
Textile Cartex Manufacturing Closes Operation and dismisses 1,250 people |The nation

Textile Cartex Manufacturing Closes Operation and dismisses 1,250 people |The nation

La compañía Cartex Manufactura despedirá a sus 1.250 empleados el próximo 7 de noviembre, para trasladar sus operaciones a Vietnam donde ya tiene presencia.Textilera Cartex Manufactura cierra operación y despide a 1.250 personas | La Nación Textilera Cartex Manufactura cierra operación y despide a 1.250 personas | La Nación

This was confirmed yesterday by Mauricio Brenes, director of operations of the company in Costa Rica.

The company, with 40 years of operating in the country, is a subsidiary of the American Hanes Brands Inc.And it has its plants in the Industrial Park of Carthage and in the vicinity of the Liceo de Greece.

In Costa Rica, the company cuts and manufacturing male underwear,

Together with the closure of the plants, the personal offices of HBI administrative services that assistance to the personnel of Carthage and Greece will be dismissed..

In the last six years, almost 10 were lost.000 jobs in Costa Rica, after the closure of several textile manufacturing companies.

Textilera Cartex Manufactura cierra operación y despide a 1.250 personas | La Nación

The sector exported $ 194 million in products last year, well below the $ 772 million in 2000, according to data from the Foreign Trade promoter.

Detail.The decision was made to optimize the production flow, since the teases suppliers in China, which entails a reduction in production costs, according to Brenes.

“It is a very difficult decision, which strictly responds to a business decision.It is evident that it has an impact on both cost, as customer service.For the company it is more profitable.

Employees were informed of the closing last September 5, two months before closing.Brenes explained that each employee will be paid his settlement and the month of notice.

“The closing decision is strictly due to business needs and does not reflect in any way the skills, dedication and commitment of employees, nor the performance reached.Looking for a greater competitive advantage of our business, the company has decided to consolidate the production of boxers in Asia, ”he said, in a press release, Javier Chacón, senior vice president of global operations for Hanes Brands.

The firm also produces socks, t -shirts, among others. Colaboró Oscar Rodríguez.

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