
What happens if you don't wear underwear |Health180

What happens if you don't wear underwear |Health180

Surely some people may sound a bit weird, but, it is something that commonly happens, many people do not wear underwear.But, this has, advantages or disadvantages?Here we will tell you what happens if you do not wear underwear.

You can also see: Is your underwear the right one?

However incredible it may seem, not to use, can improve your sex life.That's how it is;People can have much better perception of their body.Knowing your body makes your sexual performance better and also enjoy it more.

Qué pasa si no usas ropa interior | Salud180

Likewise, a study published by Winton Hill Technical Center, Cincinnati, reveals that prolonged use of underwear can cause infections on the vaginal lips, in changing wearing panties clothes, prevents propagen infections.

Some experts even recommend, from time to time to sleep without panties, ventilation is important to prevent irritation in the area.

Another advantage is that it improves circulation;By not having contact the spring of underpants with the skin, the blood flow improves.

EYE!It is important to maintain good hygiene and take care of the type of clothing you wear without underwear to avoid accidents or some infection, which could also be the case.It is better than to make a decision you go to your gynecologist so that he of his point of view.

This is what happens when you don't wear underwear.It is better than to make a decision you go to your gynecologist so that he gives you his point of view.

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