, prolonged exposure to human estrogens is one of the risk factors for developing breast cancer, as well as any other type of cancer that depends on hormonal fluctuations.If these human hormones are present at too high levels, they can cause cell division, followed by uncontrolled growth that could lead to the appearance of a malignant tumor.

Phytoestrogens have a much weaker action than human estrogens (about 200 times lower) and usually inhibit their action.The interest that soy has aroused is due, therefore, to the possibility that phytoestrogens are likely to reduce the risk of an uncontrolled cell division.

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But a healthy and balanced diet is not enough to preserve chest health.Physical exercise is fundamental.In fact, according to the latest investigations, women who practice it regularly seem to reduce the risk of breast cancer up to 30%.

Any sport is valid to enjoy good health while implying small doses of aerobic activity.Simply acquire the habit of walking, running or bike.

Breastfeeding, good prevention

If the chest is checked correctly, they do not have to hurt the nipples or produce infections or inflammations.On the contrary, several studies suggest that breastfeeding reduces the risk of contracting breast cancer.

The possible protective effect of breastfeeding could be due to the temporary cessation of the production of hormones in the ovaries, which reduces the exposure of women to estrogens and progesterone.

However, there is another theory, controversial, which indicates that the secretion of milk could eliminate the carcinogens of the breast ducts.On the other hand, with breastfeeding, the decrease in breast glandular volume is also achieved and, therefore, also of the risk of anomalies in the structure of the gland.

Among the most common complications that can occur during breastfeeding are hypogalactia (or milk shortage), breast inflammation, cracks in the nipples or mastitis.In the baby, the consequences are usually an insufficient diet, irritability and weight loss.

To breastfeed and avoid complications it is advised:

How to make a breast self -exploration?

Knowing the form and texture of the breasts themselves is essential to be able to detect unexpected changes, to which you have to consult the doctor immediately.Simply acquire the habit of examining them regularly.

Periodic visits to the gynecologist serve, among other things, so that it performs a physical examination of the breasts that allows to detect early if there is any lump that makes the presence of a evil injury suspect.He can even ask for a breast ultrasound, which does not involve the risks of the radiation of a mammogram.

But in addition to the reviews, it is very advisable that the woman be carried out regularly.The most conducive moment for this is two days after the end of the menstrual cycle, after the shower or before dressing.To carry out a correct self -exploration:

  1. Frente a un espejo y de pie, con los brazos en jarras, observa tus pechos, tanto de frente como de lado. Fíjate en la textura de la piel, su aspecto y su coloración.
  2. Coloca los brazos detrás de la cabeza y vuelve a examinarlos. Busca posibles protuberancias, rugosidades o cambios en la piel y la textura.
  3. Con los brazos en alto, observa los pezones y comprueba si su aspecto es normal. Aprieta el pezón para detectar posibles secreciones.
  4. Túmbate y coloca el brazo de la mama que vas a examinar debajo de la cabeza. Presiona con los dedos contrarios toda la mama, desde el pezón hacia fuera en movimientos circulares. Continúa desde la base de la mama hasta el pezón. Posteriormente, puedes dividir imaginariamente el pecho en ocho partes y palpar todas las zonas del exterior al interior.
  5. Cuando hayas realizado este movimiento palpa toda la zona de la mama, examinando también las axilas, con movimientos de arriba abajo y de abajo arriba. Repite la misma exploración con la otra mama.

You can also perform the previous movements in the shower, since the skin softens and it is easier to detect possible alterations.Do not forget to also observe the armpits.

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