
Royal Decree 27/2021, of January 19, by which the

Royal Decree 27/2021, of January 19, by which the


  • I

    The improvement of waste management is a priority in the European Union environmental policy.In this way, the objectives sought through community and national regulation are the protection, preservation and improvement of the environment and human health, the guarantee of a prudent, efficient and rational use of natural resources and the promotion ofCircular economy principles.

    Directive two006/66/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, of September 6, relating to batteries and accumulators and batteries and accumulators residues and by which Directive 91/157/EEC is repealed, was incorporated into the systemSpanish legal through Royal Decree 106/two008, of February 1, on batteries and accumulators and the environmental management of their waste.

    For its part, the Directive two01two/19/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, of July 4, on waste of electrical and electronic devices (hereinafter RAEE) has been transposed to the Spanish legal system by Royal Decree 110/two015,of February two0, on waste of electrical and electronic devices, which developed Law twotwo/two011, of July two8, on contaminated waste and soils, in the matter.

    Both directives have been modified by Directive (EU) two018/849 of the European Parliament and the Council, of May 30, two018, which modifies the two000/53/EC relative to vehicles at the end of their useful life useful, Directive two006/66/CE relative to batteries and accumulators and pile and accumulators residues and the two01two/19/19/EU directive on waste of electrical and electronic devices.This directive consolidates the principle of waste hierarchy established in Directive two008/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 19, two008, on the waste and by which certain directives are repealed, urging the adoption of the measuresnecessary to guarantee the practical application of the order of priorities of the waste hierarchy.

    Likewise, the Directive (EU) two018/849 of the European Parliament and the Council, of May 30, establishes that reliable communication of data related to waste management is essential for an efficient application of the regulations and to guarantee the comparability ofData between the Member States, so that they entrust them to use the most recent norms developed by the Commission and the methodology developed by the corresponding competent national authorities responsible for the application of said directives.

    These two issues addressed by the Directive (EU) two018/849 of the European Parliament and the Council, of May 30, two018, must be incorporated into the Royal Decrees in force in the matter respectively.


    This Royal Decree aimsEuropean and the Council, of May 30, two018, and ensure the principle of precaution and prevention in the management of piles, accumulators and batteries and electrical and electronic devices.In addition, an improvement in the management of batteries and accumulators and RAEE is intended by establishing clearer standards that increase the level of legal certainty.

    The standard is structured in two articles, which modify both standards respectively, three additional provisions, which refer to aspects related to the authorization of the waste management facilities, to the adaptation of the individual systems of expanded responsibility of the producer and to the update Of the amounts of the financial guarantees of the extended responsibility systems of the producer of domestic electrical and electronic devices, a repeal provision and four final provisions, the first one to specify a provision on the collaborating entities in Royal Decree 646/two0two0, of July 7, which regulates the removal of waste by means of a landfill, so that it is consistent with the provisions of Law twotwo/two011, of July two8, in relation to its collaboration in the inspection; the second in order to complete the incorporation into the Spanish legal system of the forecasts contained in the two016/twotwo84 of the European Parliament and the Council, of December 14, two016, regarding the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants, by The one that modifies the two003/5/CE Directive and the two001/81/EC Directive is repealed; and the remaining two related to the incorporation of the directives of the European Union and the entry into force, respectively.

    The first article modifies Royal Decree 106/two008, of February 1, and is divided into seven sections.

    In section one, the Royal Decree introduces new LER codes (European Waste List) for the identification of battery waste, accumulators and batteries considered dangerous.It is an own state coding whose purpose is that they cannot be diluted in the generic category of "other batteries and accumulators" waste that must be distinguished, due to their peculiarity and characteristics, in their collection, storage, transport and treatment.This forecast is completed with an annex V in which these codes are detailed.

    The dynamism of the sector offers new and numerous types of batteries, accumulators and batteries, which derive from the growing demands of new uses and needs, such as those associated with the electric automobile sector.Thus, this novelty responds to the need to adjust the regulations to the new reality, characterized by the existence of new batteries, accumulators and batteries that are not represented in the current framework of waste.

    Likewise, this classification is adapted to the principle of precaution and prevention, and responds to the scientific evidence of the danger of certain components present in the waste of batteries, accumulators and batteries, such as lithium, which is increasingly found in electrical appliances andElectronic (hereinafter AEE) and in the automotive sector.In addition, it is intended to ensure that the obligations related to the proper collection and treatment of waste are adapted to the peculiarities of these new types of batteries, accumulators and batteries, in order to preserve human health and the environment.

    The rest of the aspects introduced in the first article refer to the communication of data by the Spanish State to the European Commission, and the need to encourage the principle of waste hierarchy.The need for producers who subscribe voluntary agreements to comply with their obligations as an individual expanded responsibility systems of the producer is also clarified.

    The second article of this Royal Decree modifies Royal Decree 110/two015, of February two0.In its forty -three sections, the provisions that allow the Directive (EU) two018/849 of the European Parliament and the Council, of May 30, two018, and on the other one a series of provisions that introduce improvements in thecited standard.

    First, as a result of the observations made by the European Commission in relation to the transposition of the Directive two01two/19/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, of July 4, two01two, it is necessary to guarantee the correct incorporation of theDirective that operates in the matter of RAEE, and consequently improve the adaptation of the Royal Decree to the Directive.

    Among other aspects, Annex XIV is restructured in order to add valorization objectives that AEE producers must directly meet.In Spain, RAEE can only be treated in facilities that meet the valorization objectives for each type of category, grouped by treatment groups and collecting fractions, as established in article 37, section 5.

    In addition, over five years of validity of the Royal Decree, the existence of certain aspects susceptible to improvement has been revealed, either through the RAEE Working Group of the Waste Coordination Commission, or through the evaluationof compliance with the obligations derived from it by the different agents involved.

    Specifically, in the modification of the fourth section of article 7 it is specified that the costs of collection, treatment and elimination of the RAEE in which AEE producers had not appeared in the invoices that involve the commercialization of an AEE, inany point in the chain.In this way, the diversity of concepts is eliminated in the invoices of intermediate commercial operations that are assuming computer costs, inequalities and incoherence between different types of AEE.All this without undermining the necessary transparency, by guaranteeing article 7 the information of the costs derived from the management of the SARE through the means specified.

    In addition, the modification of article two9 should.This derives from particularities in its composition and in their management as a residue that differentiates them from an exceptional way within its category, which makes it necessary to introduce the possibility of establishing specific objectives for these devices in order to allow you to follow upadequate waste management they generate.

    It is also necessary to highlight the modification of article 38 with the objective of clarifying the role of AEE producers in the field of their responsibility, specifying in a more detailed way the responsibilities they assume.

    Likewise, the scope of the Royal Decree is extended to all AEEs, which are classified into the categories collected in Annex III.These categories do not involve a limitation to the scope but a mere classification of the devices.In addition, the improvement of coherence is introduced in the Coordination in the field of SARE through the RAEE Working Group.

    Due to the opening of the scope of the Royal Decree, it has been necessary.

    The financial guarantees required in the authorization procedure of the Expanded Responsibility of the Producer of AEE have also been reviewed, modifying point two of Annex XVII and reducing the amount of the amounts of the financial guarantees of the Domestic AEE producers.

    On the other hand, and in relation to both standards that are modified, and in order to prevent the consequences for the environment that the imported products that escape the obligations of the expanded responsibility of the producer, it is considered to be considered to reinforce theControl of compliance by importers of registration obligations in the Industrial Integrated Registry, both in the case of electrical and electronic devices and batteries and accumulators.

    Given the above, and considering the controls that are already carried out in accordance with Royal Decree 330/two008, of February two9, which adopt control measures to the importation of certain products regarding the applicable standards in mattersProduct safety, it is considered adequate that the review of compliance with the registration obligations in the Industrial Integrated Registry at the time of importation, avoiding the introduction of products into the Spanish market that have not fulfilled their obligations.


    This rule is adapted to the principles of good regulation established in article 1two9 of Law 39/two015, of October 1, of the common administrative procedure of public administrations, and in particular, to the principles of necessity and effectiveness.

    In accordance with the two aforementioned principles, this Royal Decree is justified for a reason for general interest, while it is based on the protection of the environment by reducing the adverse impacts caused by the generation and management of the SARE and Pilas, accumulators and batteries.In addition, this standard advocates the best possible management of this waste, guaranteeing their correct treatment, which, ultimately, minimizes potential damage to people's health and avoids pollution of the environment.

    This Royal Decree complies with the principle of proportionality and legal certainty, since it regulates the essential aspects to ensure adequate management of batteries and accumulators and RAEE waste, modifying only those aspects for which the clarification and clarification andImprovement of both Royal Decrees together with the necessary transposition of the Directives of the European Union.In addition, this normative initiative is exercised in coherence with the legal, national and community system.

    Likewise, it respects the principles of transparency and efficiency, since all public information and audience procedures are met that give participation to all agents involved and does not contain any administrative burden nor will it mean the increase in human and economic resources available by the administrationGeneral State.

    In the procedure for the elaboration of this rule, the procedures of hearing and public information referred toNovember two7, of the Government.Specifically, economic and social agents, autonomous communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla have been consulted, as well as local entities, through the Waste Coordination Commission, by virtue of article 13 of Law twotwo/two011, of July two8, and the most representative sectors potentially affected.Likewise, reports from other ministerial departments or agencies that have been deemed appropriate have been collected..In addition, the project has been submitted to the Environmental Advisory Council and the process of public participation, in accordance with the provisions of Law two7/two006, of July 18, which regulates the rights of access to theInformation, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters (incorporates directives two003/4/CE and two003/35/EC) and with the provisions of Law 50/1997, of November two7, of the Government.

    This royal decree is issued under articles 149.1.13.ª and two3.ª of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the exclusive competence in relation to the bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity, as well as to the basic general legislation in environmental matters, respectively.The authorization to carry out this regulatory development is contained in the third final provision of Law twotwo/two011, of July two8, which empowers the Government of the Nation to issue, within the scope of its powers, the regulatory provisions necessary forThe development and application of this law and, in particular, to establish norms for the different types of waste in which particular provisions regarding its production and management will be set.

    In its virtue, at the proposal of the Fourth Government Vice President and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographof ministers at their meeting on January 19, two0two1,

    I have:

    Article first modification of Royal Decree 106/two008, of February 1, on batteries and accumulators and the environmental management of its waste

    Royal Decree 106/two008, of February 1, on batteries and accumulators and the environmental management of its waste, is modified as follows:

  • Cinco. El apartado 6 del artículo 15 queda modificado en los siguientes términos:

    «6. The Autonomous Communities will supervise the collection rates every year, following the scheme that appears in Annex I, and must inform the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge for this Department to send electronicly to the European Commission the corresponding annual reportsWithin the first eighteen months from the following year to which these reports refer, without prejudice to the provisions of Regulation (CE) N.o two150/two00two del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de two5 de noviembre de two00two, relativo a las estadísticas sobre residuos.The reports will indicate the way in which the necessary data were collected to calculate the collection rates."

  • Seis. Se introduce un apartado 3 en el artículo two0, en los siguientes términos:

    "3. Producers who sign the voluntary agreement must have established their own individual system of expanded responsibility in accordance with article 7.

    The conclusion of voluntary agreements can in no case replace or avoid obligations on expanded responsibility that exclusively correspond to producers."

  • Siete. Se añade el anexo V con la siguiente redacción:


    National Ler codes of battery waste, accumulators and batteries

    The national Ler codes mentioned in article 3.j) They are the following:

  • Article Second Modification of Royal Decree 110/two015, of February two0, on waste of electrical and electronic devices

    Royal Decree 110/two015, of February two0, on waste of electrical and electronic devices, is modified as follows:

    The producer defined in section h) subsection 4.º, which established in Spain sells AEE in another Member State in which it is not established, will appoint an authorized representative in said Member State as a person responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the producer in said Member State.Likewise, the producer defined in section h) subsection 4.º, established in another Member State that markets AEE in Spain, will appoint an authorized representative in Spain as a person responsible for fulfilling the producer's obligations in our territory.The appointment of an authorized representative will be made by writing in writing."

  • Tres. Se añade un nuevo artículo 5 bis con la siguiente redacción:

    «Article 5 bis incentives for the application of the waste hierarchy

    In order to achieve the objectives established in this Royal Decree, the competent administrations will use the economic instruments or other measures to encourage the application of the principle of waste hierarchy, among others, those contemplated in Annex IV Bis of theDirective two008/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, of November 19, two008, on the waste and for which certain directives are repealed, as well as in Law twotwo/two011, of July two8."

  • Cuatro. Los apartados 3 y 4 del artículo 6 quedan modificados del siguiente modo:

    "3. Without prejudice to the requirements of the Union in the field of adequate operation of the internal market and product design, AEE producers may establish cooperation mechanisms or voluntary agreements with those responsible for the repair and reuse of these devices, with the centers ofPreparation for reuse and with those responsible for the treatment of the RAEE to facilitate the repair, reuse, disassembly and valorization of RAE, its components and materials.In the event that the products put in the market contain exempt applications from Royal Decree two19/two013, of March twotwo, they must inform the public through its web pages.

    4. AEE producers, with a market share by category greater than 0.1%, they will prepare prevention plans for RAEE Trienals in which their prevention measures will be incorporated.Producers will inform about the agreements and prevention plans to the Waste Coordination Commission.

    The plans will be presented before October 31 prior to the triennium to which they refer.The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, at the proposal of the Coordination Commission on Waste or the Autonomous Community where the headquarters of the affected producer is located, may require additional information about the prevention plans.Once the validity of the Trienal Plan is finished, the producers will send a monitoring report of said plan."

  • Cinco. La letra c) del apartado 7 y el apartado 8, todos ellos del artículo 8 quedan modificados como sigue:

    «8. The registered producers may be consulted in the Integrated Industrial Registry and, where appropriate, their authorized representatives;The categories and subcategories of devices that put on the market and the individual and collective systems in which each producer participates to fulfill its obligations, as well as the types of devices incorporated into each of them.These same data can also be obtained using the expanding responsibility systems of the registered producer as a starting filter.

    The information of the market share of collective responsibility systems expanded by categories and subcategories, may also be consulted publicly in the Integrated Industrial Registry."

  • Seis. El artículo 17 queda redactado como sigue:

    «Article 17 Conditions of Collection and Transportation of RAEE

    1. The collection of separate way and the transport of the SARE will be carried out so that the optimal conditions for the preparation for reuse, recycling and adequate confinement of hazardous substances can occur and will meet the requirements of Annex VII.A.

    In the case of the SAREs containing mercury, lead, phosphorus or cadmium or substances that exhaust the ozone layer or have a global heating potential greater than 15, the conditions that may cause their breakage will be avoided.The collection and transport of these RAE will meet the specific collection and transport requirements provided for in Annex VII.B.

    two. In order to collect the RAEE separately in the terms of the previous section, users will extract from them the batteries that are removable without the intervention of a qualified professional for it.

    3. The transport of RAEE will be carried out in accordance with the current sector legislation and in the terms of Annex VII.During the transport and storage of RAE, there will be no openings or disassembly of the waste, these operations will be carried out in the reuse preparation centers and in the authorized authorized facilities of specific treatment of SARE in order to protect human health, fromAvoid the emission of toxic substances to the environment and to prevent SARE from losing their essential components and materials.

    4. El transporte de RAEE lo realizarán gestores registrados a excepción del supuesto del artículo two3.3."

  • Siete. El apartado two del artículo 18 queda modificado como sigue:

    «two. Los RAEE de las fracciones de recogida 1, two, 4 y 7 del anexo VIII serán adecuadamente identificados a través de etiquetas con lectura electrónica, o instrumentos similares, que garanticen su trazabilidad.In the case of the SAREs belonging to the collection fractions 3, 5 and 6, the electronic reading identification will be applied in the same way as in the previous case, or through the labeling of containers or grouping systems used in the collection and transportation. En cualquier caso, el código LER-RAEE, establecido en el anexo VIII, aparecerá en los documentos de traslados recogidos en el Real Decreto 553/two0two0, de two de junio, por el que se regula el traslado de residuos en el interior del territorio del Estado."

  • Ocho. Se modifica el apartado 1 del artículo 19:

    "1. Local entities, within the framework of their competencies in domestic waste management, will establish the systems that make possible the separate collection, at least free for the user, of the domestic SAREs. Así mismo, las Entidades Locales podrán suscribir acuerdos con los distribuidores de su ámbito territorial para que éstos realicen la entrega de RAEE doméstico en las instalaciones municipales, siempre que en las ordenanzas municipales o, en su caso, en las normas de funcionamiento de prestación del servicio de recogida domiciliaria de residuos, se identifiquen los lugares y horarios para hacerlo, quedando garantizado este servicio de conformidad con lo establecido en el apartado two."

  • Nueve. El apartado two del artículo two0 queda redactado en los siguientes términos:

    «two. The collection facilities will broad."

  • Diez. Se modifica el apartado 1 del artículo two3 y se añade el apartado 5 de este artículo, quedando como siguen ambos apartados:

    "1. In the event that the delivery of the SARE is carried out at the time of purchase of a new AEE, the distributors will issue a supporting or raee collection agar and will deliver a copy to the user.The Albarán will include the delivery date, type of device delivered, the brand, the serial number, if possible, as well as the information provided by the user."

    "5. En los traslados realizados desde los distribuidores, los sistemas de responsabilidad ampliada del productor podrán ser considerados poseedores del residuo a los efectos de actuar como operadores del traslado según lo establecido en el Real Decreto 553/two0two0, de two de junio, por el que se regula el traslado de residuos en el interior del territorio del Estado."

  • Once. El apartado 1 del artículo two8 queda modificado del siguiente modo:

    "1. The managers who make the collection of RAEE will provide the user or possessor to deliver RAE, a proof in which the date of delivery is indicated, the type of device delivered, the brand, the serial number, if possible, and theInformation provided by the user."

  • Doce. Se incorpora el apartado 3 al artículo two8:

    "3. The managers who collect RAEE in the framework of the agreements with reuse preparation centers will include in the collection facilities enabled spaces for the SAREs that can be destined for the preparation for reuse for reuse.The SAREs that are collected in these facilities will undergo a previous review that prioritizes the preparation for the reuse of the RAEE before their transfer to the treatment facilities."

  • Trece. Los apartados 1, 3 y 4 del artículo two9 quedan modificados en los siguientes términos:

    "1. With the objective of collecting separately the RAEE that are generated in the national territory, the minimum annual objectives of separate collection of RAEE will be established at the state level, expressed by weight.These minimum objectives will be calculated by each category provided for in Annexes I and III and will be enforceable separately for household and for professionals professionals.Exceptionally, at the proposal of the Waste Coordination Commission, specific objectives may be established for types of devices defined in the Integrated Industrial Registry that, due to their particularities in relation to the composition, collection and treatment within their category requires aSpecial monitoring of your management."

    "3. Antes del two8 de febrero de cada año, el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico publicará en su página web, mediante resolución del Director General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental, los objetivos estatales mínimos de recogida separada para el periodo anual de cumplimiento, que será el año natural de que se trate.These objectives will be calculated from the data received from the Integrated Industrial Registry on the AEEs on the market in the preceding years, will be expressed in kilograms or tons and will be broken down by categories and professional or domestic use.

    Real Decreto two7/two0two1, de 19 de enero, por el que se modifican el

    The minimum annual objectives at the state level must be met in each Autonomous Community in proportion to its population, according to the latest available data of the National Statistics Institute as of December 31 of the preceding year.However, the Coordination Commission on Waste may arbito Indicators whose incidence in the generation of SARE has been demonstrated, and that, in any case, guarantee compliance with the minimum objectives at the state level.Likewise, the Waste Coordination Commission, exceptionally and in a motivated way, may arbitor other indicators that demonstrate that there can be a mismatch between the AEE produced and the raee generated within the same category."

    "4. Before March 31 of each year, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and DemographMinimum separate collection for the annual compliance period that producers must comply with, through the extended responsibility systems, at the state and regional level, expressed in kilograms or tons and broken down by categories and professional or domestic use.These objectives will be calculated by applying the market share of the previous year from the Industrial Integrated Registry of each Extended Responsibility System of the Producer, to the minimum state objectives of separate collection by categories and use.The Ministry for Ecological Transition and DemographExpanded Producer Responsibility.These estimates will be based on RAEE's management data held by Public Administrations compared to previous years.

    The competent authorities will verify compliance with the objectives of collection of the producers through the information collected by the competent administrations, such as that contained in the electronic platform provided for in article 55."

  • Catorce. El apartado 5 del artículo 3two queda redactado como sigue:

    "5. The producers of AEE, in the organization of the management of the SARE that they finance, will meet the valorization objectives provided for in Annex XIV and will accredit said compliance through the certifications of the authorized treatment facilities with which they collaborate and of the dataavailable on the electronic platform provided for in article 55.

    In relation to compliance with the preparation objectives for the reuse established in Annex XIV.C, AEE producers must implement the necessary mechanisms for their achievement."

  • Quince. El apartado 3 del artículo 35 queda redactado como sigue:

    "3. The RAE transfers operators outside the European Union will inform the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge on the transfers of these waste and, where appropriate, will provide the treatment certificate in conditions equivalent to those provided for in this Royal Decree,Until the European Commission adopts delegated acts for this purpose provided for in article 10.3 de la Directiva two01two/19/UE de 4 de julio de two01two, sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos. La información sobre el envío y la aportación del certificado se enviará con carácter previo a la realización del traslado, a los efectos de cómputo de objetivos de valorización previsto en el artículo 3two.The amounts and categories of waste will be recorded, as well as the treatment facilities.

    The accreditation of the equivalent conditions will be carried out by an internationally recognized independent third party.Treatment certificates in equivalent conditions will have a validity of two years or, where appropriate, what is indicated in their authorization.The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge will maintain a list of facilities outside the European Union with current certificates, in electronic support, which may be consulted by administrative authorities.

    The information related to RAE transfers to countries outside the European Union will be incorporated into the electronic platform of article 55 by the transfer operator when this is a waste manager that has to incorporate the data on its management on the platform, inThe other cases, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge will incorporate this information."

  • Dieciséis. La letra d del apartado 1 y el apartado two del artículo 38 quedan modificados como sigue:

    «two. The obligations of the previous section expressed in paragraphs a), b), e) and g) related to the design and market commissioning will be fulfilled by AEE producers directly.

    On the other hand, the obligations of the letters c), d), e) and g) related to the organization and financing of the waste will be fulfilled through the extended responsibility systems.To do this, AEE producers will constitute individual or collective systems of expanded responsibility in accordance with article 40 and specify what obligations assume through each of the systems in each category or subcategory of AEE.Producers may opt for a combination of several expanded responsibility systems in the event that they put in the market products of different categories and subcategories of AEE."

  • Diecisiete. La letra b del apartado two del artículo 39 queda así modificada:LE0000546855_two0150twotwotwo
  • Dieciocho. El apartado 1 del artículo 40 se modifica como sigue:

    "1. Los sistemas colectivos se constituirán y autorizarán de conformidad con lo previsto en la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio, y tendrán como finalidad exclusiva el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de responsabilidad ampliada del productor, sin perjuicio de la realización de actividades que complementen el objeto del sistema colectivo que serán financiadas voluntaria y únicamente por aquellos productores que hayan decidido participar en ellas.To meet this purpose, the system accounts will collect the costs of these activities separately.

    The incorporation and belonging to a collective system will not lead to the obligation to participate and finance complementary activities.Likewise, collective systems may not require producers for retroactive payment of these activities, even in the case of being favored by the result of these.

    These complementary activities may include the development of R&D activities in relation to the management of the SARE or studies related to the optimization of the management of the SAREE, among others.

    In the annual report that collective systems will include information about these activities and the producers that participate."

  • Diecinueve. La letra e) del apartado 1 del artículo 41 queda redactado como sigue:LE0000546855_two0150twotwotwo
  • Veinte. El párrafo e) del apartado two del artículo 43 queda redactado como sigue:LE0000546855_two0150twotwotwo
  • Veintiuno. El apartado 9 del artículo 43 queda modificado del siguiente modo:

    «9. The extended responsibility systems will establish refund mechanisms for the contributions that producers would have made to the system to which they belong and that they were relating to the products that are transferred outside the Spanish market."

  • Veintidós. El apartado two del artículo 44 queda redacto en los siguientes términos:

    «two. Professors and professionals of professionals may, without prejudice to the provisions of this Royal Decree, hold agreements that stipulate other financing methods."

  • Veintitrés. El artículo 53 queda modificado como sigue:

    «Article 53 Information to the European Commission

    The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge will send by electronic means to the European Commission, information regarding each natural year about the management of the SARE at the state level, including the amounts and categories of AEE placed in the market, amounts of RAEEcollected by the different routes, prepared for reuse, recycled and valued, as well as on the SAREs collected separately that have been exported.

    The data will be expressed by weight and will be developed from the information sent by the Integrated Industrial Registry in accordance with article 8, and from the information available on the electronic platform.This information will be sent within 18 months of the year to which the data is referred to, according to the format determined by the European Commission, and will be accompanied by a quality control report."

  • Veinticuatro. El cuarto párrafo del apartado two del artículo 54 queda modificado como sigue:

    «The RAE work group will coordinate the content and efficiency of the awareness and information campaigns at the state and autonomic level in the prevention and reuse of AEE and of correct collection and management of SAREE.For these purposes, the extended responsibility systems will present their campaign proposals to the RAE work group, with sufficient prior to its launch, to verify their adaptation to what is stipulated in this Royal Decree and its authorizations or communications, especially indicating the activitiesTo be carried out, the objectives of the campaign, its territorial distribution and the budget for the campaign."

  • Veinticinco. Se modifican los apartados 3 y 4 del artículo 55 que quedan redactados del siguiente modo:

    "3. The competent public administrations will have real time access to the platform data with a general character and, at least, to those related to their territorial scope, without prejudice to the access that due to their competences may have the security forces and bodies.The rest of the users can access the necessary information for the fulfillment of their obligations.Specifically, AEE producers will be able to know the amounts of SARE managed under their responsibility.

    The introduction of the data on the platform will be carried out by each operator through restricted access that will guarantee the adequate data protection.The information will be maintained available on the electronic platform, at least for five years."

    "4. The platform will allow the agents involved in the collection and management of RAEE, as well as the AEE producers, comply with their information obligations provided for in this Royal Decree. En este sentido, los gestores de RAEE cumplirán, a través de esta, con las obligaciones de archivo cronológico y memoria anual previstas en los artículos 40 y 41 de la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio, de acuerdo con los anexos XI y XII."

  • Veintiséis. Se modifica el apartado 6 del artículo 56 que queda redactado como sigue:

    «6. At the end of the year, the office will take a balance on the collection of Domestic RAEE and RAEE professionals of each expanded responsibility system, based on its respective market share and its objectives.This balance will be communicated to the RAEE Working Group for Analysis and Valuation.

    When the systems collect above what corresponds to them by their fee or above the collection assigned by the office, said excess, it cannot be financially compensated with other systems."

  • Veintisiete. Se modifica el párrafo b) del apartado 1 y el apartado two del artículo 57 que quedan redactados de la siguiente manera:

    «two. The competent Public Administrations may impute the corresponding analysis and inspections costs, provided for in chapter VI of RAEE transfer, including the storage costs of used AEE that could be RAE, to the transfer operator, and failing that the person to the personPhysics or legal that performs materially or organizes the transfer, to the third parties that act in their name, or to other people who organize the transfer of used AEEs that could be RAE."

  • Veintiocho. El primer párrafo del apartado 1 de la disposición transitoria séptima queda redactado como sigue:

    «The coordination functions of RAEE will be exercised until its implementation in the RAEE working group by the bodies or commissions that so far had them attributed."

  • Veintinueve. La disposición transitoria novena queda redactada como sigue:

    «Ninth transitory disposal electronic reading labels or similar instruments

    The identification of the SARE with electronic reading labels, or similar instruments under the terms of article 18.two será obligatoria en el momento en que la plataforma electrónica se encuentre en funcionamiento y, en consecuencia, se garantice la trazabilidad de los residuos."

  • Treinta. Se modifica el apartado two del anexo II, que queda redactado en los siguientes términos:

    «two. Small appliances.

    Vacuum cleaners, clean, other cleaning devices, devices used to sew, make point, knit and for other textile, plates treatment processes and other devices used to iron and give other types of care to clothing, toasters, fryers, fryers,Mills, coffee makers and devices to open or seal containers or packages, electric knives, devices to cut hair, to dry the hair, to brush your teeth, shave machines, massage devices and other body care, watches and devices destined to measure, Indicate or register time, scales and other small appliances."

  • Treinta y uno. Se modifica el apartado 1 of Annex III, que queda redactado del siguiente modo:

    "1. Temperature exchange devices.

    1.1 Aparatos eléctricos de intercambio de temperatura con clorofluorocarburos (CFC), hidroclorofluorocarburos (HCFC), hidrofluorocarburos (HFC), hidrocarburos (HC) o amoníaco (NH3).

    1.two Aparatos eléctricos de aire acondicionado.

    1.3 Aparatos eléctricos con aceite en circuitos o condensadores."

  • Treinta y dos. Se modifica el apartado 6 del anexo IV, que queda redactado como sigue:

    «6. Informatics and small telecommunications devices (without any external dimension greater than 50 cm).

    Mobile phones, GPS, pocket calculators, personal computers, printers, telephones, routers."

  • Treinta y tres. El segundo párrafo de la parte A del anexo VII queda redactado en los siguientes términos:

    «Las fracciones de recogida que contengan exclusivamente residuos de los grupos de tratamiento two3, 3two, 4two, 5two, 6two y 71 del anexo VIII se considerarán fracciones de residuos no peligrosos."

  • Treinta y cuatro. El anexo VIII queda modificado como se establece a continuación:


    Storage conditions, raee collection fractions and RAEE classification according to LER-RAEE Codes

    1. Storage conditions at collecting and storage facilities.

    The collection and storage facilities must have:

    two. Storage conditions at the Sarcoe specific treatment facilities.

    two.1 Las instalaciones dedicadas al almacenamiento previo al tratamiento específico, habrán de disponer de:

    two.two El almacenamiento de las fracciones resultantes del tratamiento específico de RAEE deberá:

    3. RAEE classification in collection fractions (in the table, such as fr).

    a) En las instalaciones de recogida, los RAEE serán separados en las fracciones recogidas según la tabla 1: «Equivalencias entre categorías de AEE, fracciones de recogida de RAEE y códigos LER-RAEE".

    b) Para la identificación de los RAEE recogidos y gestionados dentro del ámbito de aplicación de este real decreto, según el artículo two, se utilizará el código combinado LER-RAEE en el que al código LER de la Decisión two000/53two/CE, de la Comisión, de 3 de mayo se añaden dos dígitos que indican la categoría del aparato del que procede el residuo y el tipo de tratamiento específico del mismo.The LER-RAEE Code will be used on the electronic platform, in the chronological archive and in the memoirs of the managers, as well as in the obligations of information regarding RAEE derived from this Royal Decree. En el caso de RAEE no incluidos dentro de los Códigos LER especificados en este real decreto, les serán de aplicación los códigos de la Decisión two000/53two/CE, de la Comisión, de 3 de mayo.

    Table 1.Equivalences between AEE categories, raee collection fractions, treatment groups and Ler-Raee codes

    Categorías de AEE del anexo ICategorías y Subcategorías de AEE del anexo IIIFRGrupos de tratamiento de RAEEOrigenPrincipales códigos LER – RAEE

    1.Large appliances

    1.1.Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerators


    1.3.Radiators and thermal emitters with oil

    10.1.Expensive machines with refrigerant gases

    1.Temperature exchange devices

    1.1. Aparato eléctrico de intercambio de temperatura con CFC, HCFC, HFC, HC, NH3

    1.two.Electrical air conditioning apparatus

    1.3.Electrical apparatus with oil or condenser oil

    111*. Aparatos con CFC, HCFC, HFC, HC, NH3Domésticotwo001two3*-11*
    1two*. AparatosAir-conditioningDomésticotwo001two3*-1two*
    13*. Aparatos con aceite en circuitos o condensadoresDomésticotwo00135*-13*

    4.Electronic and consumer apparatus and photovoltaic panels

    4.1.TVs, monitors and screens

    two.Monitors and screens

    two.1.Monitors and screens LED

    two.two.Other monitors and screens

    twotwo1*.Monitors and screens CRTDomésticotwo00135*-two1*
    twotwo*.Other monitors and screens con componentes peligrososDomésticotwo00135*-twotwo*
    two3.Monitors and screens LEDDomésticotwo00136-two3

    5.Lighting devices (except domestic luminaires)

    5.1.Gas discharge lamps

    5.two.Led lamps


    3.1.Download lamps (HG) and fluorescent lamps

    3.two.Led lamps

    331*.Lamps de descarga, no LED y fluorescentes.Domésticotwo001two1*-31*
    3two.Led lampsDomésticotwo00136-3two

    1.4 Other large appliances

    3.Computer and telecommunications equipment

    4.4.Other consumer electronic devices

    5.3.Professional luminaires

    5.4.Other lighting devices

    6.Electric and electronic tools (with the exception of large -scale fixed industrial tools)

    7.Toys or sports and leisure teams

    8.Health products (with the exception of all products implemented and infected)

    9.Surveillance and control instruments

    10.two.Rest of vending machines

    4. Grandes aparatos (Con una dimensión exterior superior a 50 cm)441*. Grandes aparatos con componentes peligrososDoméstico








    4two. Grandes aparatos (Resto)Domésticotwo00136-4two

    two.Small appliances

    4.4.Other consumer electronic devices

    5.4.Other lighting devices

    6.Electric and electronic tools

    7.Toys or sports and leisure teams

    8.Health products (with the exception of all products implemented and infected)


    5. Pequeños aparatos (Sin ninguna dimensión exterior superior a 50 cm)551*. Pequeños aparatos con componentes peligrosos y pilas incorporadasDomésticotwo00135*-51*



    5two. Pequeños aparatos (Resto)Domésticotwo00136-5two
    3.Computer and telecommunications equipment pequeños6. Aparatos de informática y telecomunicaciones pequeños (Sin ninguna dimensión exterior superior a 50 cm)661*. Aparatos de informática y telecomunicaciones pequeños con componentes peligrososDomésticotwo00135*-61
    6two. Aparatos de informática y telecomunicaciones pequeños sin componentes peligrososDomésticotwo00136-6two

    4.two Paneles fotovoltaicos de silicio (Si)

    4.3.Photovoltaic panels of cadmium teluro (cdte)

    7. Paneles solares grandes (Con una dimensión exterior superior a 50 cm)771. Paneles fotovoltaicos (Ej.: Si)Profesional160two14-71
    7two*. Paneles fotovoltaicos peligrosos (Ej.: CdTe)Profesional160two13*-7two*"
  • Treinta y cinco. El último párrafo del apartado 1 de la parte A y la letra f) del apartado two de la parte B, ambos del anexo XI quedan redactados como sigue:

    «In the case of fractions 3, 5 and 6, this individual input information will not be necessary, being replaced by the identification of specific containers for these fractions."

  • Treinta y seis. El anexo XII queda modificado como sigue:



    An annual report will be presented for each of the waste treatment facilities.The information will be broken down by specific treatment operation, to the extent that for each operation the weight at the entrance and the output of this.

    1. Identification of the entity that presents the information.

    a) Año al que corresponde la información (o período anual).

    b) NIF de la entidad que realiza la operación de gestión en la instalación.

    c) Identificación de la instalación: NIMA.

    d) N.o de inscripción en el Registro de Producción y Gestión de Residuos.

    two. Authorized treatment operations codes according to Annex XIII.


    a) Para cada código LER-RAEE.

    1.º Origen: doméstico o profesional.

    two.º Procedencia del residuo:

    3.º Peso en toneladas, y en su caso, unidades.

    b) Organización de la gestión del RAEE:


    a) Para instalaciones de preparación para la reutilización.

    1.º Sobre los aparatos preparados para su reutilización:

    two.º Sobre los componentes preparados para su reutilización:

    3.º Sobre los RAEE no preparados para la reutilización:

    b) Para el resto de instalaciones de gestión de los RAEE:

    Within each treatment group it will be specified for LER/LER-RAEE Code of output of the materials obtained:

    5. Stock or storage.

    a) Para instalaciones de preparación para la reutilización.

    b) Para el resto de instalaciones de gestión de los RAEE:

    6. RAEE collection and management information format.

    En relación con el contenido de las tablas 1 y two, se establece que:

    Table 1. Formato de información de recogida y gestión de RAEE agregada según fracciones de recogida y grupos de tratamiento a partir del 1 de enero de two019

    Tabla two.RAEE collection and management format in categories and subcategories of Annex I

  • Treinta y siete. Se modifica el anexo XIII, que queda redactado como sigue:

    «AnnexoxiiI Requisitos para los tratamientos específicos de los RAEE

    Part A.General requirements common to all facilities that carry out the treatment of the SAREE

    Any installation that performs RAE treatment operations will have at least:

    Part b.Operational requirements common to all RAEE treatment procedures

    Taking into account environmental considerations and the convenience of preparing for reuse and recycling, everything established in this section will apply in such a way that the preparation for the reuse of components or entire devices, as well as its recycling, does not difficult, as well as its recycling.

    a) Entrada en la instalación.

    1.º Se clasificarán los RAEE según su uso doméstico o profesional, en base a la documentación que se acompañe.

    two.º Comprobación visual de los RAEE y su correspondencia con los que figuran en el albarán o documentación que acompañe al residuo.

    3.º Agrupación de los RAEE por códigos LER-RAEE y extracción de pilas y acumuladores extraíbles, si procede.

    4.º Pesado inicial de los RAEE por código LER-RAEE.

    5.º Incorporación de los datos en el archivo cronológico de la instalación y en la plataforma electrónica de gestión de RAEE según el anexo XII.

    b) Almacenamiento previo al tratamiento.

    1.º El área de las instalaciones de tratamiento específico destinada a almacenar los RAEE que están a la espera de ser tratados cumplirá con lo dispuesto en el anexo VIII relativos a las condiciones de almacenamiento.

    two.º La cantidad máxima de RAEE almacenados no excederá la cantidad indicada en la autorización de actividad de la instalación. El tiempo de almacenamiento de los RAEE antes del tratamiento no superará los plazos fijados en el artículo two0.4.a de la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio.To do this, the entry and treatment dates of the RAEE received, for lots or deliveries will be recorded.

    3.º Los stocks o residuos almacenados serán registrados anualmente y se considerarán en el balance de masas de la instalación.

    c) Retirada y tratamiento de componentes, sustancias y mezclas.

    1.º Como mínimo, en cualquier operación de tratamiento de RAEE, se retirarán los siguientes componentes, sustancias y mezclas:

    During the process of withdrawal of components or materials, according to the provisions of the process diagram established by the treatment line, included in the authorization of installation activity, they will not be damaged or destroyed components that can release dangerous substances to the environment or thatcan be diluted among the rest of the fractions and contaminated them.

    two.º Estos componentes, sustancias y mezclas se eliminarán o se valorizarán de conformidad con la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio, y sus normas de desarrollo.Specifically, the following components collected separately and counted in the corresponding mass balance will be submitted to the following treatments:

    Los plásticos que contengan materiales pirorretardantes bromados, entre los que se encuentran compuestos orgánicos persistentes (COP) listados en el Anexo IV del Reglamento (UE) two019/10two1 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de two0 de junio de two019, sobre contaminantes orgánicos persistentes, y en concentraciones superiores a las indicadas en el mismo, deberán gestionarse de conformidad con el citado reglamento.

    3.º En el caso que algún RAEE no estuviera contemplado en los procedimientos, el protocolo de su tratamiento incluirá las medidas de protección medioambiental, de prevención de riesgos laborales y de salud de los trabajadores que la legislación establezca.

    4.º Los materiales, componentes y sustancias resultantes del tratamiento de RAEE se identificarán y clasificarán en flujos identificables o como partes identificables del mismo, de manera que puedan contabilizarse y permitan la comprobación de la correcta ejecución del tratamiento.The checks that are expected to be carried out to ensure the correct treatment of RAEE will be established in the installation quality plan.

    5.º Las fracciones que contienen sustancias, mezclas o componentes peligrosos, no se diluirán ni mezclarán con otras fracciones o materiales con el propósito de reducir su concentración.

    Part c.Separation of fractions and their destiny

    Through mechanical processes, fragmentation or crushed.They will be identified by LER codes, their destination will be accounted for and indicated to calculate the valorization objectives. Para ello, se inscribirán en el archivo cronológico de la instalación según el artículo 40 de la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio.

    Part d.Information

    The fractions resulting from the specific treatment will weigh and register in the chronological file of the installation.The file will collect in chronological order, at least, the data of the inputs and exits that allow to prepare and verify the data of the environmental memory indicated in Annex XII.

    The manager who operates the treatment installation will request and retain the certificates issued by the recycling manager or installation to which the fractions resulting from the treatment allocate.The archived information will be maintained during at least 3 years.

    Part E..Basic requirements of RAEE treatment facilities

    The authorized managers for the treatment of RAEE will accredit compliance, at least, of the following general requirements, as well as those derived from specific procedures in the case of the treatment of certain RAEE categories:

    Part f.Common Mass Balance Aspects

    In the chronological archive, the managers will document all the fractions resulting from each process: retired components, materials or valuable fractions and non -valorizable fractions, quantities and LER codes that allow establishing in each process a mass balance between the input and exit flowsand the amounts stored or in stock.

    The mass balance is established as:

    Tickets = outputs + stock

    Tickets = σ Inputs in the treatment process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the treatment process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Part g.Specific procedures for RAEE treatment by types of devices

    The procedures for the specific treatment of RAEE described below, can be carried out by applying the best available techniques.

    G.1 Operación de tratamiento general.

    Se someterán a este tratamiento los siguientes grupos de tratamiento: 13, two3, 3two, 41, 4two, 51, 5two, 61 y 6two y aquellos RAEE que no estén incluidos en ningún otro procedimiento de los contemplados en la parte G de este anexo.

    The treatment of these devices will consist of 3 phases:

    Phase 0.Reception of the devices and previous disassembly.

    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    Phase 1.Extraction of components, substances and mixtures.

    Durante esta fase se extraerán, de manera que no sean liberados al medio ambiente y antes de la reducción de tamaño y separación, como mínimo, los componentes, sustancias y mezclas siguientes: condensadores que contengan PCB, tubos de rayos catódicos, lámparas de descarga de gas, pilas y acumuladores que son accesibles en el aparato sin usar herramientas, cartuchos de tóner, aceites, pantallas de cristal líquido de más de 100 cmtwo de superficie y las que lleven lámparas de descarga de gas como iluminación de fondo, componentes que contengan amianto, mercurio, fibras cerámicas refractarias y sustancias radioactivas y contrapesos de hormigón.Fulfilling the precautionary principle, in case there is not enough information on the design of the devices by AEE producers about the content of hazardous substances, the SARE will be treated so that the health of workers are preventedand environmental protection.The withdrawal will be carried out following the indications contemplated in part B of this annex, so that the preparation for the reuse and recycling of components and materials, respectful of the environment, is not difficult.

    All components, substances and mixtures extracted in this phase will be used for adequate treatment in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree or other regulations that are applied.Specifically the detection of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrophluorocarbons, volatile hydrocarbons and ammonia will require treatment G.two.Regarding the treatment of these gases.

    Fase two.Separation of the rest of fractions.

    During this phase, they will separate into an identifiable flow (or as part of an identifiable flow), the valued fractions (ferric, non -ferric, plastics, glass, etc..), así como las pilas y acumuladores que no son accesibles en el aparato sin herramientas, tarjetas de circuitos impresos, plásticos que contengan piroretardantes bromados, cables eléctricos externos y condensadores electrolíticos (altura >two5 mm, diámetro >two5mm o volumen de proporciones similares) que contengan sustancias de riesgo.It should be guaranteed that mechanical treatment operations that can generate polluting substances dispersion are carried out so that pollutants are confined.All retired components and valuable fractions obtained in this phase will be deposited in separated containers in a enabled space, to be sent to authorized managers for the treatment of each of them.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Mass balance (G1).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G1).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

    Phase 0:

    Phase 1:

    Fase two:


    Operación de tratamiento para RAEE que contengan CFC, HCFC, HFC, HC o NH3 (160two11*-11*, two001two3*-11*, 160two11*-1two*, two001two3*-1two*).

    All devices included in category 1 of Annex I and Category 1 of Annex III will be submitted to this treatment, containing CFC, HCFC, HFC, HC or NH3.

    The treatment of these devices will consist of 4 phases:

    Phase 0.Reception of the devices and previous disassembly.

    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    Phase 1.Refrigerant gas extraction, ammonia and circuit oils.

    1. During this phase, the extraction of the cooling circuit and the compressor oils will be carried out by means of a vacuum and stagy system to prevent leaks, and that allows the separation of oil gases and refrigerant gasesIn pressure containers in adequate safety conditions.

    The cooling circuit gases represent about 30% of the equipment of refrigerant gases of the equipment in the extraction process, at least a 99% withdrawal of oils and refrigerant gases will be achieved. La cantidad de gas fluorado residual en el aceite del compresor deberá ser inferior al 0,two% en peso de aceite.

    two. Si el circuito de refrigeración contiene hidrocarburos, la aspiración de los fluidos refrigerantes se realizará mediante equipos que cumplan las especificaciones técnicas del Real Decreto 681/two003, de 1two de junio, sobre la protección de la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores expuestos a los riesgos derivados de atmósferas explosivas en el lugar de trabajo.

    3. Both gases and oil will be stored separately and safely for the environment and installation workers, waiting for their sending to an authorized manager for treatment, in accordance with Regulations (CE) N.o 1005/two009, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 16 de septiembre de two009, sobre las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono, y a la normativa aplicable relativa a la emisión de policlorodibenzofuranos y policlorodibenzodioxinas a la atmósfera.

    4. At the end of this phase, the compressor engine will be disassembled and removed for shipping to an authorized manager.

    5. In absorption refrigerators, the ammonia solution containing chromium VI must be isolated in a hermetic installation.If the chromate had not been completely eliminated in the cooling circuit, the iron pieces must be sent without treatment to an valuation installation (Foundry).In any other fraction resulting from the treatment of absorption refrigerators (water, NH3) the content of the chromate must be analyzed.

    Fase two.Joint extraction of fluorid gases and hydrocarbons of insulating foams in cooling systems.

    1. Los equipos procedentes de la Phase 1 (también equipos procedentes del tratamiento G1 que contengan espumas con gases expansores), desprovistos de los refrigerantes y de los aceites pasarán a un proceso de extracción de los gases expansores de las espumas de poliuretano (PU) y la separación de éstas del resto de fracciones (como el plástico y los metales).The gases present in the foams are about 70% of the equipment of refrigerant gases of the equipment.The extraction process must achieve a withdrawal around 90% of foam gases.

    two. The extraction of foam expanding gases will require the crushing of the body of the apparatus, the door and the foam pieces that have been accidentally detached, in an inert atmosphere that prevents the emission of gases into the atmosphere and any explosion situation.For this, the installation must have the necessary measures to avoid the issuance of hydrocarbons (HC), volatile organic compounds (COV's) and fluorked gases that will be established in the environmental authorizations of the installation, as well as the provisions related to the applicable regime in matter in mattersSafety and hygiene at work and explosive atmospheres.

    Este proceso libera el 70-80% del contenido de los gases en los poros de las espumas y necesita una desgasificación posterior de la matriz de la espuma para liberar el two0-30% restante de los gases, bien mediante el peletizado o briquetado, técnicas de aplicación de vacío o aumento de la temperatura, o cualquier otra técnica verificada que obtenga como mínimo estos ratios de recuperación.Throughout the crushing and briquete process, through the techniques that are considered, the expansion gases will be captured and will be stored in suitable containers for their accounting and subsequent management.

    3. Analysis will be carried out to estimate the amount of fluorinated or hydrocarbons present in the foams before and after crushing and degassing to calculate the level of extraction achieved and know the level of fluorinated and hydrocarbon gases present in the resulting materials.The amount of residual fluorinated gases in PU resulting after the degasing technique used, either pu in pieces, pellets, briquettes, powdrulent material, etc.., no superará el 0,two% en peso.The periodicity of the analysis will be adequate to establish annual balances.

    4. The necessary measures will be taken to minimize residual adhesions of PU (foams) in recyclable metal and plastic fractions.The maximum advisable value of residual adhesions in ferrous and non -ferrous elements is 0.3% by weight of PU.Plastic fractions should not contain more than 0.5% by weight of PU.

    5. The pieces of foam, pellets, briquettes, powdered material together with the stored and extracted gases in this phase, as well as the possible adsorbents used to avoid its emission to the atmosphere will be counted in the chronological file and will be properly managed.The results of your treatment will be counted for the achievement of the valorization objectives established in Annex XIV.

    Phase 3.Separation of the rest of fractions.

    1. During this phase, they will be separated into valuable fractions (ferric, non -ferric, plastics, glass, ...) the remains of the devices.

    two. All retired components, extracted substances and the valuable fractions obtained in this phase will be deposited in separate containers to be sent to authorized managers for the specific treatment of each of them.

    3. Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Balance de masas (Gtwo).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Lista de comprobación (Gtwo).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

    Phase 0:

    Phase 1:

    Fase two:

    Phase 3:

    G.3 Operación de tratamiento para pantallas CRT (TV y monitores con tubos de rayos catódicos) (160two13*-two1* y two00135*-two1*).

    All devices included in subcategory 4 will be submitted to this treatment.1 del anexo I y la categoría two del anexo III, que contengan tubos de rayos catódicos (CRT).

    The treatment of these devices will consist of 3 phases:

    Waste with cathode ray tubes do not support any type of intermediate treatment, they can only be treated in authorized facilities for their complete treatment, and the phases mentioned must include this.


    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    During loading and unloading operations, special attention should be paid not to cause damage to the cathode ray tube system.

    Phase 1.Previous disassembly and drilling of the glass cone to eliminate vacuum.

    En la Phase 1 se retirarán, al menos, los siguientes elementos:

    Fase two.Glass segregation and withdrawal from fluorescent lining.

    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    Both the separation of screen glass and cone and the aspiration of the fluorescent coating will be carried out within a closed installation in a controlled and protected place equipped with an air extraction system with a sufficient filtering capacity to guarantee compliance withthe issuance limits established in current application regulations, so as to ensure the protection of workers and that do not produce diffuse emissions.The fluorescent glass lining system will ensure that it is caught in its entirety in an identifiable current and is not diluted with the rest of the fractions.

    All tubes that reach this broken phase, or break when the glass separate, will be considered as contaminated glass.The percentage of contaminated glass with respect to the total separate glass will be taken into account to evaluate the effectiveness of the management cycle (collection, transport and treatment) of this type of devices.Likewise, televisions or monitors with broken screens may not be treated without previously eliminated the phosphorus of the broken glass, or failing that, without the broken glass has been segregated in adequate conditions in adequate conditions as established in the regulations ofEnvironmental Protection, Occupational Risk Prevention and Health of Workers.The contaminated broken glass will be delivered to a hazardous waste manager authorized for treatment.Clean fluorescent powder will be sent to an authorized manager.

    All retired components and valuable fractions obtained in the two phases of treatment will be deposited in separate containers to be sent to authorized managers for the specific treatment of each of them.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Mass balance (G3).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G3).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

    Phase 0:

    Phase 1:

    Fase two:

    G.4 Operación de tratamiento para pantallas planas con tecnología diferente a los CRT (160two13*-twotwo* y two00135*-twotwo*).

    All devices included in subcategory 4 will be submitted to this treatment.1 del anexo I y la categoría two del anexo III, que contengan pantallas planas de cristal líquido (LCD) y plasma o cualquier otra tecnología diferente a los tubos de rayos catódicos (CRT) y a los diodos emisores de luz (LED).

    The treatment of these screens will consist of 3 phases:


    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    The devices with flat screen and their components must be stored under waterproof covers (closed roofs or containers).

    The activities of collection, manipulation and transport of flat screen devices should be carried out so that they do not affect the integrity of the screens.It will not be allowed to crush or compact a flat screen devices before treatment.

    Phase 1.Previous disassembly.

    In this phase the following elements will be removed:

    The manipulation of fluorescent lamps of LCD screens will avoid any damage to the glass tubes due to their mercury and phosphorus content.The breakage of these glass would cause the emission of gas and mercury to the atmosphere, highly pollutants.

    Taking into account the mercury content of the lighting lamps with backlight screens, its disassembly will be carried out instead with a ventilation system by localized extraction.

    The CCFL background lights that are broken during treatment will be stored next to the other lamps and transported in closed containers in order to avoid mercury emissions.These containers will remain stored in places that are not exposed to heat, until they are sent to an authorized manager for their treatment.

    Fase two.Separation of the rest of fractions.

    In this phase the devices will be separated into valuable fractions, either manually or mechanically.

    Todos los componentes retirados en la Phase 1 y las fracciones valorizables obtenidos en la fase two se depositarán en contenedores separados para ser enviados a gestores autorizados para el tratamiento específico de cada uno de ellos.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Mass balance (G4).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ valueizables + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G4).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

  • Phase 1:
  • Fase two:
  • G.5 Operación de tratamiento para lámparas que contienen mercurio (two001two1*-31*)

    All devices included in Category 5 of Annex I and Category 3 of Annex III will be submitted to this treatment, containing Mercury (HG).

    El tratamiento de las lámparas que contengan mercurio constará de two fases:

    These waste does not admit any type of intermediate treatment, they can only be treated in facilities that are able to perform their complete treatment.


    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    Phase 1.Component extraction and separation from the rest of fractions.

    In this phase the following components of the lamps will be separated:

    The treatment must ensure that the glass fraction obtained does not have concentrations of mercury or other pollutants that prevent their recycling, proceeding if necessary to the separation of such pollutants by means of thermal extraction techniques, washing with acids, etc..In case of not achieving this separation, the contaminated glass will be sent exclusively to authorized managers for the treatment of waste with mercury content.

    The fluorescent powder extraction process will be carried out under controlled atmosphere.The mixture of mercury and fluorescent dust extracted will be stored in adequate deposits and as far as possible they will try to value all components of the mixture.If this is not viable, the mixture will be delivered to authorized managers for elimination.

    The installation where this type of operations is carried out will have the air extraction and purification systems necessary to prevent the emission of mercury or dust vapors from the atmosphere throughout the process.

    If water will be used during this phase, it will be collected independently and the appropriate treatments will be performed so that, before being discharged to the sanitation network, comply with the limits established in its discharge authorization.

    The weight of the lamps that come broken to this phase will be counted independently.

    All resulting fractions will be deposited in separate containers to be sent to authorized managers for the specific treatment of each of them.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.


    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G5).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

  • Phase 1:
  • G.6 Operación de tratamiento para paneles fotovoltaicos (silicio) (160two14-71).

    All photovoltaic panels containing silicon (SI) included in subcategory 4 will be submitted to this treatment.two del anexo I y la subcategoría 7.1 of Annex III.

    The treatment of these devices will consist of 3 phases:

    Phase 0.Reception of the devices and previous disassembly.

    In this phase the following steps will be made:

    Phase 1.Treatment.

    Una vez retiradas las partes más accesibles de los módulos fotovoltaicos en la Phase 0, se eliminarán los revestimientos plásticos como el EVA (etileno vinil acetato) y otros tipos de láminas plásticas que se usan como aislamiento de las celdas fotovoltaicas mediante tratamiento térmico o técnica equivalente.

    The equivalent heat or technical treatment (if applied) must have a gas extraction system during the combustion process equipped with appropriate safety measures.

    Fase two.Separation of the rest of fractions.

    In this phase the silicon wafers will be removed from the rest of the valorizable fractions.All retired components and valuable fractions obtained in each of the treatment phases will be deposited in separate containers to be sent to authorized managers for the specific treatment of each of them.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Mass balance (G6).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G6).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

  • Phase 1:
  • Fase two:
  • G.7 Operación de tratamiento para paneles fotovoltaicos (Cadmio-Teluro) (160two13*-7two*).

    All photovoltaic panels containing cadmium teluro (CD-TE) included in the subcategory 4 will be submitted to this treatment.3 of Annex I and the subcategory 7.two del anexo III.

    The treatment of these devices will consist of 3 phases:

    Phase 0.Reception of the devices and previous disassembly.

    1. Compliance with requirements collected in sections a) and b) of part b of this annex.

    two. RAEE classification received within the same category.Separation of panels with cadmium teluro from the rest of RAEE.

    3. Withdrawal of the most accessible parts of the panels, such as exterior housing, wiring, connection boxes, etc.., facilitating the preparation for the reuse and recycling of components and materials, respectful of the environment, taking into account the available information of the AEE producers.

    Phase 1.Treatment.

    The main objective of the treatment of these photovoltaic panels is the capture and extraction of cadmium teluro (CD-TE) so as not to contaminate the rest of the valued fractions in the following phases.

    Una vez extraídas las partes más accesibles de los paneles en la Phase 0, estos pasarán por un proceso de trituración dotado de un sistema de filtración y extracción de polvo para obtener fracciones más pequeñas de los componentes que lo integran, facilitando así la separación posterior de los semiconductores y las capas de polímeros plásticos.

    Next, the valued fractions will be separated, through techniques such as sieve, flotation, air currents, electrostatic separation or equivalent techniques that achieve the same objective.

    Other treatment techniques to recover value fractions, without crushing, are mechanical abrasion, thermal degradation in high temperature oven and chemical treatment.Any of these techniques will have a gas extraction system during the combustion process (if applied) and will be equipped with the appropriate safety measures.

    Fase two.Separation of the rest of fractions.

    All retired components and valuable fractions obtained in each of the treatment phases will be deposited in separate containers to be sent to authorized managers for the specific treatment of each of them.

    Before sending, the amounts deposited in these containers, their destination and treatment will be recorded in the chronological archive, in order to know the degree of compliance with the recycling and valorization objectives of Annex XIV.

    Mass balance (G7).

    Tickets = σ entries in the process.

    Outputs = σ Components extracted or retired + σ Valuable fractions + σ Non -valuable fractions.

    Losses during the process = inputs - outputs - stock.

    Checklist (G7).

    In addition to the verifications provided in part E of this annex, the following will be verified:

  • Phase 1:
  • Fase two:
  • G.8 Códigos de las fracciones, sustancias, materiales y componentes extraídos o retirados de los RAEE en el proceso de tratamiento.

    Next, an indicative (non -exhaustive) list of fractions, substances, materials and components resulting from the different RAE treatment operations:

    Table 1.Fractions, substances, materials and components resulting from RAEE's treatment operations

    Código LERDescripciónOperación de tratamiento
    G 1G twoG 3G 4G 5G 6G 7
    060two04*Bases X X
    060two05*Otras bases X
    060404*Componentes con mercurio X
    060704*Ácidos X
    08031two*Residuos de tintas que contienen sustancias peligrosasX
    080313Residuos de tintas distintos de los especificados en el código 08031two*X
    080317*Residuos de tóner y cintas de impresión que contienen sustancias peligrosasX
    080318Residuos de tóner de impresión, distintos a los especificados en el código 080317*X
    130two08*Otros aceites de motor, de transmisión mecánica y lubricantesXX
    130301*Aceites de aislamiento y transmisión de calor que contienen PCBXX
    140601*Gases refrigerantes (CFC, HCFC, HFC)XX
    140603*Gases refrigerantes (HC)XX
    160two09*Transformadores y condensadores que contienen PCBXXXX
    160two15*Componentes peligrosos retirados de equipos desechados.For example: cables contaminados, otros condensadores peligrosos, pantallas LCD y otros componentes peligrosos del tratamiento manual de las fases 0 y 1.XXXXX
    160two16Componentes retirados de equipos desechados distintos de los especificados en el código 160two15*.For example: cables (no peligrosos), tarjetas de circuitos impresos,, carcasas de metal u otros materiales procedentes del tratamiento específico de RAEE, motores y otros componentes no peligrosos del tratamiento manual de las fases 0 y 1.XXXXxXX
    160507*Productos químicos inorgánicos desechados que consisten en sustancias peligrosas o las contienenFor example:, óxido de berilio, tarjetas de soldadura de plomoX
    160601*Baterías de plomoXX
    16060two*Acumuladores de níquel-cadmioXX XXX
    160603*Pilas que contienen mercurioX
    160604Pilas alcalinas (excepto 160603*)X XXX
    160605Otras pilas y acumuladoresXX XXX
    16 06 07*Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentre el litio en cualquiera de sus formas, tales como las pilas de litio o los acumuladores ion-litioXX XXX
    16 06 08*Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentre el níquel en cualquiera de sus formas, tales como los acumuladores de níquel metal hidruro (Ni-MH). Se excluyen de este código los acumuladores y baterías de níquel-cadmioXX XXX
    16 06 09*:Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentren otras sustancias peligrosas.XX XXX
    two0 01 4two*Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentre el litio en cualquiera de sus formas, tales como las pilas de litio o los acumuladores ion-litioXX XXX
    two0 01 43*Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentre el níquel en cualquiera de sus formas, tales como los acumuladores de níquel metal hidruro (Ni-MH). Se excluyen de este código los acumuladores y baterías de níquel-cadmioXX XXX
    two0 01 44*:Acumuladores, pilas o baterías en cuya composición se encuentren otras sustancias peligrosasXX XXX
    170603*Otros materiales de aislamiento que consisten en sustancias peligrosas o las contienen.For example: fibras cerámicasX
    190106*Residuos líquidos acuosos del tratamiento de gases y otros residuos líquidos acuosos.For example: aguas contaminadas X
    190two05*Lodos de tratamientos físico-químicos que contienen sustancias peligrosas X
    190two06Lodos de tratamientos físico-químicos, distintos de los especificados en el código 190two05* X
    190two10Aceites no peligrososXX
    191001Fracciones de hierro y aceroXX
    19100twoResiduos no férreosXX
    191003*Fracciones ligeras de fragmentación (fluff-light) y polvo que contienen fracciones peligrosas.For example: polvos de filtrosXXXXXXX
    191005*Otras fracciones que contienen sustancias peligrosasXX
    191006Otras fracciones distintas a las especificadas en el código 191005XX
    191two01Papel y cartónXXXXXXX
    191two0twoMetales férreosXXXXXXX
    191two03Metales no férreosXXXXXXX
    191two04Plásticos no bromados procedentes del tratamiento mecanizadoXXXXXXX
    191two05Vidrio (no contaminado)XXXXXXX
    191two06*Madera que contiene sustancias peligrosas XX
    191two07Madera distinta de la especificada en el código 191two06*XXX
    191two09Minerales.For example: hormigónX
    191two10Pellets, polvo y otros formatos procedentes de la espuma de poliuretanoXX

    Other waste, including material mixtures, from the mechanical treatment of waste containing hazardous substances.For example:

    polyurethane foam without extracting gas,

    cone glass,

    polvo de vidrio procedente de la aspiración en la máquina de corte en la separación del vidrio de pantalla y el cone glass,

    Fluorescent coating in screens treatment

    powders with mercury content and/or phosphorus,

    Lick plastics from machining treatment

    191two1twoOtros residuos, incluidas mezclas de materiales, procedentes del tratamiento mecánico de residuos, distintos a los especificados en el código 191two11*XXXXXXX
    two001two1*Tubos fluorescentes y otros residuos que contienen mercurio (no procedentes de un proceso mecánico).For example: pantallas LCD, tubos fluorescentes, lámparas de descarga, interruptores.XX X
    two00133*Baterías y acumuladores especificados en los códigos 160601, 16060two o 160603 y baterías y acumuladores sin clasificar que contienen esas baterías.XXXX
    two00134Baterías y acumuladores distintos de los especificados en el código two00133*XXXX

    G.9 Requisitos del almacenamiento y tratamiento de aceites industriales contenidos en los RAEE.

    Los requisitos para el almacenamiento y tratamiento de los aceites industriales contenidos en los RAEE serán los enunciados a continuación, siguiendo lo establecido en el Real Decreto 679/two006, de two de junio, por el que se regula la gestión de los aceites industriales usados.

    Industrial oil storage must:

  • Treinta y ocho. El anexo XIV queda redactado como se establece a continuación:


    Minimum valorization objectives and its calculation

    A. Minimum valorization objectives

    Part 1.

    Objetivos mínimos aplicables por categoría hasta el 14 de agosto de two015 con referencia a las categorías del anexo I:

  • b) Para los RAEE incluidos en las categorías 3 o 4:
  • c) Para los RAEE incluidos en las categorías two, 5, 6, 7, 8 o 9:
  • d) Para lámparas de descarga luminosa, se reciclará un 80 %.
  • Parte two.

    Objetivos mínimos aplicables por categoría a partir del 15 de agosto de two015 hasta el 14 de agosto de two018 con referencia a las categorías del anexo I:

  • b) Para los RAEE incluidos en las categorías 3 o 4:
  • c) Para los RAEE incluidos en las categorías two, 5, 6, 7, 8 o 9:
  • d) Para lámparas de descarga luminosa, se reciclará un 80 %.
  • Part 3.

    Objetivos mínimos aplicables por categoría a partir del 15 de agosto de two018 con referencia a las categorías del anexo III:

  • b) Para los RAEE incluidos en la categoría two:
  • c) Para los RAEE incluidos en la categoría 3 del anexo III se reciclará un 80 %.
  • d) Para los RAEE incluidos en las categorías 5 o 6:
  • B. Minimum valorization objectives para los gestores de tratamiento específico

    The managers of the specific treatment facilities will calculate the minimum valorization objectives expressed in part A for each category by dividing the weight of the RAEE materials destined for valorization or recycling or the entire SAREs destined for the preparation for reuse for the weightof all the RAEE that enter their facilities for each category, expressed in percentages.

    The stages of preparation for reuse and recycling can be carried out by different managers and will compute for the fulfillment of the valorization objectives of the specific treatment facilities in the cases in which agreements are reached in this regard between the managers, andprovided that these objectives are calculated on the RAEE collected by the managers included in the agreement.

    The managers will specify in their chronological file and in the annual report the amounts of RAEE prepared for reuse and the materials destined for recycling, energy valuation and elimination that must be certified by the facilities of origin and destination.

    C. Minimum valorization objectives para los productores

    The AEE producers will meet the minimum valorization objectives established in the part in respect to all the raee collected that will be addressed according to the provisions of Chapter V.

    The achievement of these objectives will be calculated for each category by dividing the weight of the RAEE financed by the producers after their specific treatment in accordance with the provisions of article 31 that enter the valuation or recycling facilities, by the weight of all theRAEE collected and financed by producers separately for each category, expressed in percentages.The producers will calculate these objectives based on the amounts of RAEE collected and the amounts certified by the RAEE managers who have been sent to preparation for reuse, valorization or recycled facilities.

    Preliminary activities, including classification and storage prior to valorization, will not be taken into account due to the calculation of the indices or the achievement of the valorization objectives.

    Specifically the producers will achieve the following minimum objectives of preparation for reuse:

  • two. A partir del 15 de agosto de two018, los productores deberán conseguir un objetivo mínimo de preparación para la reutilización de residuos de aparatos enteros, en los siguientes términos:
  • The producers will achieve these objectives through the certificates that the managers issue for this purpose."

  • Treinta y nueve. Se modifican los párrafos 1.º y 15.º del apartado 1.a) del anexo XVII, que queda redactado como sigue:

    "1.º Identificación de la forma jurídica, de los órganos de gobierno y de sus integrantes, así como presentación de los Estatutos o reglas similares de funcionamiento de la entidad.This information will be updated when you have undergone changes."

    "15.º Identificación de los gestores a los que se asigne las operaciones de recogida y tratamiento de los RAEE, de las plantas o instalaciones que se hagan cargo de los residuos para su tratamiento y descripción de los procesos previstos de contratación y sus condiciones, incluyendo, si existen, cláusulas sociales.The commitment document signed between the system (or administrative entity if it exists) and the treatment plants will be provided.

    The request must be accompanied by a declaration of veracity of the legal representative of the collective system of expanded responsibility."

  • Cuarenta. El párrafo segundo del apartado two del anexo XVII se modifica como sigue:

    «GF total productor= 0,two5 * Σ (O RAEE domésticos (categoría o subcategoría) x CMG RAEE domésticos (categoría o subcategoría))."

  • Cuarenta y uno. El apartado two.º de la letra b y el apartado 6.º de la letra c del anexo XVIII quedan redactados según se dispone a continuación:

    «two.º Grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de recogida alcanzado en el año por el sistema, en cada Comunidad Autónoma y a nivel estatal, en total, por categorías y subcategorías y fracciones de recogida."

    «6.º Objetivos alcanzados de preparación para la reutilización, reciclado y valorización, por comunidad autónoma y a nivel estatal."


    Additional Provision First Authorization of Pile Waste Management, Accumulators and Batteries and RAEE facilities for the Autonomous Communities

    1. Los titulares de las instalaciones de gestión de residuos de pilas, acumuladores y baterías, que ya dispusieran de una autorización conforme al Real Decreto 106/two008, de 1 de febrero, comunicarán a las autoridades competentes de las comunidades autónomas en materia de residuos, en el plazo máximo de seis meses desde la entrada en vigor de este real decreto, la incorporación en su autorización de los códigos LER nacionales establecidos en el artículo 3 j), siempre que la misma ya contemple operaciones de gestión de los códigos LER 16 06 04, 16 06 05 y two0 01 34.Communication will be effective from the date of your presentation.

    two. Así mismo, los titulares de las instalaciones de gestión de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, que ya dispusieran de una autorización conforme al Real Decreto 110/two015, de two0 de febrero, comunicarán a las autoridades competentes de las comunidades autónomas en materia de residuos, en el plazo máximo de seis meses desde la entrada en vigor de este real decreto, la incorporación en su autorización de los códigos LER-RAEE two001two3*-41*, 160two11*-41*, two00136-6two y 160two14-6two.Communication will be effective from the date of your presentation.

    3. The competent authorities will update the content of the authorizations, incorporating the new communicated codes, as well as the additional conditions that, where appropriate, have to meet the headlines of the facilities.All this without prejudice to the powers of verification, control and inspection that have attributed public administrations.

    4. Cuando las instalaciones no dispongan de autorización de acuerdo con el Real Decreto 106/two008, de 1 de febrero, o con el Real Decreto 110/two015, de two0 de febrero, se seguirá el régimen de autorización contemplado en el artículo two7 de la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio, y en los citados reales decretos.

    Additional Additional Provision Adaptation of Individual Expanded Responsibility Systems of the Non -Selective AEE producer

    The individual non -selective producer of the producer of AEEs existing at the date of entry into force of this Royal Decree, must communicate within 6 months since the publication of this Royal Decree to the competent body of the Autonomous Community, the types of typesof devices that put in the market and whose waste will organize and finance.From the date of entry of communication they can only organize and finance these waste, without prejudice to subsequent communications on new types of devices that incorporate into the individual system.

    Additional Addition

    The financial guarantees of domestic AEEs and accredited before the body of the competent Autonomous Community by the producer's expanded responsibility systems, in accordance with articles 45 and following, will adapt to the amounts calculated in accordance with the formula introduced in the annexXVII.two, en su siguiente revisión de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 45.3. En todo caso, esta revisión se efectuará en el plazo de 1two meses desde la entrada en vigor de este real decreto.

    Single derogatory disposition regulatory

    The provisions of equal or lower rank that oppose the provisions of this Royal Decree are repealed.


    Disposición final primera Modificación del Real Decreto 646/two0two0, de 7 de julio, por el que se regula la eliminación de residuos mediante depósito en vertedero

    El apartado 3 del artículo 17 del Real Decreto 646/two0two0, de 7 de julio, por el que se regula la eliminación de residuos mediante depósito en vertedero, se sustituye por el siguiente texto:

    "3. In accordance with the provisions of article 43.3 de la Ley twotwo/two011, de two8 de julio, las funciones de vigilancia, inspección y control podrán ser llevadas a cabo con el apoyo de entidades colaboradoras debidamente reconocidas conforme a las normas que les sean de aplicación."


    Disposición final segunda Modificación de Real Decreto 818/two018, de 6 de julio, sobre medidas para la reducción de las emisiones nacionales de determinados contaminantes atmosféricos

    A new section e) is added to article 6.4, with the following writing:


    Final disposition Third Incorporation of Law of the European Union

    Este real decreto incorpora parcialmente al ordenamiento jurídico español la Directiva (UE) two018/849 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 30 de mayo de two018, por la que se modifican la Directiva two000/53/CE relativa a los vehículos al final de su vida útil, la Directiva two006/66/CE relativa a las pilas y acumuladores y a los residuos de pilas y acumuladores y la Directiva two01two/19/UE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos.

    Asimismo, la disposición final segunda completa la incorporación al ordenamiento jurídico español de las previsiones contenidas en la Directiva two016/twotwo84 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 14 de diciembre de two016, relativa a la reducción de las emisiones nacionales de determinados contaminantes atmosféricos, por la que se modifica la Directiva two003/35/CE y se deroga la Directiva two001/81/CE, mediante la modificación del Real Decreto 818/two018, de 6 de julio.

    Fourth Fourth Provision Entry into force

    El presente real decreto entrará en vigor el día siguiente al de su publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado".

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