The menstrual cup is still the third option on the periods behind the compresses and tampons.The menstrual cup is an article that has evolved to adapt to our needs with the aim of making our lives much easier, being a reusable product that involves a great benefit for intimate hygiene, even for your pocket and for the environment.
The menstrual cup is a chalice -shaped container, made of medical grade silicone, which is introduced into the vagina to collect menstrual flow.And, it is very important to choose female intimate hygiene products that help us feel more comfortable, since over the years, articles evolve to adapt to our needs with the aim of making our lives easier, being beingone of them, the menstrual cup.
Unlike tampons or compresses, the menstrual cup does not absorb the flow, but it is maintained inside the cup until it is extracted and discarded.The menstrual cup does not alter the vaginal pH and is considered with our body, since it adapts to it.In addition, it can be used for many years, thus the generation of waste is minimal.
The first famous patent was from Leona Chalmers in 1937, made of vulcanized rubber.It was forgotten as a result of World War II and the impossibility of its production, giving preference to tampons.In 1987, the Menstrual Cup The Keeper returned, made of latex, of softer material but produced allergies.Currently, the most used material for the cup is medical silicone.
How to use a menstrual glass?
- Antes de utilizar la copa menstrual por primera vez, esteriliza la copa en agua hirviendo durante 3-5 minutos.
- Recuerda lavarte las manos con agua limpia y un jabón suave antes de ponerte la copa menstrual.
- Existen muchos métodos de plegados diferentes, así que experimenta para encontrar el tuyo. Dos de los más populares son: doblar en forma de cuña o en forma de C. Cuando introduzcas la copa, debes mantenerla doblada hasta que esté dentro de la vagina.
- Es importante relajar los músculos al insertar la copa menstrual, tienes que buscar y encontrar una posición en la que estés cómoda.
- Inserta la copa plegada y cuando toda la copa esté dentro, retira los dedos para que se abra. Si tienes dudas sobre cómo ha quedado, tienes que palpar la base de la copa y que no presente pliegues perceptibles. El tallo debe estar completamente dentro.
- Para retirarla, lávate las manos con agua un poco caliente y un jabón suave.
- Tira ligeramente del tallo hasta que puedas tocar la base. Presiona suavemente la base de la copa para deshacer el efecto ventosa y poder retirarla.
- Una vez retirada la copa menstrual, vacía el flujo recogido, y enjuaga la copa con agua y vuelve a insertarla.
- Una vez finalizado el periodo, pon a hervir la copa durante 3-5 minutos en agua para desinfectarla, y guarda la copa en la bolsa o recipiente.
Benefits when using a menstrual cup
Avoid irritations
Sometimes, the use of tampons and compresses is related to vaginal dryness, irritations or infections such as candidiasis.Menstrual glasses are hypoallergenic, since they do not contain harmful chemicals.In addition, they reduce dryness and irritations in the area.
It is reusable
Menstrual glasses are reusable, they can last up to 10 years, and their elaboration is less pollutant than those of buffers and compresses.You just have to wash it after each use and save it in its corresponding container.
It is comfortable
You can wear it up to 12 hours in a row, without producing discomfort, reducing the smell and you will feel much cleaner.
You will save money
You will save on female hygiene products, since they are quite expensive, you just have to buy the menstrual cup once every time.
Adaptable models for each woman
There are different models, both for beginners, as with an organic or organic applicator, of different sizes and different sizes.
Menstrual Cup types
Each brand makes a different qualification.Most use the letters S, M and L, although others choose A and B.Choosing a size for your menstrual cup depends on many factors, such as the amount of vaginal flow, whether or not you have had children, whether the birth has been natural, if the cervix is high or low, etc..
Different menstrual cup brands
Marina CalmacheThe best way to express myself is writing, and what better to do it here.Very excited and very excited in this new stage.Murcia.
Etiquetas Compresas, Copa menstrual, TamponesPrevious