
For this Monday, the SMN renews the orange alert for extreme heat for the province of Chaco

For this Monday, the SMN renews the orange alert for extreme heat for the province of Chaco

With a temperature of 31º at 6 in the morning with clear skies, a maximum above 40º is expected in the capital of Chaco between 2 and 4 p.m. this Monday, thus projecting a scenario in which the city of Resistance will be among the hottest on this day.

In the case of the interior, the area affected by the climatic phenomenon includes the Departments Comandante Fernández – Chacabuco – October 12 – April 2 – Fray Justo Santa María de Oro – General Belgrano – Independencia – Libertador General San Martín – Mayor Luis Jorge Fontana – July 9 – O'Higgins – Presidency of the Plaza – Quitilipi – San Lorenzo – Sargento Cabral – Tapenagá, May 25, Bermejo, General Dónovan, Libertad, May 1, San Fernando, Maipú, southeast of Almirante Brown, southeast of General Güemes, northwest of Almirante Brown and northwest of General Güemes.

According to the official Forecast of Alerts and Warnings of the SMN, the orange level implies a moderate to high effect on health. The official weather agency warns that exposure to heat can be very dangerous, especially for risk groups. The recommendations of the SMN for this type of event are indicated by the Health organisms.

Para este lunes, el SMN renueva el alerta naranja por calor extremo para la provincia del Chaco

We review some of them below and suggest referring to the official information:

– Increase your fluid intake without waiting until you are thirsty to maintain adequate hydration.– Avoid exposing yourself to the sun in excess, or in the middle of the day (between 11 am and 5 pm).– Avoid alcoholic or very sugary drinks. – Avoid large meals– Eat vegetables and fruits.– Reduce physical activity.– Wear light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing; hat, dark glasses.– Stay in ventilated or conditioned spaces.– Remember that there is no pharmacological treatment against heat stroke and only the classic methods, mentioned above, can prevent and counteract it.

Faced with intense thirst and dry mouth, temperature greater than 39º C, excessive sweating, a feeling of suffocating heat, dry skin, exhaustion, dizziness or fainting, stomach pains, lack of appetite, nausea or vomiting, headaches, among others , you should act as follows:

– Seek medical assistance immediately.– Move the affected person to the shade, to a cool and quiet place.– Try to cool them down, wet their clothes and give them fresh water to drink.

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