
Do you use the correct brass of bra?This is the way of knowing

Do you use the correct brass of bra?This is the way of knowing

Un brasier no debe sentirse “puesto”, por eso debes conocer tu talla correcta¿Usas la talla correcta de brasier? Esta es la forma de saber ¿Usas la talla correcta de brasier? Esta es la forma de saber

The bra.

If the incorrect size is used, risks can go beyond only discomfort, it can cause problems for breast tissue, irritation, poor circulation, back and back repercussions.

A bra should not feel “put”, so here you will find a guide of four simple steps to find the ideal size of bra, according to a famous brand of underwear.

Know your brazier, you need a tape, paper and pen to write down the results

¿Usas la talla correcta de brasier? Esta es la forma de saber

Step 1: Put on a bra, it must be the one that best stays, one that has no filling, or push up.This model should not get chubby, enroll, be loose, in front or that the straps fall, it must be the one that best goes with your body.


Take a tape on the side of the inches and measures your torso just below the bust, as shown in the following image:

If the measure you obtained is an odd number, round it to have an even number.

Example: If you got 33.5 Round it to 34, if you obtained 33, keep it 34, mention.


To obtain the Brasier Cup you must measure, in inches, the most prominent part of the bust: just at the center as seen in the following image.Example: 34 inches

Next, the busting contour carriers subtracts.The difference will result in the size of the cup.


Calculate your measure: it subtracts to the measure of step 3 the measure you obtained from step 2.Each inch of difference between the measure of the bust and the torso, will be your cup.

Source: El Heraldo de México

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