
Why are men always with their hands in their pants

Why are men always with their hands in their pants

It is curious that most men always have their hands "near the intimate parts", still regardless of who they are.For many, it is a "almost natural" reflection, but why do they?

Sometimes it is only about accommodating the pants or previous clothes and this is a way to do it more subtly.But the truth is that it has its explanation.The Men's Health portal synthesized it in three reasons why men cannot stop having their hands in the pants.

-Para proteger sus partes: La autora del libro "Detección de las mentiras humanas y lenguage corporal 101: Tu guía para el leer el comportamiento no verbal" (Human Lie Detection and Body Language 101: Your Guide to Reading People's Nonverbal Behavior), Vanessa Van Edwards, explica que los hombres hacen este acto porque quieren proteger sus partes, de esta forma se sienten más seguros y cómodos.

Van Edwards adds: "A hand there can be a protection against a friend who gives you a blow or a child who throws a ball".This could explain why so many soccer players appear on television by accommodating the penis in front of thousands of people ".

Por qué los hombres siempre están con las manos en los pantalones

-Mejora sus nervios: De acuerdo a un estudio realizado por Frontiers in Psychology los hombres tienden a tocar sus partes del cuerpo de una forma no erótica para liberar oxitocina, hormona que ayuda a calmar los nervios.Specialists explain that most men who get nervous when they speak in public tend to touch each other to reduce anxiety.

That may be the cause to explain when many men throw themselves in the armchair and put their hand near their parts in search of a moment of relaxation.Of course, it would be very different to do it in an office for example.For this it is recommended to slightly rub the arms or neck to reduce anxiety.

-Para sentir que son dominantes: El psiquiatra Rob Kominiarek fundador del Alpha Male Medical Institute, explica que los hombres llegan a tocar sus partes íntimas, ya sea consciente o inconscientemente, para demostrarles a otras personas quién es el líder.

Face a rival with the hands in the pockets could mean that you are consciously or unconsciously trying to establish who commands, says Rob Kominiak.

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