
Tell me what you want for 2022 and I'll tell you what color panties to wear

Tell me what you want for 2022 and I'll tell you what color panties to wear

Today is reel night. The new year 2022 is just around the corner, and that is why here we bring you the meanings of one of the most popular cabals that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is believed that the color of the underwear you wear to spend 12 o'clock directly affects what you want to call for the coming year, be it health, love, money or others.

Yellow: Without a doubt, this is one of the most popular and required. By wearing this color we are trying to attract wealth and economic abundance. If you want to be the next Farkas, this is your best option.

Tell me what you want for 2022 and I'll I'll tell you what color pants to wear

Red: This color attracts love, passion and desire. If you want to find your better half, go with red. This is your chance to stay in the friend zone.

Green: If what you want is to call health, this is yours. It is also related to nature and adventures, so if you consider yourself a traveling person who wants to discover and experience the world, it is also a good idea to do it.

White: This shade represents peace and harmony, so if it's what you need, don't think twice and wear them.

Black: This color attracts sex, pleasure and helps enhance eroticism. So put it no more.

What color are you going to wear?

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