
Why do holes appear on the shirts: these are the five reasons

Why do holes appear on the shirts: these are the five reasons

Holes at the bottom of a shirt caused by wear.


11 diciembre, 201810:36
Silvia Val

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Have you ever bought a shirt and, weeks later, have you found a hole near the bottom that did not come when you bought it?It is one of the great fashion mysteries, as why you have a small small pocket in the main pocket of your jeans.This is one of the big problems that buyers live in silence.Or not so in silence, on the website of consultations, thousands of users formulate the same question and many others give random answers.We have the answer, or better, said, five.


The main generators of those horrible and small holes are our pants: buckles, buttons, studs and zippers create a constant abrasion, which eventually wears the fabric.This happens, for example, when cleaning.We spend hours and hours crouched, without realizing that our hips rub regularly against the kitchen surface causing excessive wear in the tissue of the shirt.And it's not just that case.If we get the shirt inside, it is touched against the belt, buttons or zipper, and more now, which has become fashionable the high waist.


The moment of laundry is hard, it is not only about putting a lot of clothes in the drum, you also have to separate it by colors and attend to the tissues, since there are some more delicate than others.The fasteners, belts or zippers can be a problem if they open on the machine.That is why it is recommended to wash the fasteners wrapped in a bag and classify the garments in with or without buttons, buckles and hooks, to prevent them from damaging the rest of garments.

Poor quality

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In 80% of cases, the tendency to make holes in the shirt is related to tissue quality.Fine fibers, cheap production and aggressive dye or bleaching processes affect product durability.The price of some products is synonymous with quality.That is, you do not pay only the brand, but the material used is its manufacture.Not all cotton garments are equal, this fabric also has different qualities.

To find out if the fabric is good or bad, we can grab it with both hands and stretch it to opposite sides.The thread must still keep the fabric attached firmly.If the fluff begins to the surface or loose threads are formed by gently rubbing the fabric between the fingers, this could be a sign of poor quality.Constant friction in the washing machine or the fact of putting on and removing the items is often enough to wear the shirts.

Washing machine

Many holes in blouses and t -shirts often appear after washing.Generally, it is the washing machine who is to blame.The buttons, rivets and fasteners can damage or get trapped in the machine drum.To avoid noise, turn the clothes upside down or wear washing bags.In addition, check that all drum components are in place so that they cannot damage the tissues.Holes can also be attributed to the expansion and contraction of fibers when they immerse themselves in warm water.

The moths

It has always been said that moths are not as harmless as we think.At least, for our garments.We can find them in different sizes and colors.Adult insects do not eat, so they don't damage clothes.However, they are dangerous because they put a lot of eggs, of which voracious larvae appear.Adults only bother their flight to people.Larvae need natural material such as cotton to feed and grow.

The holes that this insect creates are not simple to distinguish from the aforementioned.In general we can say that they are more irregular.The best thing to prevent its appearance is to use aerosols and repellent.However, if the moths are guilty, you must wash all your clothes and clean the internal walls of your closet.Alternatively, you can freeze clothes to kill the larvae.Lavender or a soap bar placed in the closet also keep pests away.

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