
Sleeping with a partner and naked is a bad idea, according to science

Sleeping with a partner and naked is a bad idea, according to science

Sleeping with a partner naked may be a worse idea than you think. We already know that if a person has a penis, it is important to take care of her testicles because a torsion could occur. Testicular sprains are true medical emergencies and if they are not treated on time, with surgery included in many cases, the testicles can be lost. But we are not going to talk about this topic again. So, what is the reason why sleeping naked as a couple is not suitable? The answer and the main reason for wearing underwear when sleeping with another person is farts.

Many couples take advantage when they go to sleep in bed to do it without clothes; but maybe it's time they start thinking about wearing some underwear. And it is that a day a person can get to throw between 15 and 25 farts; so during the night flatulence also occurs. Unfortunately, it's not the puffiness that comes out of your ass that's the problem, plastic surgeon Anthony Youn explains in a TikTok video. The problem is that it is usually loaded with poop particles and that is, to say the least, unhygienic. But then again, it's also kind of gross when you stop to think about it.

Underwear, the best weapon against farts

There is no need to fear night farts, they are something natural and of which we do not have to be ashamed. In fact, we have already talked about the fact that it is normal to have more gases when we travel by plane. But let's go back to the topic of sleeping with a partner: as the doctor points out in his video, we have ways to avoid spraying fecal matter on the person we love (or with whom we are only sharing one night). The best weapon to fight against farts loaded with fecal particles - they always are - is underwear.

Dormir en pareja y desnudos es una pésima idea, según la ciencia

"A scientific study has shown that every time you expel gas, you are spraying a small amount of fecal matter. Even if it is not a real fart," says the plastic surgeon. "The same study showed that your tight underpants will trap all these particles," Youn added.

The experiment of an Australian doctor

The advice of the plastic surgeon is very practical; since it doesn't matter if your fart is a flatulence lady or just a little air that escapes from your cheeks. Whether you like it or not, fecal matter is beyond your control when it comes to farts. In fact, although there are few studies on whether clothing prevents the passage of fecal matter when coming out with a fart, there is one that is quite curious and is explained in IFL Science.

Given the doubt of one of his nurses, an Australian doctor designed a small (and interesting) experiment to find out if farting in an operating room made the room less sterile. They decided to use two petri dishes for this, they explained in 2001 in the scientific journal BMJ. Someone farted without wearing underwear in one of them, and in the other, they did the same thing, but with pants. The result? Two types of bacteria grew on the first plate; while in the second no. However, the bacteria that grew are those that we consider good for our intestines and skin; so there is nothing to worry about. But it's still gross as they are accompanied by other poop particles.

Avoid spraying your partner with fecal matter and wear some underwear to sleep. Briefs or panties, it doesn't matter; But follow this advice from Dr. Youn to keep others away from your poop. In the end, everyone who shares a bed will win. And probably happier.

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