
Norwegian army asks recruits to return underwear after leaving service

Norwegian army asks recruits to return underwear after leaving service

In Norway, the military authorities are taking the classic “voltión” of shorts to maximum levels. Now they are asked to be returned, so that another noble recruit can finish using them.

According to the AP, recruits in Norway have been ordered by order of higher-ups to return their underwear (breeches and socks) and, in the case of women, their bras as well.

Reuters/Wolfgang Rattay

We assume that these garments are sponsored by the Army, since this is with the objective that, once the military service is completed, the next group of recruits can wear them.

This strange and not very hygienic request is being made largely (although not solely) because the Norwegian Army is having a hard time with the lack of certain supplies, given the crisis in the supply chain stemming in large part from the pandemic.

This is "a challenging storage situation," the Norwegian Defense Logistics Organization said in a statement cited by AP.

Norwegian army asks recruits to return clothes underwear upon discharge

“This move is necessary as it provides the Armed Forces with greater volumes of garments available to new soldiers beginning their initial service.”

The information was corroborated by the spokesman for the militia, Hans Meisingset, who clarified that there would be nothing unhygienic about wearing someone else's pants, since all returned garments will go through "proper controls and cleaning."

Photo: Reuters

Thus, with a little soap and a good soaking in chlorine, “the reuse of garments is considered a good and sound practice”, as seen by the Norwegian military authorities.

According to local media, the reuse of clothing by Army recruits is not new in Norway... however, this wearing someone else's pants is. Recently, more than 8,000 recruits returned their outerwear at the end of their one-year military service.

According to the chain abc in the United States, the lack of supplies in the Norwegian Army is becoming more and more frequent. It is not only due to issues derived from the pandemic, but also due to finances, contracts and even a lack of certain sizes.

“A year ago, we saw the exact same shortcomings in form-fitting clothing that we see now, and earlier this fall, the largest and smallest shoe sizes were missing.” This situation could be due to errors when ordering material.

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