
The most seen of the year 2015 in 'Chronicles'

The most seen of the year 2015 in 'Chronicles'

A P.A.S person is a person who has a high sensitivity

When feeling the emotions, of even capturing odors,

When feeling the energy

When you are with a group of people if a person is sadder

Or if you can have a problem.

I think sensitivity can be something very good,

stimulation of that sensitivity

Because I think it opens doors that we normally have closed.

They usually have sensory perceptions above normal.

Highly sensitive people have to do a breastplate

Because if not, we would not survive in this world,

We could not survive,

This world is very hard for the Pas

Because we are educated not to be sensitive,

In fact, everything in this society is made to cover sensitivity,


The problem we all see

It is the ignorance in health, in education

and in all areas on the PAS subject.

People spend on teamwork are fundamental,

They are one of those people who transform a group into a team.

Make each person work much better

Because it is an amalgam.

The empathic ability allows you to be buffer between discussions

or help people who have problems.

The brain is the most enigmatic organ of the human being.

With less than a kilo and a half of weight

His role is decisive in our lives.

In addition to governing the body, controls behavior

And it makes us aware of who we are.

We are human for ourcerebro, they can transplant you,

You can take away a hand and you are still you,

You can transplant the liver and you are still you,

The heart, the lungs have sometimes asked me

What if we do a brain transplant?

Well, nothing would happen in the sense that I would be the person

That they have transplanted me, that is, I am in my brain.

The basis of our humanities the brain.

It is the computer with the highest storage capacity in the world.

It consists of millions of neurons

with thousands of connections to each other.

Your study is very complicated because it is difficult to enter

In that forest of neural networks.

When one visualizes the brain with a microscope

Because neurons are very small microscopic structures

They have 10 thousandths of a millimeter,

A millimeter divides it into Milly from there 10 parts,

That is a neuron, very tiny.

To better explain this nothing better than show this:

Within this small fragment of the brain

There are about 27 thousand nerve cells

and one billion synaptic connections,

of connections between neurons, wiring,

Now let's imagine all this in the brain,

Make a map of all brain connections is now unthinkable.

The brain is always working all its parts

And what happens is that when a given function is being performed

There are areas of the brain that are activated more than others that intervene more

For that function.

Precisely the functioning of the brain

It is what distinguishes us from each other.

In high sensitivity people the right hemisphere

Record a greater activity.

It is the area related to feelings,

Emotions and creativity.

And within it the frontal lobe and the amygdala

They play an outstanding role.

They are details that can only be seen

in functional magnetic resonance tests.

In these patients who have greater sensitivity capacity,

usually some structures of the brain

When functional magnetic resonance tests are made

It is seen that they light up a little more,

Fundamentally it is the frontal lobe the amygdala.

As we can see in this schemade magnetic resonance

Here would be the frontal lobe

that controls us a pocolo that is personality,

Our way of being social conditions

And of these people we can say that they have a little more empathy.

They are more capable of getting the place of others,

That is, when someone tells them a problem.

When you have a real empathic capacity

You are putting yourself in the place of the other and in fact,

As I commented before,

The same areas of the brain are activated as the one who suffers,

If one suffers you the areas of pain are activated,

You do not activate the cognitive frontal lobe which causes them to suffer more

and that these areas are activated.

The amygdala is a structure

that is in the more or less medial temporal lobe

and that implies a bit of emotional functioning.

For example when we have a memory

And it is accompanied by an important emotional impact

That memory is more easily impregnated.

The clear example that we put the neurologists is September 11,

We all know what we were doing that day.

In addition to empathy and emotionality

There are individuals who have very developed senses.

High sensitivity is contemplated as a personality feature,

although sometimes they can derive a disorder.

We know it's a feature

and that some people who have a high sensitivity feature

They will evolve if things get bad

towards a disorder that is generally included

Among personality disorders on the one hand

and depressive disorders and anxiety disorders for another.

In psychiatry it is more contemplated from the negative side,

From the disease side

Since the psychiatrists are dedicated to people

They have disorder

And people come to see us when they already have disorders.

High sensitivity has a genetic load

which frequently manifests from the crib.

There are babies that have different unchamping.

There are some children who are already born hypersensitive for everything,

They are very restless and react to everything.

Others that are more emotionally sensitive

And then later is when hypersensitivity is appearing

In information processing.

It is known that there are children who only eat and sleep

And then it is easy to raise them and other children that sleep very little,

that need a lot of physical contact,

You can't leave them alone in the crib

Because your alert system starts and starts crying,

Maybe the textures are sensitive,

according to what clothes are not doing so well

or according to what temperature do not live well as other children

Then the mother and father must be sensitive

To all these characteristics of your baby.

In recent years, specialists in human behavior

They affect the importance of the connection

that parents are established between the baby

during the first days of life.

It is the attachment theory

which indicates the transcendence of establishing an affective bond

From the earliest age.

That bond will mark the stability of the subject.

In the case of hypersensitive children

It is vital to avoid future imbalances.

We all need to feel loved,

We all need to trust the world

And we also need to feel

That we are deserving of the love of others, it is universal,

Lo más visto del año 2015 en 'Crónicas'

It is part of any human being of any culture in the world

And it is a primary necessity

because maybe we can spend time without eating

But being without love affects us.

Attachment and attachment quality is reflected in the brain

to such an extent that they have studied neuroimagen

between 1 year babies that have a safe link with the mother,

The sure bond is known that it can be measured,

There are instruments to measure attachment quality.

1 year baby with a safe attachment, its neuroimaging the brain

It is a brain full of color in all parts where there is activity,

On the other hand, when you see images of Romanian orphanage children

that they have not had an appropriate link at birth the image is spooky

because the pink area of the visual cortex is seen that means

That has a visual activity for the rest is like black hole.

Although high sensitivity

It is not recognized as a category in psychology,

There is a professional current that is very familiar

With that personality feature

especially when it comes to children.

A child passes as there are so many symptomsvisible

And parents have a huge list of complaints about the child,

is that it is very weeping, it is that all annoying, the clothes,

Tags, smells, is very visible in a child, annoying,

How is an adult quickly comes to consultation

what happens to this child,

We have another child and nothing happens with him.

Childhood for a peace is a risk factor

When situations occur that overflow him at an emotional level

and that he is not able to understand what is happening to him

Why are we when we are children

Let's say we learn to overcome determinants situations

that hurt us, painful situations in life

We need an adult who is somehow witness

That you understand or explain that it is happening to us.

I speak of two childhoods,

the one they saw from outside and the one I lived from within.

I excite me a little because there are things about my childhood

that people have not known how hard they have been for me.

They have always seen me as a very happy girl, Pizpireta,

A very smiling girl

But I have always felt a sad girl.

On the outside it was one thing and he as Yome felt was another and many times

I came for how I live them things inside

because I felt they didn't understand me

And much of the things that were precisely because of that,

That was a very sensitive person.

There are cases in which high sensitivity is confused

with some disorders such as attention deficit.

There are currently many highly sensitive children

that are labeled as hyperactive,

With autistic features,

Any type of syndrome especially deficit care

And it is not taken into account that harmonious conatures and proposals

We can balance these difficulties.

One of the most important things to help these children

is that they have a good thinking organization

Because in very complicated situations

They can find a great solution

that had never occurred to anyone

But as a rule it is a problem because associative thought

It takes you from one idea to an order,

without a thought organization.

The problems that a highly sensitive child may have

It aggravates when adolescence arrives.

All these things appear with effervescence

that have been left without developing.

At school level, school failure may appear,

At a social level they can have conflicting relationships

Or quite the opposite, isolation.

Especially what worries me the most

is that they do not just know their abilities

And they have not been able to develop those things

for those who really serve which they will highlight,

Most artists are Pas,

Without a sensitivity, the piano cannot be touched,

You can't reach the public, you can't paint a beautiful picture.

There are many criminals and drug addicts that were really hypersensitive

And that sensitivity rotted because it was not detected in time,

Because it was not treated and other people of hypersensitive

They fell into another environment, found a teacher who welcomed them,

A tutor, a good friend did not deviate there

with which hypersensitivities a cultivation field

of many diseases

But it is also a breeding ground of the best,

Because well fucking hypersensitivity

In the teenage years it can lead to the best.

Do not understand so many emotions, so many feelings

and above all to perceive things in a way

that I have had situations with my friends

And even with some relatives of trying to explain it, say:

Not that I notice this way

And many times they told me "don't complicate."

The main problem was, not to understand the reasons,

The feelings I had in many situations with my family, friends.

That was a big problem

because they also start to pass when you are a teenager

And as for all adolescents it is very important to feel integrated,

Being with your friends, fun

And being more there were different things, you didn't know why,

You thought maybe you exaggerated.

I would highlight the way of perceiving the time of living day to day

Both emotions, at work, in relationships.

Hello girls, we met again like the

To exchange experiences

and count a little as we see the issue of shame.

Many people in the group are very shame of speaking

They even have a hard time talking when we are here alone and very intimate.

I thought it was important that people could see that there are people

that we develop, they have life,

that in front of the adversities we do not become small,

Well I have been lucky in my childhood,

I think this must mark a lot.

I spend a adolescence locked in my room, in my world

Little by little I have been coming out,

Work life makes you out, the work that I have chosen later,

I'm in front of a kind of children teaching ...

Shame I don't know if I have left it behind or not.

I am now in a phase in the case after claiming your rights

When you understand that you are Pas you want to place, you want them to respect you,

you want to claim a lot,

You haven't had it for many years

And you want society to recognize that there is that percentage,

That we are there that we are different.

They meet once a month to speak of their concerns

or simply to listen.

They have a lot in common,

Some even having changed profession.

I would like to disclose because maybe people who are listening to us

that he has not realized that it is a country

And maybe he is in a profession echoed as I chose.

I as a labor advisor

My clients thought that when I was with a serious problem

Not serious

Because serious problems are family problems,

The important important ones,

that had administrative problems

Well, maybe I was taking only them

When they had a dismissal

And I went home really yet, that didn't stay that way.

Tell people not to be afraid to make changes,

I have been a teacher for 10 years.

I was previously responsible for a hotel chain,

He measured quality standards and prepared statistics

But I always felt that I filled me,

I believe that a country until the profession that fills it does not

And with 33 years I started studying

And I am a professor of very little time ago,

That people are not afraid to make changes in their lives.

Now I think a very important thing

that if we do not get sick

for not continuing to do it that we were doing

That is not doing well.

This is my case.

I was a nurse and began to have health problems,

I got so sick, so much that I had to leave it.

“It's 12,15, from Radio Belver.

Do you think you reflect any more than others?

Do you worry about the feelings of others and affect you?

Do you like mastranquil and less chaotic environments?

Many times would you like to say no to certain situations

What should you have said it, have you not done it?

Maybe if you feel identified with the above

You are a very sensitive person, highly sensitive, a country.

Highly sensitive people always exist,

From all time,

Since the human being is to be Humanome I suppose.

Those people who are more aware are a minority,

Do you feel displaced?

Many feel rare bugs,

It is a phrase that I find very often or that do not fit

or that the world is very great,

These phrases already perceive

that the person is in a minority position,

If we talk about 15 to 20%we talk about a minority

We are a minority.

Carina Zegers is Dutch Perodesde years ago lived in Mallorca

where he presides over the association of high sensitivity.

A crisis led Elaine Aron,

the author of "the gift of sensitivity."

In addition to the Best Seller, the American psychologist

has accredited with investigations the singularity of the Pas.

Carina has been the introducer of the expression in our country.

Has written a book

and specializes in the attention to highly sensitive people.

I work with them and my intention and to fit the sensitivity

that maybe they are some problem.

My life has been quite difficult to be passed

But it was before he knew it was to be highly sensitive.

Once you know what happens to you why

You can reflect on things that have happened to you in your life.

Understanding is one thing, there are many things that you can improve

as for example, as stress better.

I always use skin metaphor as a barrier,

as a physical border between who you are and where the world begins,

The part that you are not, the skin is very porous,

Fine, very little barrier.

Sensitivity and creativity usually go hand in hand.

Many of the PASS have artistic talent

although sometimes they take to get it afloat.

Marc Masmiquel after studying psychology and philosophy

He reached graphic design.

I think there is a fairly high connection between sensitivity

and creativity.

Sensitivity is a kind of bridge,

It is a tool, as if it were a pole,

It is a pole that allows you to address some problems,

I speak as a designer.

I think designers

We need to make an apology species of the concept,

You have to know what we communicate.

Many times he apparently communicates

But what is dedicated to many media

And what communicates rather little.

Perhaps because of the sensibility of philosophy

that everything we communicate is provided with content.

Marc as many of the highly sensitive people

You need to feel useful.

Solidarity pushed meritin.

He worked as a cooperative in Paraguay

And then contributed, as a chronicler,

To reveal the atrocities that were committed in 2009

with the natives in the Peruvian Amazon.

I materialized this a year after a book by an editorial

which is called "invisible editorial" with the idea, a little naif if you want,

to make visible what is invisible.

40% of the benefits obtained from the book

served to finance a specific project,

It is called "Ancestral School Project"

They are developing.

It is like a kind of addiction,

You feel linked to others

And you need the same as with the people you want at close level,

With other people the link is also established

And then projects is a unique way to help others

but to dedicate your skills

to something that is not just your personal interest

And this is the approach that has moved me.

If you consider yourself someone sensitive

And many things in the world shocked you

what you have to do is dare the step and use that virtue

because in the end it is a species of virtue.

Well, take that out because

That opens an original strategy that allows you to socialize a little,

open a little

And that is the problem that many times we have sensitive people

that you get in a kind of endless dialogue

If you dare you or not, something very atavistic,

Very old, very basic and you can.

A large part of very sensitive people

It has a wide sensory capacity.

His senses are increased.

Pain sensitivity is much higher, it hurts much more,

what people do that give you a blow to the back

Or they take you by the arm and they tell you Hello, ah as that hurts.

The smell of tobacco gives me arcades, it gets into my stomach

And it's not because it is against smokers,

It has to do with something physical,

I get the smoke snack to the stomach

And I want to vomit.

The noise puts the defensive, air conditioning a little,

Everything that is strident.

A person who detects him is aggressive,

In a negotiation in many cases I turn around and leave,

It is not worth it, there are things that money does not pay.

What is the reason for your consultation, in which I can help you?

Yes in general I am fine.

What happens is that lately I've been looking

To see if I could retire

And being thinking about the papers I have to do

I have broken the schemes.

They do not always get unlocked

and deactivate this cumulus of sensations or emotions.

It is then that Somatizany arises physical problems.

Your weak points are found in the skin and nervous systems,

Respiratory and digestive.

How do I worry a cosame, I get nervous,

How do I get nervous about guts

And if I stir my guts I get more nervous,

More fear of talking to people.

So Jero for what you tell me

You think you have some possibility

to enter a depression

Because you already know that the issue of high sensitivity

It is quite associated with depressions.

How do you see it, how do you feel about it?

The fact of feeling bad derived in low self -esteem and depression

And now I still have chronic diseases I feel better

And I don't feel so strange, I feel more normal.

Ok, it is true that I have had a bit difficult circumstances

But now I see it differently.

Usually the pas

They usually have more problems in everything that is skin and mucosa,

The mucosa is still more than an inner skin

Then your nervous system is easily charged

and this is generally reflected in skin and mucosa or contractures.

They are people who carry a doctors, therapists,

to try different techniques when the only thing they have

It is that characteristic of high sensitivity,

It is not a disease, it is a feature.

At the time they know they are not sick

It is simply a feature, because that already relieves them a lot.

It does not let them come with acquired dysfunctions

by the way.

In other words

that you are not enough

Well, you may have entered a depression.

The first step for improving the quality of life of the Pas spectrum

It is self -knowledge,

be aware of your sensibilities,

be aware of the advantages of sensibilities and self -affirm,

And secondly to protect yourself from excess information

They can receive a certain moment.

Throughout the day you are loading a lot of information

And when the mid -afternoon comes you begin to be saturated.

When I can't anymore, I have to stop,

Stop means that I close the mobile, I close the computer,

I'm going to my room, always have a room for me

And I put little light and simply tighten myself in bed

And I am there as if I meditated a kind of mental relaxation.

Meditation is the best tool I know

because a peace is able to maintain a balance

In day to day

And by meditating it is not going to sit, place in a place,

I'm going to be on,

By meditating it is understood that you are aware of your internal world

and of your external world.

"Make a breath between one sound and another"

Mindfulness or full attention is a meditation practice

whose roots are in Buddhism

although the religious component has been extracted.

Its application has spread in Western medicine and psychology.

His goal is that the body and mind synchronize

In an instant of present reality

and that the individual recover the balance inside.

It is a training to bring attention to the present moment

and do it in a special way

That would be the second part of the definition, that is, without judging

Without criticizing, without fighting.

Dr. Rodríguez Vega

It has been one of the pioneras to use it in Spain.

Since 2000 at the La Paz hospital in Madrid

Sessions are also made for patients and also for future therapists.

This type of meditation

It is beneficial for all pathologies.

From sclerosis to chronic pain.

It also helps fight anxiety and relapses in depression.

There are scientific studies

They show that brain activity

Change after eight weeks of meditation

and that the immune system is reinforced.

People who have this high sensitivity processing feature

I believe that Mindfulness can fit very well in some aspects.

Because with mindfulness the non -reactivity is promoted

This does not mean not feeling

means that the person feels

But not outside your emotional tolerance window

excessively activated

or on the contrary

Under the emotional tolerance window

But to be able to release emotions, thoughts more

and not remain rumiatatively.

Non -reactivity I think is a clear benefit

I could have the mindfulness.

Also the attitude of accepting experience, of not judging it,

the attitude of kindly relating to oneself,

what is called the emergence of the feeling of self -pity,

respect for oneself and acceptance of experience.

To have developed my professional career

as much as an actress and singer,

Be able to release my emotions through music and interpretation

It has been my great liberation.

I am another person since I dedicate myself to it

although since I was little I needed.

In the world of theater there are many people passed,

In fact I could tell you

that 99% of the people who dedicate themselves to art are pas.

That ability to perceive emotions, smells,

Seeing beyond a box is a country.

And that's why I think it's very important

that people know what is a time not to differentiate it

but for giving normal and natural behavior patterns

For those people.

What we are not weirdo

but we must respect the sensitivity of people.

It is not a disease and that is important,

What is, is a difference, a different way of being.

I think this is a fundamental point

For someone to feel identified

for the features of a person of high sensitivity

I may think of a disease

And that has to go to a neurologist to a psychologist is not necessary.

They are normal people.

Within that normality the first thing to do

is that the person becomes aware

of its perceptual and sensitive qualities

And once he becomes aware of all this

See the usefulness of being as one is.

We are stones on stones,

generations stones

That we act as Tales and we think how flowers.

Because a flower is the test

that in the midst of the sad

The sensitive is renewed.

The sensitive is renewed.

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