
Competition punishes Raúl García with two games for his expulsion

Competition punishes Raúl García with two games for his expulsion

The Competition Committee has decided to punish Raúl García with two sanction matches for the expulsion of what was subject last Sunday against Real Madrid.Athletic has a deadline to resort to appeal, which in no case will cancel the punishment, so it is certain that Navarro will not play this Saturday against Elche.The sanction will be extended to the first meeting of the next season.Mateu Lahoz, referee of Athletic-Real Madrid, explained in the minutes that Raúl García was expelled for "heading to an assistant referee looking at his face in the following terms: 'Your fucking mother already'.The withdrawal of license for two parties is the minimum penalty according to the articles of the regulation for this type of expulsions.

The allegations presented by Athletic included an affidavit of the footballer ensuring that he had not expressed himself in the terms declared by the referee.Article 117 says that "addressing the referees, managers or sports authorities in terms or with attitudes of contempt or inconsideration provided that the action does not constitute a more serious offense, will be sanctioned with suspension of two to three games or for time of up to a time of up to onemonth".The expulsion will have an added economic fine of 1.300 euros.

Raúl García left the meeting against Real Madrid more than counterpart.As soon as the game is finished, of which he was expelled in the 88th minute, he returned to the field to talk with the referee and make it clear that he had not issued any insult.The talk with Mateu did not leave him satisfied and the television cameras captured as he was going crying towards the costume zone.

The Resolution of the Competition Committee

Competición castiga a Raúl García con dos partidos por su expulsión

Suspend 2 games to D.Raul Garcia Escudero, by virtue of article/s 117 of the disciplinary code and with an accessory fine to the club in amount of 700.00 and 600.00 to the offender in application of the art.52.

Views the allegations and evidence provided by Athletic Club regarding the expulsion imposed in the 88th minute of the match to player D.Raúl García Escudero, this competition committee considers:

First.- The Alegan Club indicates in its brief that a manifest material error concurs in the arbitration act, as the expelled player did not utter in any way the expression reflected in the act, contributing to the effect of the affidavit of the same, as well as the postpartid statements of the postpartumTeam coach and video of the conversation held by the player at the end of the match with the arbitration trio, understanding that it was a misunderstanding by the referee.Therefore, request that such expulsion be left without effect.

In Las Rozas de Madrid, May 18, 2021, gathered the Competition Committee to see and resolve the incidents that occurred on the occasion of the match corresponding to the First Division category, held on May 16, 2021, among the Athletic Club clubsand Real Madrid C.F., in the sports facilities of both, seen the arbitration act and other documents referring to said meeting and by virtue of those provided by the articles of the Disciplinary Code of the Royal Spanish Football Federation that are cited and other precepts of general and relevant app.

Subsidiarily it is requested that in any case the eventual infraction in article 117 of the RFEF Disciplinary Code will be subsumitated, sanctioning the player with a maximum of 2 games.

Second.- It constitutes a repeated criterion of this Competition Committee, which the appreciation of a material error manifest in the arbitration act requires the contribution of evidence that unequivocally, beyond any reasonable doubt, proves well the absence of the reflected fact reflectedIn the minutes or its arbitrariness patent.

There is none of these cases in the case at hand, since the evidence provided cannot subvert the presumption of truthfulness of the arbitration act, since they are undoubtedly very respectable, they cannot distort what was indicated by the collegiate.

It does apply instead the subsidiary allegation of the Alegan Club, since this committee coincides in the fact that the conduct described in the act is subsumed in the infringing type established in article 117 of the Disciplinary Code of the RFEF, proceeding to impose the sanction of two parties ofsuspension.

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