
Style tips you must follow to wear a shirt well

Style tips you must follow to wear a shirt well
Step by step what you should know when going to buy a shirt, choose the correct model for you and the purposes you are proposing.

By Jorge Pérez

There are details in which you must look yes or yes to identify shirts for men that are effectively of good quality and that make you look exceptional.Next, our GQ tips list to know what to do from the number one moment - to go shopping - until the day you decide to use one as a summer overflower.

Pay attention, because this trip is long.But yes, it will solve your entire life in terms of style decisions.

How to buy a shirt?

A qué debes poner atención

Among the key points for a good shirt, you can't stop looking at the whales (the neck tips), the neck itself, the seams, the smooth ones of its shapes and the buttons.All this has a unique complexity and, as a general advice, we can tell you that if something does not convince you at first glance immediately discarded it.

Know the rules

Rules when buying a shirt that every man must consider:

  1. Si llegas a una tienda con un buen sentido de tus medidas y de lo que estás buscando, es más probable que encuentres algo ideal para cualquier atuendo.
  2. Considera que los hombros de la camisa deben estar ajustados a tus hombros y detenerse justo donde comienza el brazo.
  3. Algunas mangas suelen tener un espacio más grande en algunas prendas así que considera qué tipo de atuendo quieres y cómo deseas que se integre la camisa.
  4. Considera los materiales. Algodón, seda, lino, poly-blend. Todas ofrecen looks diferentes y no encajan con cualquier atuendo. Considera el material de un traje para complementar sin errar, y piensa en otras posibilidades para otros atuendos.
  5. Si vas a comprar una camisa con print, asegúrate de que encaje con el traje que usarás o con el resto del atuendo.
Tipos de camisa según tu tipo de cara y cuello

What shirt style use according to type of face?Yes, as you read it and even if you doubt it, the body of men is completely different from each other.Each person has characteristics that make them unique - a type of face, a height, a volume—.And in this case, we can tell you that:

Cortes: ¿regular o slim fit?

Consejos de estilo que debes seguir para lucir bien una camisa

Our recommendation will always be that you choose a regular court;However, you may be looking for a somewhat more fitted silhouette to show off your effort in the Gym or with the diet.In this regard, you must be very clear then what means that a shirt is Slim Fit.

¿Necesitas las mejores marcas?

Check the GQ guide to buy shirts, where you can find your ideal shirt and where we assure you that the price and quality are the best.Get ready to find your next armor in our list.

How to use a shirt?

La camiseta

Many men consider that this is a basic garment to wear with their shirts, but is it necessary?First of all, you have to know that an inner shirt is not the same as the Tshirt you use with your casual looks, this is a “layer base”, that is, a base layer, which should not be seen, it is a kind of"Underwear" that should be perfect.

Is it necessary to wear an inner shirt?All up to you.But these are the general rules.

Tipos de cuello

The neck structure of each shirt fulfills a specific function, in addition to helping to stylize our face.The collar of the traditional shirt is designed to hide the tie and give an unpolluted appearance.However, according to elegance codes there are shirts with others finished in the neck.Each of this silhouette fulfills a particular function.

Check our guide here to choose the neck that best goes with your style.

Para llevarla desfajada

What do you need to wear a shirt outside the pants?First, the appropriate length;Because dress shirts are usually longer and should not go free.Then, find a good look, have the right fit and know that you will not go to any formal event.

Camisas para verte delgado

Some men's shirts can really disadvant our figure if we have a few kilos of more.Certain cuts and materials highlight the body more, so if you don't have a muscular body you may not feel so comfortable in them.However, there are some valuable shirt alternatives that you can use to give a thinner look:

Camisas que te hacen ver más guapo

Do you want to always look exceptional?We tell you what are the types of shirt that will always give you that extra and make you see more handsome.

For more details about it, check our models guide that make you look much more attractive.

Tips para usar camisa de vestir y verte sexyCómo doblar las mangas de tu camisa

Essential to see you very professional, very willing and as a man in the total domain of the situation.

  1. Cuando te remangues la camisa recuerda que el objetivo es estar cómodo y fresco, no torturarte.
  2. ¡No te olvides de los botones! Muchas veces, en las prisas, creemos que todos los botones están desabrochados, pero hay veces que no, pues la mayoría de camisas, sin importar qué tan diferentes sean entre sí, incorporan un botón que "no se ve". Ese es el que se olvida y el que produce normalmente ese efecto abultado que queremos evitar. Este botón por lo general se encuentra en el antebrazo, justo en el reverso. No olvides en abrirlo para que las mangas de tu camisa quede más amplia, lo que facilitará el remangado.
  3. Aunque eres libre de remangarte la camisa como quieras, acá te dejamos cuatro maneras que te servirán de inspiración y que, aunque no lo creas, cumplen con funciones distintas.
  4. Debes conocer la talla de tu camisa. Será un fracaso si usas algo muy largo o corto.

Other uses

5 razones para comprar una sobrecamisa

You will surely have noticed that there are thicker shirts than others, which seems to be a more resistant cotton.We are talking in that case of overflows.Garments that stayed halfway between the classic American Shirt and a light jacket.Next, the reasons to get one or wear one of your most resistant shirts as if it were.


This jacket shirt - that we already mentioned above - is the extra layer that your casual outfits need.The layers are from the great successes of styling, especially when temperatures lower and we have several outerwear options to keep warm.For those formal and ultra looks, we no doubt, we chose to carry the coat that best remains to our body type.However, for casual outfits the shacket (or the shirt that goes up) is the most cool solution for these.

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