
Sport and Life What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)

Sport and Life What sportswear can do to your health (if you don't take it off after training)


Sometimes we are so caught up that the gym or running gear, sweaty, spends on our skin longer than necessary. big mistake

Sarah Palanques Tost

The madness of schedules to which we are subjected forces us more often than we would like to leave the gym without changing. And although most of the time we are more concerned about the intoxicating aroma that we can emanate than anything else, the real problem that hides a sweaty gym outfit is much more serious. Doctor Paloma Cornejo Navarro, dermatologist and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) explains that "sweat is irritating and can cause dermatitis or worsen a pre-existing atopic dermatitis", but reminds us that the main problem of not changing is that having a high temperature after exercising, "sweat or sweaty clothes cools down and increases the risk of catching a cold." Other infections that we can catch by not passing under the stream of water include the dreaded genital infections, pityriasis versiocolor or athlete's foot. The mechanism that triggers these typical “gym infections” is the same for almost all of them: a dangerous combination of humidity and a hot environment. We review some of them.

cystic acne

You know those red, swollen, painful bumps that appear on your face, neck, and back even though you passed puberty more than 150 years ago? Exactly, cystic acne. When our pores become clogged (generally with dead cells) it is possible that bacteria are "trapped" that can cause a deep infection (and hence the area becomes inflamed, red, etc...). As you can imagine, sweat does not bring anything good to the situation and not cleaning after exercising ends up with you in front of the mirror taking acne justice into your own hands and leaving your skin worse than it was (if you try to squeeze the cysts you can spread the infection ). In addition to a shower, antioxidant supplements with N-acetylcysteine ​​and silymarin can also help: a study published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research indicates that after taking these supplements for eight weeks, acne lesions improve by 50%. Dr. Cornejo also alerts us to folliculitis caused by the yeast Pityrosporum ovale, which is an infection similar to acne and that "grows excessively in very humid environments."

Athlete's foot

This is a very common fungal infection that typically starts in people whose feet have been sweaty and confined to their shoes or have not dried well after a shower; "That area is continuously macerated and the mushrooms roam freely," explains Dr. Cornejo. Symptoms of athlete's foot include cracks in the foot or toes and a scaly rash that is usually itchy and burning. It is quite contagious and is usually spread through floors, towels and clothing. Come on, the gym is your earthly paradise. Preventing it is not very difficult, according to the recommendations of the Mayo Clinic, we can avoid contracting this pathology by wearing shoes with good ventilation, changing socks at least twice a day and wearing flip-flops in the pool. If it is too late for you and you are already suffering from it, then phytotherapy could have the answer to your problem: in this study published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology it has been shown that the topical application of creams with at least 25% oil Tea tree oil (an essential oil with natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties) significantly improves athlete's foot.

yeast infection

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This infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans is super normal and most women will suffer from it at least once in their life. It occurs when this microorganism that lives naturally in the vagina, mouth, digestive tract and skin multiplies more than normal. Among the many factors that can activate this infection, wearing sweaty clothes for a long time is one of them, as it creates a perfect environment for the proliferation of this fungus. Of course, not changing your swimsuit or wearing very tight clothing, synthetic underwear or any other material that makes your crotch sweat doesn't help either. Be careful, although it is not a sexually transmitted infection, some men may have a rash and itching after intercourse with an infected partner. To prevent candidiasis, Dr. Cornejo recommends "gentle hygiene, breathable clothing and sleeping without underwear." Another way to prevent candidiasis could be to take probiotics, especially L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14, as they seem to reduce the chances of getting it.

Pityriasis versicolor

Malassezzia furfur is a yeast that is naturally on our skin but heat, humidity and genetic predisposition can increase its development, among other causes. The consequences? Irregular macules of a pinkish-brown color but that in summer, with sun exposure, can turn white and that generally appear on the back and shoulders. Like any other fungal infection, pityriasis versicolor can be prevented to a certain extent, but what all specialists agree on is that sweat, sebum and high temperatures do not help prevent it in any way. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, in addition to pharmacological treatment, using non-comedogenic cosmetics that do not contain oils and avoiding tight clothing (especially prevalent in the gym) can help cure and prevent it. By the way, it is not contagious.


They occur when there is prolonged pressure and/or friction on the skin. In the case of ulcers under the breasts, the use of an inappropriate bra during exercise can cause constant friction that gradually irritates the skin. Another cause that can cause contact eczema is "the nickel in the bra closure," says Dr. Cornejo. Far from improving the situation, sweat can make it worse, and both the wrong bra and undried sweat can end in a painful outcome. And speaking of inappropriate bras, according to a research group from the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom, to exercise and avoid this type of injury, it is best to use compression sports bras in case of small breasts and encapsulation bras in case of small breasts. big breasted Other similar injuries occur in "cyclists, runners or water sports athletes due to friction with wet meshes on the nipples and on the inner face of the thighs," says the dermatologist.

In short, after the gym go for the shower, there are no valid excuses. "The most important thing is to take off your clothes immediately, shower with warm water and soap without detergent, rinse well and dry even better," concludes Dr. Paloma Cornejo. If, despite taking precautions, any of these conditions appears, the only thing that will have an effect will be a treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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