
The cold and school: How to keep the boys warm without causing them discomfort - Society - Elonce.com

The cold and school: How to keep the boys warm without causing them discomfort - Society - Elonce.com
The first days of cold have already begun to sneak into the classrooms. May began plunged into the second wave of a pandemic that forces schools to have windows and doors open to renew the air and thus prevent the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus and reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases. Given the constant draft, the clothes students wear to class became a priority.
Like "onions"
“Warming up is not synonymous with dressing in 20 pieces, but rather it is about choosing the best quality clothing possible. The first layer seeks a 'second skin' effect that is achieved thanks to a thermal undershirt. It is not advisable to wear cotton clothing attached to the body because it causes perspiration to stick and, later, the body ends up cooling. The function of the second layer is insulation, so a good choice is a sweater or wool coat and, thirdly, a jacket that allows movement in the arms”, suggests Javier Parodi, a clinical doctor. He explained that "the clothes have to be warm, but also comfortable, that's why the first layer of this dressing like an onion, as far as possible, should be thermal." Thermal T-shirt and leggings and on top of that more warm clothes, like pullover and wool sweater and finally a jacket," he said. In the doctor's words, "dressing up doesn't always mean a lot of clothing. It doesn't make sense, the best thing is, if we can, to choose the quality and type of fabric so that they don't look like a robot," he said. "It's a myth that the cold makes you sick, the only illness it can give you is hypothermia. but that is in very extreme cold. For a cold or flu to occur, there has to be a germ going around," explained the doctor. In some schools they suggest that students wear blankets or ponchos, because that frees up their arms. There is a deep-rooted belief that we can catch a cold or get the flu because we have "taken cold”. But the experts refute it and assure that the boys can be exposed to the cold taking the necessary precautions. For example, bronchial pictures could be avoided with warm measures and a healthy diet that strengthens the immune system. "It is a myth that they get sick because they are cold. It is true that during these months they are more vulnerable, but we must bear in mind that it is not because of the cold itself, but because during that time viruses proliferate that inhabit certain characteristics. They get sick if they are exposed to causal agents such as viruses, bacteria, germs or allergens,” says Celeste Celano, head of Pediatrics at the Caseros Model Sanatorium. I hope that this winter, thanks to the measures of adequate air circulation, even the diseases typical of the season will decrease, since not only will the circulation of coronavirus be avoided, but also of other seasonal germs.” So, for an infection occurs, the presence of the "little bug" that originates it (virus, bacteria) is necessary. The cold can contribute in some way to making it easier for them to find their way, but it is not by itself the ultimate cause of a cold or the flu. “In our nasal mucosa we have a kind of villi, called cilia, which act as a internal broom. The cold can make it not work as it should, favoring infection. The use of the chinstrap is an advantage that helps filter particles, germs and heat the air so that the currents, from the respiratory point of view, are not so harmful”, explains Parodi.
How does the cold affect health?
Front of cold dry, wet or frost. The only way to combat it is by wrapping yourself up well, although no matter how much you implement, there are times when it is impossible to escape. "The important thing is that there is a balance between ventilation and shelter and let's not forget that every picture is Covid until proven otherwise," says Parodi. The cold causes a lower blood supply to the extremities. This reduction in blood flow means there are fewer white blood cells to fight disease. Therefore, with the cold our defenses are less effective and this causes greater exposure to viruses and other threats that can affect our body. A temperature below 10ºC can reduce memory, response speed and the executive functions of the gray matter of our brain. “There must be flexibility in the classroom in terms of academic demands because attention is always altered by internal or external stimuli. With the cold, the body does not have the necessary energy to develop the cognitive process because the blood is distributed to the muscles to combat the low thermal sensation. For this reason, it is essential to keep the heating on despite having the windows open”, analyzes Gustavo Abichacra, pediatrician and former president of DISFAM Argentina. “It is important that children, before leaving home, eat hot drinks and caloric meals to increase body temperature. Also, they should have their seats away from drafts. Families must be careful to send enough shelter, and at the same time comfortable so that they are protected from the cold and can carry out their tasks with free movement”, says Celano.

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