
$4,800 Youth Writing the Future Scholarship: How to register and what to do to collect bimonthly student aid?

$4,800 Youth Writing the Future Scholarship: How to register and what to do to collect bimonthly student aid?

Young students have several scholarships available to them so they can have some economic income and thus help their families get ahead and also so that they can continue their studies. A few days ago the Youth Writing the Future scholarship was announced and here we are going to tell you everything about it.

What is the Youth Writing the Future scholarship?

The goal of the Youth Writing the Future scholarship is to provide financial aid to all low-income Higher Education students who live or study in conditions of vulnerability, in areas of high and very high marginalization, and who have indigenous origin.

Those who are beneficiaries of this scholarship will receive a payment of 2,400 pesos which are delivered every two months during the school term (10 months) through bank cards. In the end, they will have a total of 24 thousand pesos.

Requirements to apply for the Youth Writing the Future 2021 scholarship

For any type of scholarship it is always important to meet some requirements and this is no exception, so pay attention.

  1. Be enrolled in a Public Institution of Higher Education in Mexico.
  2. Be up to 29 years old as of December 31, 2020, except if they study at Intercultural Universities, Indigenous Normal Schools, Normal Schools that The intercultural education model is taught by Rural Normal Schools, educational centers of the Coordinating Body of the Benito Juárez García Universities for Well-being, and the Health University of Mexico City and the state of Puebla.
  3. Having an estimated monthly income per family member of less than 3,718 pesos in urban areas and 2,622 pesos in rural areas (Poverty Limit by Income).
  4. Not be a beneficiary of another federal scholarship.

What documents are required to register?

When you register you will have to present the following documentation:

How to apply for the Youth Writing the Future 2021 scholarship?

Youth Writing the Future Scholarship of ,800 : How to register and what to do to collect bimonthly student aid?

In order to apply for this scholarship you will have to do it digitally, unless you cannot do it this way.

  1. You must enter this page https://subes.becasbenitojuarez.gob.mx.
  2. Create your account if you do not have one. In order to create one, you only have to enter your CURP, your email and generate a password.
  3. Activate your school record as follows:
  4. select where it says 'school information' in the 'profile' menu.
  5. Click on the name of your institution to see your file.
  6. And click on 'Activate'.
  7. Request the scholarship in the "Request scholarship" section within the "Application" menu. The "Available Programs" section will appear, this is the scholarship catalog with links to find out the details and requirements.
  8. You are heading towards the Youth Writing the Future 2021 scholarship and accept that you are applying for it.
  9. Fill out the questionnaire with your personal data, your academic information, school connection, school support you have, work performance, your home and housing data, your abilities, your expenses, what you know about the scholarship and protest letter.
  10. Attach your requested files and click 'Upload Files'.
  11. Finally, return to 'Request scholarship' and print your scholarship application to be able to use your folio and thus know if you were selected for the scholarship.

When will the next scholarship payment be made?

The date of the next one is still unknown payment, since the registrations will only begin from September 1 to the 20 of the same month and on October 13 you can check whether or not you were selected for the scholarship.


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