
Naked man suicide with a knife in Public Square in Spain

Naked man suicide with a knife in Public Square in Spain

Spain lived one of the most dramatic moments of recent times, after a man ran naked in front of the Plaza Roma de Zaragoza and took his life when stabbing.

The scene, as if it were part of a horror movie, caused panic among the inhabitants of the area, after the man, with apparent mental disorder, ran down the avenue, without assaulting anyone, with a knife in hand.

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Upon arriving at the square, where there is a great source, he started shouting while stlapping repeatedly, according to the local press, at the shout of Allah!, Data that the police have not confirmed.

Hombre desnudo se suicida con un cuchillo en plaza pública de España

Before the emergency, several national police officers went and despite their attempt to intervene, they only managed to get it out of the water already with serious injuries, so the doctors who came to the aid, could do little they could do.

According to reports, the man who was about 30 years old and suffered from some mental illness, however, so far the identity and reasons that led to committing suicide are unknown.

It should be noted that Spain records the greatest number of suicides in its history.Data corresponding to 2020 reflect an increase of 7.4% in the number of consummated suicides, up to a total of 3,941, more than 10 a day.

In other words, this figure is 2.7 times higher than the deceased by traffic accident (1,463) and which multiplies by 87 to that of murdered by gender violence (45).

Even with 300 deaths for this cause in 2020, suicide is the second cause of death among Spanish youth

To suicide deaths we must add attempts and suicidal ideation.According to WHO calculations, there would be about 20 attempts for each suicide.

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