
Nails, which indicate us?|Meritxell's blog

Nails, which indicate us?|Meritxell's blog

Las uñas pueden ser objeto de diagnostico tanto de alguna enfermedad como de deficiencias nutricionales.¿Uñas, que nos indican? | El blog de Meritxell ¿Uñas, que nos indican? | El blog de Meritxell

Also to see the general state of health.

The nails protect us from the fingers from the hands and feet.

Hippocrates in the 5th century., already diagnosed diseases when observing the structural modifications of the nails.

The nail is formed by a sheet, smooth, bright, translucent and keratinized.

It is formed by several strata.

The part of the finger under the nail is called the nail bed, and it is highly vascularized.

It is also composed of the lunula that is the closest area of the finger forming a semilunar structure of a whitish color.

The nails have approximate growth of 1 to 3 mm per week.

Therefore I will name different nail problems, with this text I only intend to give a small brushstroke of the possible nail injuries, and to which they should or can make us see us.

Even if you don't forget to consult your doctor if you think you suffer from any ailment.

Yellow nails:

Too convex and yellow nails, with little or without cuticle.

They can simply be due to very pigmented enamels, for too long.

Tobacco can also yellow the nail.

For excessive dryness of the nail or due to age.

Sometimes they can also relate to certain pulmonary abnormalities, recurring sinusitis and respiratory tract infections.

Rheumatoid arthritis, although sometimes people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is because the medicines taken have thiol groups (sulfur).

Some people with HIV syndrome also suffer this problem.

There is also the theory that can show lymphatic obstructions.

There are currently some brands of brands such as Mavala or Vitry to whiten the nails, it is soaked with these effervescent pills for a while.

Hydrate them a lot later and let them rest for nail polish.


This occurs when the nail is separated from the finger, which affects the entire area leaving it white.

The most frequent cause is trauma, also periungunal warts.

¿Uñas, que nos indican? | El blog de Meritxell

Sometimes due to psoriasis, in this case onicholysis affects the most distal part of the nail matrix.

Hyperthyroidism can also cause this problem, nails become dark, or brown.

Niacin or vitamin B3 deficiency can also cause onicolysis.


By growing the A ni.

Other problems such as connective tissue disorders, alopecia areata, or any type of localized dermatitis, both atopic or dermatitis of chemical origin.

In short, any type of alteration in nail growth can cause these bites.


The internal part of the tissue softens, which causes a nail huntering, as a spoon shape.

This can give a sign of lung, pleural problems, celiac problems, endocarditis, cirrhosis, colon inflammation to Crohn's disease.

Although most people who have nail bulging have no problem, it is simply a hereditary problem.


This nail deformation problem is absolutely the opposite of the previous one, the nails sink into their formation, both transversely or longitudinally.

In turn the nails lose strength and become soft.

This is due to constant contact with some oil solvent materials.

Also to the lack of iron with or without anemia is therefore when this occurs.

Some people who are in hemodialysis treatment.

Beau lines

They are small depressions through the nail, it usually occurs when there has been a nail injury, or when there is a malnutrition problem, lack of calcium or zinc, in diabetes or psoriasis.

As stripes, and when it happens it is on all the nails at the same time.

Sometimes it is only for the normal interruption of nail growth.

Chemium-therapy treatments can cause the formation of these lines.

Diabetes or low calcium levels.

Muehrcke lines

They are transverse white lines that extend in the nail, when pressing the nail they disappear and when the growing nail do not move since the problem is on the bed of the nail, it is usually parallel to the lunula.

This problem usually appears when there is hypoalbuminemia, and these disappear when albumin returns to its normal level.

Sometimes it is only a sign of poor nutrition, other times it occurs when it has been treated with chemotherapy.


It is a whitening of the nail, both total and partial, or only by lines or dots, and can occur in all or in some nail.

They are the common spots in the form of a spring that some children have as adults.

It has no clinical importance and can suffer both adults and children.

Unlike the other striped lesions, they do not occupy the entire nail and are not parallel to the lunula.

Some systemic diseases can give this problem, although they are generally temporary processes, lack of zinc.


These stripes on the nails can be vertically or horizontally, they are stripes in the form of nail depression.

The vertical lines are very common and not serious, it is usually simply a defect in the growth of the nail, they extend from the base at the end of the nail, it is a defect mainly of the age and does not indicate at any time a foul of health.

As is a process of aging of the nail, the treatment will focus on both internal nutrition and external treatments and the nutrition based on keratin enamels that unify the nail and paraffin treatments.

The horizontal lines are what we have called Beau's lines before.

Vitiligo, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, flat lichen can also cause these lines.

Small splinter -shaped hemorrhages

Small red or brown lines are seen under the nails, as if capillaries break, sometimes they are signs of endocarditis, other times it is implemented due to small or more important traumas, psoriasis or fungal infections located located.

Sometimes an imbalance of vitamin C can cause these small hemorrhages.

Nail color changes

Sometimes the lunula changes color such as blue, heart problems make it red and treatments with yellow tetracyclines.

An excess of fluoride in the diet can turn the darkest nails to brown and when the nail bed is too pale is defined in an iron deficiency.

In liver problems the lunula can disappear, in cirrhotic problems it occurs in all fingers the nail becomes white.

Decreases the vascularization of the nail and an increase in the connective tissue of the nail bed.


The nail is in two colors, the distal part of the lunula becomes dark by pulling brown, in which the amount of melanin has increased in this part of the nail.

Some kidney problems make the part close to growth and lunula becomes white giving this nail sensation, half brown and half white.

Some studies link it to Crohn's syndrome, where zinc absorption in the colon is diminished.

Nails tired or unfolded

This problem is the most common, especially in winter or too dry nail, the only solution is to hydrate them.

Put some oil with a cotton whenever possible and put a good layer of cream at night, insisting on the cuticles.

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