
Caught in an electric scooter, for the shoulder of a highway and without a helmet (and two are already on the same road)

Caught in an electric scooter, for the shoulder of a highway and without a helmet (and two are already on the same road)

Nope.On the roads, electric scooters are not allowed to circulate no matter how much people are determined to roll for them.We already saw the incredible negligence of a man who crossed with an electric scooter six lanes of a United States highway with the helmets and now we see another case in Spain.

This Saturday a user caught on a road from Valencia how a man was traveling with his electric scooter through the shoulder, a practice that unfortunately is not the first time that happens on the Spanish roads.

Nope es la primera vez que ocurre en Valencia

The event occurred on August 24 at 1:55 p.m..The man was traveling in a t -shirt, shorts and 30 km/h sandals (we assume that the maximum that the scooter could reach) in a path where speeds of up to 100 km/h can be reached.The user of the personal mobility vehicle (VMP) passed through kilometer 6 when the occupants of a vehicles saw it and recorded it.An event that we have already seen before on our roads.

En Motorpasion MotoTipos de patinetes eléctricos según la DGT. La matrícula podría ser obligatoria para algunos modelos

Nope es la primera vez que graban a una persona con un patinete eléctrico circulando por la CV-35.In March the Civil Guard denounced an elder lady who was driving with the helme.It was also seen that same day circulating through one of the lanes of the CV-30 highway.The complaint filed by the Civil Guard implied a fine of up to 1.000 euros.

Pillado en patinete eléctrico, por el arcén de una autovía y sin casco (y ya van dos en la misma carretera)

A similar case was that of a couple that a few months ago circulated at high speed on an electric scooter on the V-23 highway in the Sagunto (Valencia) area with masks of the movie 'Predator'.The driver of this VMP was a guy known for the Civil Guard, resident in Faura (northern Sagunto).

And continuing with the cases in which an electric scooter has been seen improperly, in Gandía a woman who took her daughter in one of these vehicles ran over an 80 -year -old old woman in a pedestrian zone.Beyond Valencia we have also seen that infractions with electric scooters have been committed in other parts of Spain.In Barcelona an old woman was hit by two young people who circulated on the sidewalk with an electric scooter.He died hours later at the hospital.

In Córdoba, a 33-year-old night circulated at night along the A-386 road with his electric scooter without registration when he suffered an accident and died without knowing the causes of the event.It was the first deadly accident with electric scooter that occurred in Spain.These and other cases have been told in this link.

We continue to see how negligence with electric scooters continue to be discussed in Spain.Part of the fault belongs to those who make infractions (either because they do not know the regulations or because they do it intentionally).However, we remain in a limbo in which the DGT has not yet drawn a directive that encompasses the use of these VMP, we only have instruction 16.V-124 that has no normative character.

Its management in the streets right now depends on the municipalities, although this should not be so.Anyway, what should be clear is that electric scooters are vehicles that should only circulate through urban environments, not on highways and highways.

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